Checking in on Yelp may be easy, but what you get in return for checking in may be extra rewarding. This article will explain these things Yelp calls a badge.


  1. 1
    Understand some of the names of some of the most-common and best obtained badges.
    Christopher Batchelor

    Christopher Batchelor

    Yelp Elite Member
    Christopher Batchelor has been writing reviews on Yelp since 2010. He became an Elite Member on Yelp beginning in April 2018 and he has written over 1020 reviews and uploaded over 650 photos.
    Christopher Batchelor
    Christopher Batchelor
    Yelp Elite Member

    Try getting some of the easier badges first. Elite Yelp Member Chris Batchelor says: "The easiest badges to get on Yelp are the Rookie badge and the True Yelper badge. To get the Rookie badge, you just have to check in to 2 places within a month. For the True Yelper badge, first check in to a business, then review it."

  2. 2
    Learn how to Check in with the Yelp Mobile Application.
  3. 3
    Check into any business. For your very first check-in on Yelp, you'll happily be rewarded with the "Rookie" badge.
  4. 4
    Learn how to Find and Write a Business Review on Yelp.
  5. 5
    Check in and then write a review of that business (in that order) and you'll receive the "True Yelper" badge. This one is a classic and easy badge to obtain that combines both challenging major topics of the service.
  6. 6
    Check in to about 20 places in the same week, and you'll receive the "Pro" badge.
  7. 7
    Check in to businesses everyday for a period of 6-7 days, and you'll be awarded the "Mobile Streaker" badge.
  8. 8
    Check in to three different domestic shopping places in one day, and you'll receive the "Domestic" badge.
  9. 9
    Know that these badges above, are the easiest to obtain, but through more and more check-in usage, you'll see others arrive. Some badges have minimum amounts of check-ins, while others may have different chores you'll have to complete.
    • Realize that Yelp tends to add and subtract badges at their will, but the major badges tend to stay put. If you don't see a certain badge on this list, don't worry. Yelp has potentially retired that badge or this site hasn't listed that badge yet.
  10. Advertisement


  • If you don't keep checking in to businesses, you'll end up losing your Beginner badge, so be extra vigilant in checking in with the app.
  • You can't get hard copies of your badges like tvtag stickers; but being tvtag is more for entertainment items, these two are different.

About This Article

Co-authored by:
Yelp Elite Member
This article was co-authored by Christopher Batchelor. Christopher Batchelor has been writing reviews on Yelp since 2010. He became an Elite Member on Yelp beginning in April 2018 and he has written over 1020 reviews and uploaded over 650 photos. This article has been viewed 100,552 times.
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Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 23, 2021
Views: 100,552
Categories: Yelp