Your finger and toenails should be strong and healthy in appearance, free of ridges, dents, and discolorations.[1] If you're worried your nails aren't as healthy as they could be, there are many steps you can take to better your nail health. Make an effort to care for your nails, incorporating regular grooming and cleaning into your routine. Monitor your nails on a regular basis, watching out for signs of disease or fungal infections. You should avoid behavior that can harm your nails, like biting your fingernails or overdoing manicures and pedicures.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Caring for Your Nails

  1. 1
    Clean your nails regularly. Like your hands, your nails should be washed regularly. When washing your hands, make sure to gently scrub the surface of your nails. You should also scrub the undersides with soap and water to remove harmful bacteria trapped under the nails.[2]
  2. 2
    Keep your nails dry. When nails are wet, bacteria can more easily grow underneath your fingernails. Always dry your nails thoroughly after washing them. You should wear gloves when doing household chores, like washing dishes or cleaning with products containing chemicals.[3]
  3. 3
    Moisturize your nails with lotion. Like your skin, your nails may need moisturizer on occasion as well. Water can dry out natural oils in nails, which need replenishing with an over-the-counter moisturizer. When using lotion, make sure to rub some moisturizer onto the surface of each nail.[4]
    • Pick a gentle moisturizer free of a lot of chemicals or added scents.
    • If you develop a rash after starting a new moisturizer, cease use. You may have a mild allergy to that brand.
  4. 4
    Clean your clippers and nail grooming equipment. You should clean clippers and other nail grooming equipment regularly. This can prevent you nails from getting exposed to bacteria. You can clean toenail and fingernail clippers with antibacterial soap and water. Make sure to dry completely before use.[5]
  5. 5
    Soak toenails before clipping. Toenails can sometimes become thick and difficult to trim. If this is the case, soak your toenails in warm water before cutting. Mix a teaspoon of salt in with a pint of water. Soak your toenails for 5 to 10 minutes before trying to trim them.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Using Supplements and Creams for Healthy Nails

  1. 1
    Use thick moisturizers for cuticle care. Cuticles are the thin layer of skin near the bottom of the nail, where it connects to the finger. Cuticles often get dry, resulting in peeling and flaking. In order to keep cuticles healthy, apply a thick moisturizer to your cuticles. Ointments and creams are best over typical lighter lotions.[7]
    • The American Academy of Dermatology recommends petroleum jelly for cuticle care.
    • Ointments get messy, so try applying them to your cuticles before bed. It can get cumbersome to have sticky ointment on your fingertips during the day.
  2. 2
    Try lotions containing alpha-hydroxy acids or lanolin for brittle nails. Nails usually get brittle due to repeated exposure to wet environments. If you're doing activities that get your hands wet frequently, like swimming or dishwashing, your nails may become brittle. You can apply lotion to brittle nails to help strengthen them. For the best effect, go for lotions with alpha-hydroxy acids or lanolin. You can check a lotion's ingredient list for these substances, which are known to help rebuild nail strength.[8]
    • You should also try wearing gloves if you're doing something like washing dishes. This can help keep your nails dry, preventing them from becoming brittle.
  3. 3
    See a dermatologist for discolored nails. White, yellow, or green nails are often the result of a fungal infection. In fact, 50% of nail discolorations are due to infections caused by common fungi found in air, dirt, and soil. If your nails become discolored, make an appointment with a dermatologist for evaluation. He or she can recommend ointments, supplements, or creams to treat the issue.[9]
  4. 4
    Ask your doctor about iron supplements. Iron deficiencies can sometimes be the cause of brittle nails.[10] If your nails remain brittle after using lotion, talk to your doctor about iron supplements. A simple blood test can help detect an iron deficiency, and your doctor can prescribe the appropriate dose of an iron supplement.
  5. 5
    Try biotin. Biotin is a natural supplement. Some research indicates biotin may help with nail health. If you want to keep your nails strong, ask your doctor about introducing a biotin supplement into your diet.[11]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Taking Precautions to Avoid Nail Problems

  1. 1
    Avoid biting your nails. Biting your nails is a bad habit than can damage your overall nail health. You can end up damaging the tissue surrounding your nails, making it harder for nails to grow. If you bite your nails, take steps to quit.[12]
    • Trim your nails short as this can help you resist the temptation to bite. You can also use foul-tasting nail polish or place tape or stickers over your nails.
    • Identify what triggers you to bite your nails. You may bite in response to stress, boredom, or anxiety. Try to know when you're going into a situation where you may be tempted to bite your nails and take steps to avoid biting. You could, for example, play with a stress ball or a small ball of silly putty.
    • Give yourself time. Nail biting, like any bad habit, will not change overnight. It may take a few months before you've broken the habit of biting your nails.
  2. 2
    Do not pull off hang nails. If you have a hangnail on your toenail or fingernail, do not pull it off. This can rip tissues near your cuticles, causing pain or infection. Instead, clip off hangnails using nail clippers.[13]
  3. 3
    Choose nail polish removers wisely. When using products like nail hardeners or nail polish removers, opt for less harsh brands. Go for acetone-free types of nail polish removers. Avoid switching nail polish too often, as overuse of nail polish remover can weaken your nails.[14]
  4. 4
    Be careful about manicures and pedicures. Manicures and pedicures can be a fun way to spruce up your finger and toenails. If you bite your nails, a manicure can actually help motivate you to stop. However, if you regularly get manicures and pedicures, take precautions.[15]
    • Make sure any salons you use are licensed and the manicurist and pedicurists you work with are licensed by the state board.
    • Avoid having your cuticles removed, as this can lead to an infection.
    • Make sure to have your nail technician sterilize any tools he or she will be using on your nails.
    • Ask if foot baths are cleaned regularly.
  5. 5
    Select appropriate footwear. Shoes can make a big difference when it comes to nail health. Make sure you select shoes that leave about half an inch of wiggle room for your toes. Alternate which shoes you wear each day, and always wear socks.[16]
    • When using public showers or pools, wear flip flops as this can prevent your toes from being exposed to bacteria.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Monitoring Your Nails

  1. 1
    Recognize and treat fungal infections. If you have a fungal infection in your finger or toenails, work on taking steps to treat that infection. Recognize the signs of a fungal infection and treat is as needed. Nail fungus usually appears as white or yellow spots just under the tips of your finger or toenail.[17]
    • Mild nail fungus may not require treatment, especially if the conditions is not bothering you. However, if your nails have hardened due to fungus, and are causing your pain, medication may help.
    • See a dermatologist if nail fungus is bothering you. Depending on the severity of your infection, and your medical history, your dermatologist may prescribed oral anti-fungal medications, medicated nail polish, or medicated cream. In rare cases, nail removal may be necessary.
  2. 2
    Watch for signs of melanoma. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. In rare cases, melanoma can be detected under a fingernail. As with any cancer, the earlier you detect melanoma the better your chances of survival. Watch for dark colored streaks under your finger or toenails that increase in size over time. Have these kinds of discolorations evaluated by a dermatologist.[18]
  3. 3
    Watch for changes in your nails. The color and texture of your nails can indicate underlying health problems. Keep an eye on your nail color. If you notice unusual colors or changes in colors, you may want to see a doctor or dermatologist for evaluation.[19]
    • Rough nails with ridges, nails with side-to-side lines, and nails with white streaks or spots may be a sign of kidney disease.
    • An early sign of arthritis may be cysts near your cuticles.
    • Psoriasis, a skin conditions characterized by scaly red patches on the body, can show up around your nails. Watch for nicks or pits on your nails, black lines, redness, or white patches.
    • Keep in mind nail changes are rarely the first sign of an underlying medical condition. If you have other physical symptoms combined with changes in your nails, make an appointment with your doctor for evaluation.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you moisturize your nails?
    Marta Nagorska
    Marta Nagorska
    Nail Artist
    Marta Nagorska is a Nail Technician and Nail Art Blogger based in London, UK. She runs the blog, Furious Filer, where she gives tutorials on nail care and advanced nail art. She has been practicing nail art for over 5 years and graduated from Northampton College with distinction with a Nail Technician and Manicurist degree in 2017. She has been awarded the top spot in the OPI Nail Art Competition.
    Marta Nagorska
    Nail Artist
    Expert Answer
    You can use a product like cuticle oil to nourish and moisturize your nails.

About This Article

Marta Nagorska
Co-authored by:
Nail Artist
This article was co-authored by Marta Nagorska. Marta Nagorska is a Nail Technician and Nail Art Blogger based in London, UK. She runs the blog, Furious Filer, where she gives tutorials on nail care and advanced nail art. She has been practicing nail art for over 5 years and graduated from Northampton College with distinction with a Nail Technician and Manicurist degree in 2017. She has been awarded the top spot in the OPI Nail Art Competition. This article has been viewed 181,122 times.
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Co-authors: 16
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 181,122