The Winchester Model 190 is a semi-automatic 22 caliber rifle first produced in 1966. You'll need to load the gun through the magazine tube located beneath the barrel.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Part One: Loading

  1. 1
    Select the right ammo. The first time you load and shoot a Winchester Model 190, you should use standard velocity .22 LR ammo.
    • There is no specific brand you need to look for.
    • As an older gun, the Winchester 190 generally works best with conventional "no frills" ammunition. It was also considered a "budget gun" in its time, so it had a greater tendency to jam than more advanced firearms produced in the same era. This means that the gun may jam if you use hollow points or high velocity rounds like stingers.
    • Since no two Winchester 190 owners may share the same firing experience even if they use the same ammo, it is generally best to try several different brands and types of 22 caliber long rifle bullet in your firearm. Do not use ammo with a different caliber or ammo designed for other types of firearm.
  2. 2
    Handle the gun carefully. Even if you believe that the gun is currently unloaded, you should treat it as though it may already be loaded and ready to fire at any moment.[1]
    • It is especially important at this time to point the muzzle of the barrel in a safe direction. For loading purposes, you will need to keep the barrel and magazine tube in upright, near vertical positions with the muzzle pointing skyward. You should, however, tilt the gun forward slightly in a direction pointing away from all other beings and valuable property, since a misfired bullet could cause severe injury if it were to fire straight up and drop back down.
    • You must also keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard at all times while loading the rifle.
  3. 3
    Twist the cap. Locate the cap on the magazine tube. Squeeze or twist this cap until you feel it come loose.[2]
    • There are two metal cylinders leading out from the chamber of the gun. The larger top cylinder is the barrel, and it is through this cylinder that the bullets will fire. The bottom cylinder is the magazine tube. You will load the ammo into the magazine tube, so it is this cylinder that you will be working with throughout the process. The cap referred to in this step should be located at the entrance of the magazine tube cylinder.
    • The cap is not a separate piece, so it will not come off as you squeeze or unscrew it. This cap is actually attached to a hidden cylinder called a “follower,” which will be handled in the next step.
  4. 4
    Remove the follower. Pull the magazine cap forward. As you do, the follower inside of the magazine tube should slide out.[3]
    • Continue to carefully slide out the follower until it is completely out of the magazine tube. Set it aside for the time being.
    • The follower is a hidden cylinder that fits snugly inside the magazine tube. Its purpose is to push and direct the ammo down into the action so that the bullets will cycle through the rifle properly. You will not be able to load the gun while the follower is still in place, however.
  5. 5
    Slip ammo into the magazine. Locate the loading slot at the side of the magazine tube. Place your bullets into the magazine through this slot, continuing until the magazine tube is full.[4]
    • Insert the bullets into the magazine tube one at a time.
    • The bullets must be inserted with the pointed tip facing the entrance of the magazine tube and the blunt end facing the back of the gun.
    • You should be able to fit a total of 15 to 16 bullets into the magazine tube.
    • The slot should be located on the bottom side of the magazine tube. It is usually blocked by the follower, but removing the follower opens it up and grants access to it. If your particular Winchester Model 190 does not have this slot, you will need to load the ammo directly into the front opening of the magazine tube, where the cap previously sat.
  6. 6
    Replace the follower. Slide the follower back into the magazine tube and twist the cap to secure it.
    • Slide the uncapped end of the follower into the magazine tube. You should be able to push the entire follower into the magazine without any resistance. If you are unable to fit the entire follower inside, you may have too many bullets loaded into the magazine. You will need to remove several by inverting the magazine tube upside-down; the extras should fall out due to the force of gravity.
    • After replacing the follower, you need to make sure that the cap is tight and secure at its opening. If the cap is loose, the follower is loose, and it may not be able to direct the bullets into the action properly. If this happens, you may experience a jam or other firing problem.
    • Once the follower is secure again, the gun is loaded and should be ready to fire.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Part Two: Unloading

  1. 1
    Handle the gun carefully. When unloading a loaded gun, you must handle it with special care to prevent injury or death.[5]
    • Even if the safety mechanism is on and you think the gun may not be loaded, you must still treat it as though it were loaded
    • Keep all fingers off of the trigger while unloading the gun. Your fingers must remain to the outside of the trigger guard throughout the entire process.
    • You should also point the muzzle of the gun in a safe direction throughout the entire procedure. You will need to tilt the barrel and magazine tube at different angles at different points of the process, but regardless of the specifics, you should always make sure that the gun is not pointing at any living being or valuable property.
  2. 2
    Eject the loaded round. Cycle the bolt to open the chamber. If there is a bullet sitting in the chamber, this action should cause the bullet to eject from the gun.[6]
    • Even though this is a semi-automatic gun and not a bolt-action rifle, there is still a bolt that allows you to manually manipulate the chamber. The bolt on a Winchester Model 190 is a small knob located at the side of the chamber.
    • When the chamber is closed, this bolt will face toward the front of the gun. When you pull the bolt toward the back of the gun, the chamber should open and the bullet inside should be ejected.
  3. 3
    Look into the chamber. Point the muzzle in a safe direction and look down into the chamber from the back of the gun. Verify that there are no other bullets inside the chamber or barrel of the gun.
    • You should approach the gun from the back as you look down into the chamber. Do not look into the chamber from the front of the firearm.
    • If there are additional bullets in the chamber, you may need to tap the outside of the gun barrel to help free the trapped bullet. After freeing the bullet, you should be able to drop it out of the chamber opening.
  4. 4
    Twist the cap. Pinch or unscrew the cap on the magazine tube follower to loosen it.
    • Manipulate the cap in the same manner used when removing the follower during the loading process.
  5. 5
    Remove the follower. Pull the follower cap forward. As you do this, the follower should glide out of the magazine tube.
    • As you do while loading the gun, you must make sure that the follower is completely removed from the magazine tube before you can proceed further with unloading.
  6. 6
    Invert the gun. Carefully tip the gun forward until the magazine tube is vertical and pointing down toward the ground. Most ammunition in the magazine should drop out naturally due to gravity.[7]
    • You may hear the bullets moving around inside the magazine and dropping out. Do not rely on the sound of the ammo to determine when the gun is fully unloaded, though, since it may not make any noise, especially if some of the bullets are lodged in the magazine tube.
  7. 7
    Tap the magazine. Use your hand to strike the side of the magazine tube while it is still inverted. Doing so should loosen any trapped ammo inside the magazine tube, causing it to drop out.
    • Start striking the magazine toward the back end or chamber of the gun. Gradually work your way down the magazine tube, then back up again toward the chamber.
  8. 8
    Work the bolt. Return the rifle to a standard yet safe position and cycle the bolt a few more times. If there are any bullets remaining in the gun before you do this, cycling the bolt should eject that ammo.
    • Push the bolt forward and back several times. There is some risk that ammo could have been caught in between the chamber and the magazine, and working the bolt several times should help loosen and free these bullets.
    • After completing this step, the Winchester Model 190 will probably be fully unloaded and safe to handle.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does the Winchester model 190 come with a drilled and tapped hole for a scope? Can a scope be mounted?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The Winchester 190 is not drilled and tapped. However, there is a rail on top of the receiver that a scope can be mounted onto. A quick search on the internet or a trip to any local big box retail store with an outdoor section should provide you with the correct components to mount a scope or other optic.
  • Question
    How much is one worth?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on the seller. Some will sell for between $150-$300.
  • Question
    Is it safe to use WD-40 to allow the follower cap to be unscrewed more easily?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    WD-40 is safe for use on all parts of any firearm. The lubrication properties of WD-40 would definitely make it easier to remove the follower cap.


  • Treat the rifle as though it is loaded. Even if you know the gun is unloaded, you should always treat every firearm with the same care and caution you would give a loaded gun.
  • Point the rifle in a safe direction. Keep it pointed away from yourself, other beings, and valuable property at all times. If you are at a firing range, the best direction to point the gun will be downrange unless someone is standing downrange.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger. Until you have made a conscious decision to shoot, you should keep your fingers off the trigger and outside the trigger guard.
  • Check the target. When you are ready to shoot make sure that your line of fire is clear. There should be nothing blocking your target and an adequate backstop behind it. You should also make sure that there is nothing lying just beyond the target that could be killed, injured, or damaged if the bullet makes it through the backstop.

Things You'll Need

  • Standard velocity .22 LR ammo

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 53,864 times.
145 votes - 86%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: December 13, 2019
Views: 53,864
Categories: Rifles
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