A list of ideas to make your mom, bestie, or neighbor laugh hysterically

They say laughter is the best medicine, so how can you give it out? Making someone laugh may seem like a feat, but it’s way easier than you may think! We’ve put together a list of ways you can make just about anyone LOL. From vocal humor to physical comedy, we’ve got it all, so keep reading to learn how to get someone to giggle.

Things You Should Know

  • Keep jokes and funny stories short and sweet—don’t leave your audience hanging for too long!
  • Use clever and witty remarks to make light of teasing when hanging out with friends or family.
  • Make up a silly dance or exaggerate scenes from a popular movie to get family members to belly laugh.
  • Always read the room before you say a joke or perform a comedic act, as humor can be taken the wrong way in grieving situations.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

With Words

  1. 1
    Tell a joke. Jokes are a great way to make someone laugh almost immediately! Stick with a classic knock-knock joke, tell a close friend an inside joke, or try a corny dad joke. Give one or more of these jokes a try:[1]
    • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ice cream. Ice cream who? ICE CREAM SO YOU CAN HEAR ME.
    • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tank. Tank who? Tank you!
    • Why did the old man fall into a well? Because he couldn’t see well!
    • What did the mama cow say to the calf? It’s pasture bedtime!
  2. 2
    Say or make up a clever pun. Puns are a form of wordplay that can show off your smarts and get someone to laugh. These are an excellent way to cause a chuckle in ordinary conversation, as they don’t usually require a setup like a normal joke. Try one of these puns to lighten the mood:
    • I used to be a banker, but I lost interest.
    • Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
    • I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.
    • I don't trust these stairs because they're always up to something.
  3. 3
    Be sarcastic. A sarcastic remark points out the obvious by saying one thing and meaning another.[2] Now, this might not get someone to belly laugh, but it can cause them to chuckle or smirk to themselves. Here are some ways you can be sarcastic:
    • Give the opposite reaction to what’s expected: “Did you like my dessert?” “No! It’s horribly delicious!”
    • Make an absurd assumption: “Is my car in the driveway?” “No. Last I saw, it was at the bottom of the lake.”
    • Be cautious when using sarcasm, and try to only use it around those you know, as it could come across as rude if taken the wrong way.
    • Use a matter-of-fact tone rather than a mocking one to ensure your remark comes across as sarcastic.
  4. 4
    Share a funny story. If you’re looking for a good laugh, put on your storytelling hat! This trick works when talking to a stranger or a close friend. Plus, it can even help you bond with someone. Simply think of something funny that’s happened to you and relay it with enthusiasm.
    • Keep your story short and sweet—you don’t want to take too long to get to the punchline.[3]
    • Consider who you’re talking to before you share. For instance, you might not want to share a story about staying up too late with friends with your mom.
  5. 5
    Use a comeback. Comebacks are matter-of-fact jokes that juxtapose what someone else says. They require quick wit, rapid delivery, and cleverness, but they’re perfect for shocking a friend or teasing sibling. Basically, you want people to laugh and shout, “Oh snap!” afterward. Check out these examples:[4]
    • Someday, you’ll go far. I hope you stay there.
    • You should come with a warning label.
    • I’ve been called worse by better.
    • I’m returning your nose. I found it in my business.
  6. 6
    Share a self-deprecating joke. What better way to make someone laugh than by poking fun at yourself? A quick line about your quirks, fears, or insecurities can cause you and a friend to chuckle.[5] Just keep in mind who you’re speaking with, as some jokes could come across the wrong way. Here are some self-deprecating jokes you can try:
    • I just realized that my life can’t fall apart if it was never together in the first place.
    • Not to brag, but I haven’t had a mood swing in 10 minutes.
    • If a robber ever broke into my house and searched for money, I’d laugh and search with him.
    • I put the “ace” in “disgrace.”
  7. 7
    Make an understatement. If a situation is getting heavy, try to lighten the mood with a careful joke that minimizes the problem. This is a great way to get others to smile and release tension and anxiety. Take a look at these situations and understatements:
    • Say your family’s garden has been flooded. You could say, “Well, at least we don’t have to water tomorrow.”
    • If your friend got a bad sunburn, try saying, “It’s not so bad! Just look at how rosy your cheeks are.”
    • Maybe you got a bad grade on a test that took 2 classes to complete. You might say, “Well, it could’ve been worse. I could’ve been there for 10 hours instead of 3.
    • Read the room and make sure you’re not downplaying a situation too much, as humor isn’t the best approach for all situations (death, natural disasters, etc.).
  8. 8
    Mimic a friend, family member, or celebrity. Are you good at making vocal impressions? Well, now's the time to use your talent! Copy what a loved one says to make others laugh, or mimic a celebrity with an over-exaggerated impression.
    • Now, this can be a tricky way to make someone laugh because it can easily become an insult. Just make sure your mimicking doesn’t push on anyone’s buttons.
  9. 9
    Comment on a relatable truth. Stick to things you and the other person have in common: traits, relationships, and struggles. Not only is this a good way to cause a smile, but it can also help you bond. Here are some examples:
    • You never realize how long a minute is until you’re exercising.
    • Sometimes, the older siblings need an older sibling.
    • It’s only Tuesday and I feel like dying.
    • Not sure if I have extra money or forgot to pay the bills.
  10. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

With Actions

  1. 1
    Do an impression. Move your body to exaggerate how a friend, family member, or celebrity moves. This is an excellent way to get someone laughing, especially if your impression is over the top.
    • For instance, maybe you reenact the door scene in Titanic, one of Donald Trump’s speeches, or how your mom wakes you up in the morning.
  2. 2
    Make up a silly dance. This is an entertaining way to get kids and adults to laugh. Simply put on a tune, and let your body move! You can even ask others to join in for extra fun.
    • The sillier you move, the better! Make big gestures and emphasize your dance moves so they’re over-the-top hilarious.
    • If you’re not sure what to do, try dance moves like the chicken, disco, and Macarena.
  3. 3
    Perform a parody or satire routine. Parodies and satires are a physical type of sarcasm that poke fun at or imitate something.[6] Try writing a parody of a song to share with friends and family, or making a skit of a satirical version of a famous show, movie, or commercial.
    • Saturday Night Live (SNL) and Weird Al Yankovic videos are great examples of this type of comedy.
  4. 4
    Try a slapstick routine. Slapstick is a physical comedy that involves absurd situations and exaggerated body movements.[7] The Three Stooges, Charlie Chaplin, and the Marx Brothers were all famous slapstick performers. Pretend you’re in a silent movie and exaggerate your movements as follows:
    • Pretend to slip on a banana peel, flailing your arms around.
    • Hit yourself carefully on the head with a stick, pretending it hurts more than it does.
    • Pretend a box or other item is extremely heavy.
    • Run gently into a wall or door but act as though you’ve barreled into it.
  5. 5
    Pull a practical joke. Consider pranking a close friend or family member to make them laugh. Now, this type of comedy isn’t for the faint of heart, as it could be taken the wrong way, but it can also be a lot of fun. Stick to jokes that aren’t too invasive or mean. Remember, you want them to laugh, not cry!
    • Put salt in your roommate’s coffee instead of sugar.
    • Rearrange your family’s kitchen drawers.[8]
    • Replace your mom’s framed photos with photos of a celebrity.
    • Cover your dad’s office with sticky notes.
    • Place a fake snack in your friend’s car.
    • Put tape over the TV remote’s sensor.
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you make someone feel special?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    You can make someone feel special by smiling at them or paying them a compliment. You can also make someone feel special by just being a good listener, making good eye contact, and by appreciating their humor.
  • Question
    How do you laugh properly?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    Most people have their own characteristic laugh. Some people just smile heavily, and only make a small sound. Others have more of a belly laugh. Pay attention to the person (or people) you are with, and make sure that they are laughing with you ...if not, you can turn the dial down on your laughing.
  • Question
    How do you make a person smile?
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR).
    Klare Heston, LCSW
    Licensed Social Worker
    Expert Answer
    You can make a person smile by telling a joke, paying them a compliment, or acting out a story as you tell it. Sometimes you can make a person smile by just saying "hi" or "good morning." People respond to being acknowledged. It can turn a difficult day around!


  • Avoid poking fun at someone’s appearance, personality, or situation, as this could be offensive and make them sad rather than happy.

About This Article

Klare Heston, LCSW
Co-authored by:
Licensed Social Worker
This article was co-authored by Klare Heston, LCSW and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR). This article has been viewed 1,137,475 times.
41 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 112
Updated: February 3, 2023
Views: 1,137,475
Categories: Happiness
Article SummaryX

To make someone laugh, try poking fun at yourself by making a joke about one of your quirks or flaws. For example, you could joke about how you're strangely tall for your age or bring up your irrational fear of birds. You could also try using funny puns to make them laugh. For example, if you're walking up the stairs together, you could be like "I don't trust these stairs. They're always up to something." Even just a perfectly timed sarcastic or witty remark can be a great way to make someone crack up. To learn how to make someone laugh by pulling pranks on them, scroll down!

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