"Nana has learned to control her power."

Whenever you see Molina on the battlefield, you might not think twice when you walk into Nana's trap, but once it happens, you realize Nana was there all along when she launches her ultimate! With her unstoppable skills, Nana can be treated as an MVP-caliber hero with the power to deal magic damage to enemies. If you want to learn how to use Nana in Mobile Legends, keep reading this wikiHow article.


  1. 1
    Note any alternatives for Nana. Although Nana is not treated as a ban priority, she's currently in the Meta for her way of countering many heroes. For a similar feel, select Aurora, Pharsa, and Vexana for her Poke specialty, and Angela, Rafaela, and Xavier for her Guard specialty.
  2. 2
    Take advantage of her passive (Molina's Gift). Her passive will activate when Nana takes a lethal shot and immediately turns into Molina for two seconds while immune to damage. This can make you viable during team fights as you can retreat safely without risking another death. However, the cooldown of this passive is 120 seconds, so do not overuse Nana to the point where she gets excessive damage. [1]
  3. 3
    Use her 1st Skill (Magic Boomerang). When launched, Nana will throw her boomerang at a designated area for one second and deal up to 300 magic damage/slow enemies down by 40%. Additionally, any additional enemies caught in the middle will also be hit with magic damage, although the damage is decreased by 20% (up to 60%). [2] When you start, upgrade her first skill and use it accordingly to clear minion waves or to harass enemies.
  4. 4
    Make use of her 2nd Skill (Molina Smooch). Nana will summon Molina to one area. If an enemy gets to her range, Molina will automatically run to the enemy and morphs the enemy while dealing up to 375 magic damage and slowing them up to 70%. [3] Molina Smooch should be treated as an essential skill - the slow effect and lessened magic defense can be the tide for your allies to attack the affected enemy!
    • Try putting her skill in the bushes to avoid any gankers hiding there.
    • Despite this skill, the targeted enemy can avoid Molina. Notable methods include using a blink skill/flicker to avoid her skill, using another enemy to block the damage, or using Purify to avoid being morphed.
  5. 5
    Manage her Ult (Molina Blitz). Nana will deal AOE damage in a designated direction, echoing it twice while dealing up to 680 magic damage. When enemies are caught, they will be slown once, but if they are hit twice, they will be stunned for one second. [4]
  6. 6
    Choose her equipment. To increase the power of her skills, start by buying Arcane Boots to increase her Magic Penetration, and add Clock of Destiny, Lightning Trucheron, Holy Crystal, and Ice Queen Wand to assist with her magic damage. For alternatives, use Glowing Wand and Blood Wings. [5] [6] If you are using Nana as a support, you can also add Necklace of Durance, Immortality, and Genius Wand.
  7. 7
    Select an emblem. While this is obvious, Nana can use the Mage emblem. Make sure to upgrade Agility and Catastrophe to increase her movement speed and magic power. Lastly, choose Impure Rage to drastically recover mana while using her skills. [7]
  8. 8
    Understand a combo that Nana can use. Her combo is Molina Smooch - Molina Blitz - Magic Boomerang. Use Molina Smooch to initiate/catch an enemy, then use Molina Blitz to stun the enemy while getting magic damage. If the enemy survives, finish them off with Magic Boomerang. This combo can be utilized during team fights, as the CC skills can assist allies to kill affected enemies. [8]
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Updated: February 12, 2023
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