Many people avoid or delay mental health treatment because it's seen as unaffordable. Whether you're insured or uninsured, there many different resources out there to help you find therapy and mental health support that is affordable. If you are working or in school, you may already have access to mental health services that you may not be aware of. Depending on the mental health issue you're facing, there are many ways to engage with your community and find the help you need.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding Resources through School or Work

  1. 1
    Seek counseling through your school or college. If you are a current student, contact your school counselor or the university's counseling center about options available. Generally, students don't have to pay extra for therapy sessions if there is a clinic or mental health program on campus.[1]
    • If you're in high school, there may be counseling available through your school or off-campus centers that your school contracts with to provide mental health services. There may also be support groups or other resource information available through your school counselor.
    • Many primary and secondary schools also have social workers to connect students and families to help. Try your school social worker and ask about resources – see what’s available at school or in the community to get access to low-cost mental health clinics, either free or on a sliding fee scale.
    • Most colleges and universities recognize that students can go through difficult times. Counseling services are confidential. Contact your student services office or the on-site counseling center for more information about programs and services. If you explain your financial situation, they should be able to direct you to additional mental health options in your area.
    • Whether you are a part-time or full-time undergrad or grad student, universities support the mental health needs of their students, and possibly their significant others.
  2. 2
    Connect with your employer's Employee Assistance Program for counseling. If you are working part-time or full-time, contact your human resources department where you work. Larger companies will generally offer an Employee Assistance Program that encompasses access to mental health services.[2]
    • When you contact your human resources department, just ask if there is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the phone number available. Your company will not likely provide counseling directly, but the EAP for your company will contract with local counselors in your area.
    • Call the number available for your company's EAP program, and complete an over-the-phone consultation. The information shared is confidential and will not be shared with your employer. The consultation will likely lead to a referral to a local therapist or other resources as needed.
    • Some EAP counselors can also offer temporary general support until you find suitable mental health services. This may depend on your situation and location.
    • Ask the EAP program about how many therapy sessions are free. Generally, a limited number of visits are free, possibly three to six. But there is no limit on how often you can call the EAP program for referrals and information.
  3. 3
    Contact a local university's psychology or behavioral health department. Students in training to become psychologists, counselors, or psychiatrists may offer low or no-cost counseling, depending on the university. See if your local university has any centers for mental health professionals in training.[3]
    • Find out if therapy sessions with graduate students are available, and if they are open to the public.
    • Ask if there are any research studies where therapy is offered for free. Most psychology research is focused on behavioral testing and assessment, but researchers may be able to provide resources and information about therapy services that fit your needs.
  4. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Assessing Options Whether Insured or Uninsured

  1. 1
    Identify if your health insurance covers behavioral health visits. With the creation of the Affordable Care Act, health insurance providers are required to include mental health services under their policies. Check your health insurance policy about the costs of mental health services and individual therapy sessions.[4]
    • Most current health insurance providers require a co-pay for each visit, whether it's a doctor's visit or a therapy visit. You may only need to pay a small co-pay for each session. Also check to see if services apply towards your deductible or not.
    • Check with your health insurance provider about if there is a cap on the number of therapy sessions that can be billed. You may have access to only 20 visits or less that are covered by your provider. Contact your health insurance provider for specific details.
  2. 2
    Contact local therapists about sliding scale fee options. Whether you're insured or uninsured, ask about sliding scale fees via private pay. Most counselors are willing to negotiate their fees to a reduced rate if you are having difficulty with the costs.[5]
    • Even if the therapist you've contacted is unable to provide services at a rate you can afford, ask for a referral to another therapist or other counseling center that can accommodate your needs.
    • Talk with your therapist about a sliding scale fee if you have used up your therapy sessions that are covered through your health insurance or via another program like EAP.
  3. 3
    Find a community health center that offers mental health services. Across the United States, there are community health centers that address medical and mental health needs for those who are uninsured or underinsured. They may be able to offer free or low cost mental health services such as therapy.[6]
    • Search for local community health centers that are federally funded by searching the Health Resources and Services Administration Data Warehouse:
    • While not all community health centers offer mental health services directly, they may be able to connect you with low or no-cost services that fit your needs. For example, if you are depressed or anxious after experiencing domestic violence or sexual trauma, they may be able to connect you to counseling services via non-profits that can help with your condition.
    • You might also look through your local United Way for the nearest free community health clinics in your area. Most of these offer medical and mental health care, substance abuse help, and financial assistance. Depending on funding, some agencies can also help with costs like copays and prescriptions.
  4. 4
    See if you are eligible for medical and mental health care via Medicaid or Medicare. If your income and family size combined is below the poverty line, you may be eligible for Medicaid which covers medical and behavioral health services. If you are over 65, you are likely eligible for Medicare which also covers medical and mental health services for people in the United States.[7]
    • In all states, you can qualify for Medicaid based on income, family status, household size, disability, and other factors combined. Only some states allow Medicaid access based on income and family size alone.
    • Find out if your state has expanded Medicaid access. This can help to determine if you can qualify based on income:
    • Medicare does not work like Medicaid. It is a federally funded program only, so eligibility does not vary state by state. If you are over 65 and want to know about mental health services under Medicare, review what is covered on the Medicare website:
  5. 5
    Talk with your health care provider about medication options in lieu of therapy. For some people, medication can be sufficient to help them with their anxiety or depression symptoms. While a combination of therapy and medication is often best, consider talking with your health care provider about if your symptoms are manageable by medication.[8]
    • If you have severe depression or another form of severe mental illness, medication may be a key part of your recovery and well-being.
    • Make sure that you discuss the costs of your medication with your health care provider. There may be generic brand medications for very low cost, or prescription drug help through a pharmaceutical company. If you are without insurance and low income, find out if you may be eligible for medication assistance via Needy Meds:
    • If you are having trouble with side effects, or want to discontinue your medications due to cost, talk first with your provider about other options that may not have been discussed. Avoid quitting a medication suddenly, as this may have detrimental effects.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Reaching out to Your Community for Support

  1. 1
    Find support groups that are free or low-cost. Depending on your mental health concern, there may be free or low-cost support groups in your city or county that can help you find some relief. Many support groups are run by mental health professionals or people who have experienced the same concerns as you.[9]
    • If you are struggling with a substance use disorder such as alcohol dependence or addiction, consider reaching out to Alcoholics Anonymous or another addiction support group:
    • If you have been struggling with a mental health condition for many years, you may find encouragement and guidance by joining a support group through the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Look for weekly support groups in your area:
    • Contact a local counseling center about to see if they have low or no-cost support groups that fit your needs. For example, many counseling centers offer grief and loss or divorce support groups for those coping with life transitions.
  2. 2
    Contact your place of worship for therapy or counseling. Many larger churches and synagogues have a variety of services to support the spiritual and mental health needs of their congregation. Depending on your place of worship and the size of your religious community, there may be free counseling available on-site. [10]
    • Talk with your pastor, rabbi, or other religious leader about your mental health concerns. They may be able to provide regular meetings with you about any issues you have.
    • Identify if your place of worship offers counseling for individuals, families, and couples. There may be marriage counseling available, or support groups related to grief and loss.
  3. 3
    Read self-help books or articles about mental health. Self-help information can provide insight into your situation. Learn about your condition from a variety of sources and perspectives.[11]
    • Find books written by mental health professionals on the topic that interests you. Many used bookstores offer self-help books at a reduced rate. Consider also borrowing books through your local public library.
    • Remember that self-help books can provide insight, but cannot treat your condition for you. Be wary of solely relying on self-help books as guidance for how to treat your mental health concern.
  4. 4
    Practice self-care and stress reduction. Coping with your mental health condition involves reducing stressors. By taking care of your mind and body on a daily basis, you can feel more relaxed and rested.[12] Consider these ways to boost your well-being:[13]
    • Spend more time with the people you love, rather than the people or things that stress you out. Having support from a few good friends can make a big difference.
    • Make sure to get plenty of sleep. Avoid sleeping too much or too little. Make sure you feel refreshed when you get up in the morning.
    • Find ways to feel centered and more spiritually connected. Meditate or do yoga.
    • Exercise. Take time to walk, run, bike, and swim. Get outdoors and get moving.
    • Focus on eating a balanced diet.
  5. Advertisement



About This Article

Liana Georgoulis, PsyD
Co-authored by:
Licensed Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Liana Georgoulis, PsyD. Dr. Liana Georgoulis is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 10 years of experience, and is now the Clinical Director at Coast Psychological Services in Los Angeles, California. She received her Doctor of Psychology from Pepperdine University in 2009. Her practice provides cognitive behavioral therapy and other evidence-based therapies for adolescents, adults, and couples. This article has been viewed 28,116 times.
37 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: March 23, 2023
Views: 28,116
Categories: Healing Therapies

Medical Disclaimer

The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
