Want to liven up your garden with attractive and hardy landscape timber edging, but not sure where to begin? We’re here to help. Landscape timber is a great choice for a garden—its natural look is more attractive than steel, and it’s much more durable than plastic. Even better, it’s relatively simple to install. We’ll walk you through creating edging on a flat surface or on a slope: read on for our comprehensive guide on how to install landscape timbers.


Mark where your lanscape timbers will go.

  1. Set up mason lines to mark the locations of your landscape timbers. For a simple garden edge with a rectangular design, set up stakes at all 4 corners of your garden, and pull a mason line taut between each stake. If your planned garden is large enough that it’s difficult to keep a single line taut between two stakes, add an additional stake midway along your garden’s length or width.[1]
    • If you don’t have a mason line, any other kind of string can work just as well.
    • For ease of access, try not to have your timbers set at a width of more than 4 feet (1.2) meters from each other if you’re planning on creating a garden.[2]
    • Although the length of the rectangle can be as long as you’d like, if the rectangle is too long, it’ll be difficult to reach your plants without stepping in your garden.[3]
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Create trenches for your timbers.


Place your timber into the trenches.

About This Article

Nihal Shetty
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Nihal Shetty. Nihal Shetty is a Writer and Editing Fellow at wikiHow who splits his time between Michigan and Mexico City. Before his role at wikiHow, he was an instructor of Russian literature at the University of California, Berkeley. Nihal received a BA in Comparative Literature from Columbia University and an MA in Russian at Berkeley. This article has been viewed 9,172 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: June 27, 2022
Views: 9,172
Categories: Garden Projects
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