Changing a light bulb is easy and LED lights are no exception! If you've got recessed lighting, you may be wondering if you can replace the bulb yourself. The answer is yes—you don't need to call an electrician. Most recessed lights have a cover and trim attached so you pull out the entire unit and replace it. If you have a simpler type that doesn't have housing, you can unscrew and replace the LED light just like any standard bulb.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

LED with Cover and Trim

  1. 1
    Turn off the lights and shut off the power at the circuit breaker.[1] Since you'll be removing the housing, it's important to cut off the power. Flip the circuit breaker for the light you're replacing to minimize risk if the circuit shorts out. Then, give the light bulb a chance to cool off before you replace it.[2]
    • Your breaker box should have each circuit labeled, but if it doesn't, turn off each breaker one by one until you find the breaker for your light. You may want to label the circuits as you do this.
  2. 2
    Use your fingertips to pull the housing down a few inches. If you're replacing an LED light that's recessed in your ceiling, you'll probably have to get onto a ladder to access the light. Position your ladder on a flat surface and consider asking someone to hold it in place while you climb up. Put both hands on opposite sides of the light and grip the sides of the trim with your fingertips. Pull down so the LED's housing hangs down. Don't worry—it won't fall out![3]
    • If you're replacing a light that has painted trim, you may need to score around the edge of the trim where it meets the wall. Use a utility knife to do this—if not, the dried paint might make it really hard to pull the housing out.
    • If you've got recessed lights in super tall ceilings, your ladder might not reach them! In these cases, it may be best to hire a professional who's got the right equipment for the job.
  3. 3
    Turn the housing unit clockwise and pull it straight down. Your LED light will have clips, or possibly prongs, on the sides that hold it in place in the ceiling or wall. Twist the housing 60-degrees counterclockwise and pull it down so the housing is out of the ceiling or wall.[4]
    • If your light has got prongs, squeeze them so you can pull the housing straight down and out of the ceiling or wall.
  4. 4
    Unplug the bulb from the socket. Hold the housing with one hand and pull out the cord that connects it to the socket that's hidden in the ceiling or wall. Your light bulb might use a traditional 3-pronged socket. If so, just pull the cord out. It's also possible that your light has a wire that clips into an orange connector. If so, unclip the wire so you can take out the housing.[5]
    • You can simply throw away the old LED lightbulb with your regular trash. If you have an electronics recycling program in your area, you may check to see if they can recycle or use the old material.
  5. 5
    Plug in or connect the replacement bulb to the wiring in the ceiling or wall. Get an exact replacement for the LED light you just removed—it needs to be the same size and wattage so you know it's safe to use and will fit. Then, plug the cord into the socket or push the wire clip into the connector that's hidden in the ceiling or wall. Push the excess cord or wire up so it's tucked away.[6]
    • Can't remember the wattage for your LED? No problem! Read the wattage on the back or side of the old bulb. It will probably also show the exact size of the bulb so you can get a replacement that fits perfectly.
  6. 6
    Push the housing back into place so the light is flush. If the light's housing unit has clips, reinsert the unit in the wall and push the lens of the light up to snap it firmly in place. The retention springs will secure the housing to the ceiling or wall.[7]
    • If your unit has prongs, squeeze them before you push the housing back into the wall or ceiling. Then, let go so the prongs grab the slots in the ceiling or wall.
  7. 7
    Flip on the breaker at the fuse box and switch on the LED light. Your new light bulb should switch on right away.[8] If it doesn't, the connection might be loose at the socket or connection in the ceiling, so take it down and check. Then, turn the light back on.
    • LED lights can last for years, so you probably won't have to replace them very often.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

LED with a Screwable Bulb

  1. 1
    Turn off the light switch and flip the circuit breaker to cut the power. Sure, you could simply turn off the light and replace the bulb, but if you want to play it safe, turn off the power to the circuit.[9] This can prevent accidental damage if the circuit shorts while you're switching out bulbs.[10]
    • Let the bulb cool completely before you replace it.
    • The switches on the breaker box should be labeled so you know which set of lights or room you're selecting. If they aren't labeled, you'll have to check the switches one by one.
  2. 2
    Unscrew the bulb with your fingers or use duct tape for extra grip. LED lights usually have a flat surface that can be tricky to grasp and unscrew. To unscrew it by hand, press 2 or 3 fingertips firmly against the lens and turn your hand to the left. If this doesn't work, tear off a strip of duct tape and fold it into a loop. Press it onto the lens so you can use the loop like a handle.[11]
    • If you've got a suction cup tool, you can push it against the flat lens and twist it to loosen the bulb instead of making a duct tape handle.
    • If you can unscrew the bulb by hand, be careful not to let it fall out and break.
    • If you can't properly reach the bulb, use a specialized tool.[12]
  3. 3
    Turn the duct tape clockwise to unscrew the bulb if you couldn't do it by hand. Grab the loop of duct tape and firmly twist it counterclockwise to start loosening the bulb. Keep turning it to the left until you've completely unscrewed the LED bulb.[13]
    • You don't have to worry about the light bulb falling out since it's stuck to the duct tape!
  4. 4
    Use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to remove a broken LED bulb. Sometimes, bulbs get stuck in the socket and you can't safely unscrew them. Pop on a pair of gloves and use pliers to grasp the broken bulb. Turn your pliers counterclockwise to unscrew the bulb.[14]
    • If you don't have pliers handy, cut a potato in half and push the cut end firmly onto the broken bulb. This helps you grip it so you can unscrew the bulb from the socket.
  5. 5
    Screw a replacement bulb clockwise into the socket. Use a bulb that's at the same wattage or one that uses even less energy. Then, screw it in until the bulb feels snug and you can peel off the duct tape or remove your suction tool.[15]
    • If you're not sure what wattage to use, look on the side of the old bulb for the wattage.
  6. 6
    Flip the break on and switch on the new LED light. Once you've swapped out the bulbs, turn on the light to check the connection. If it doesn't come on immediately, turn everything off and screw the bulb in a little tighter. Then, switch the light back on.[16]
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About This Article

Daniel Stoescu
Co-authored by:
Master Electrician
This article was co-authored by Daniel Stoescu and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Daniel Stoescu is a Master Electrician and the Owner and Operator of Home Tech Solutions, LLC in Hampton, Virginia. With over a decade of experience, Daniel specializes in wiring residential, commercial, and light industrial structures. The Home Tech Solutions team has over four decades of combined experience and offers comprehensive solutions for residential electrical needs. This article has been viewed 71,606 times.
25 votes - 52%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: November 12, 2021
Views: 71,606
Categories: Light Bulbs