Snow White is one of the most beloved characters in the history of animation. Introduced in 1937 in Disney's first animated feature, she was also the first Disney princess.[1] If you want to imitate her iconic look, with a little effort you'll be able to do so convincingly, and maybe even earn yourself a kiss from Prince Charming.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Look and Act Like Snow White

  1. 1
    Get the garments. For the classic Disney look, you'll need to buy or make an outfit that looks like the one Snow White wears in the cartoon. This will, at minimum, include:
    • A dress with a cream or yellow ankle-length skirt.
    • A blue bodice with a scoop neck and thin, vertical gold braid down the center.
    • Blue and red slashed sleeves or blue sleeves embellished with red laces tied in bows.
    • A high, stiff white collar.
    • A white petticoat with a lacy or ruffled edge.
    • Tan (or neutral) low-heeled pumps with matching bow clips.
    • A blue cape lined with red (optional).
  2. 2
    Style your hair. Snow White's hair is described as "black as ebony."[2] [3] It is styled in a chin-length bob with soft waves, parted in the center. She wears a red ribbon tied in a bow at the top of her head.
    • If you're already a brunette with chin-length hair, add curl to your hair. Gently comb it out to create soft waves, part it in the center and add the ribbon.
    • If not, cut, dye, and style your hair to match Snow White's, or buy a wig that imitates her style.
    • Some modern depictions of Snow White show her with a tiara instead of a hair bow. Either one will work, though a bow might be truer to people's image of this character.
  3. 3
    Apply your makeup. Snow White's complexion is "white as snow" and her lips are "red as the rose."[4] She has dark eyebrows, long, dark eyelashes and rosy cheeks. If you do not have these features, you can use makeup to achieve the look by:
  4. 4
    Adopt her personality traits. Snow White is described as gentle, cheerful, helpful and kind.[5] [6] She is also very feminine and proper. If you want to take your costume beyond just looks, here's how:
    • Snow White always has a cheerful outlook no matter what.[7] She's able to dream of meeting a prince even when serving as a lowly kitchen maid. To achieve this yourself, look on the bright side as often as you can. Like Snow White, sing or hum while you work. Don't forget to smile!
    • Be helpful to others whenever you can.[8] [9] Hold a door open, pick up something that someone dropped, stay to help clean up after a meal or party. Ask your friends and family, "What can I do to help?"
    • Show kindness to others.[10] [11] Be encouraging. Listen with empathy. If you know someone is going through a hard time, send them a card or tell them you are thinking of them. And you should always refrain from gossiping.
    • Be as feminine as you can. Speak in a high, sweet voice. Learn to move gracefully by taking small, measured steps. Let men take care of things like pulling out chairs, or putting on your coat. Use proper manners and etiquette.[12]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Embellishing Your Costume

  1. 1
    Round out the cast. The characters in Snow White are iconic in our culture, and these make it easy to include others in a group costume. You might suggest to your friends to join you dressed as:
    • The huntsman
    • Prince Charming
    • One of the seven dwarfs
    • The Queen or her alter ego, the Crone
    • The Magic Mirror
  2. 2
    Create a prop dwarf, or several. If you don't have any friends that want to join you in your fairy-tale adventures, you can still include your favorite dwarf in your costume. Take an old doll (or buy a new one), make a costume out of felt or cloth in the fashion of your chosen dwarf, dress it up and take it along with you wherever you go.
    • For example, if you wanted Dopey to be your companion while dressed as Snow White, you might make an overly large, robe-shaped outfit for your doll. Add a purple stocking cap to complete this simple costume.
  3. 3
    Remember her animal companions. Snow White is depicted as so gentle and kind that when she reaches a cottage in the forest, she has already won over the forest creatures.[13] You might want to use a hair clip to attach a fake bird to your shoulder to give this effect.
  4. 4
    Join with other Disney princesses. Many of the princesses of the Disney universe are beloved characters, well known in pop-culture. You might consider doing a Disney princesses themed group costume with your friends! Some princesses to consider:
    • Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
    • Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
    • Cinderella (Cinderella)
    • Jasmine (Aladdin)[14]
  5. 5
    Include other parts of the story. You can create conversation pieces and further get into character by adding other elements of the story to your costume. You could take a hand mirror and draw a crack on it with an erasable marker and bring this with you wherever you go. When people ask you about it, you could say:
    • "This is the magic mirror that the wicked Queen used, but it broke when she died."
  6. 6
    Revisit the story. Though you may remember most of the story from seeing the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as a child. But if you haven't seen it in a while, you may want to make sure you remember everything correctly. Attention to detail will give more depth to your costume.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I still look like Snow White if I am black?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can no matter what color you are as long as you have the recognizable dress that Snow White has.
  • Question
    Can I wear a traditional German dress that's completely red?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you could.
  • Question
    What is Snow White's favorite color?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There's no sure answer, but it would likely be one of her outfit colors: red, blue, or yellow.

Things You'll Need

  • Accessories
  • Black hair dye or a black wig (optional)
  • Dress
  • Hair styling tools
  • Makeup (red lipstick or lip stain, foundation, powder, eyeshadow)
  • Sewing machine (if making your own costume)
  • Sewing supplies (if making your own costume)
  • Shoes

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 26 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 124,361 times.
54 votes - 66%
Co-authors: 26
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 124,361
Categories: Princess Costumes