Learning how to say "hello" and introduce yourself is an important skill if you plan on traveling to an area where the language is spoken. Even if you're not planning a trip to Russia, you may still want to learn a little Russian. Picking up the words to make a basic conversation is a good start. You can learn how to greet people and have a brief conversation without learning the nuances of Russian grammar or how to read Cyrillic.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Greeting People

  1. 1
    Say zdravstvujtye (zdrah-stvooy-tee) to strangers. Zdravstvujtye is the formal way to say "hello" in Russian. If you're greeting someone you don't already know, start with a formal greeting – especially if they're older than you, or in a position of authority.[1]
    • If you don't know how to roll your "R"s, you may want to practice. Place your tongue to the back of your upper teeth and vibrate it as you make the R sound.
    • Zdravstvujtye is also used to greet a group of people, even if you're talking to a group of children, or to friends and family.
    • Shorten your greeting to zdravstvuj (zdrah-stvooy) if you're greeting friends, family members, or children.
  2. 2
    Use privyet (pree-vyet) to greet someone casually. This word is equivalent to the English "hi," but is only used in casual, informal situations where you know the person you're greeting fairly well. You can use it with friends and family, but it isn't appropriate with strangers, especially if they are older than you or in a position of authority.[2]
    • Privetik (pree-vyet-ick) is an even less formal, almost cutesy way of saying "hi," more typically used by young women.
  3. 3
    Alter your greeting to reflect the time of the day. Apart from saying "hello," you may find it more appropriate to say "good morning" or "good evening." These phrases do not have formal and informal versions. If you're not sure whether to address someone formally or informally, these phrases come in handy.[3]
    • Dobroye utro! (dohb-ruh-ee oo-truh) means "good morning!" Use it until around noon.
    • After noon, switch to dobryj dyen’! (dohb-rihy dyen’) This means "good afternoon," but can be used most of the day, except early in the morning or late at night.
    • Later in the evening, use dobryj vyechyer! (dohb–rihy vye-cheer) to say "good evening."
  4. 4
    Ask "How are you?" by saying Kak dyela? (kahk dee-lah). This is the most common way to ask "How are you?" in Russian. It's typically used in more informal settings, but you probably won't offend anyone by using it.[4]
    • In a more formal setting, ask Kak vy pozhivayetye? (kahk vih puh-zhih-vah-ee-tee). This is appropriate when talking to someone you just met, especially if they are older than you or in a position of authority.
  5. 5
    Respond to kak dyela? in a reserved way. When someone asks "How are you?" in English, you may respond "Great!" Russians, however, are more reserved. More common responses are khorosho (khuh-rah-shoh), which means "good," or nyeplokho (nee-ploh-khuh), which means "not bad."[5]
    • If the other person asks you how you're doing first, follow your answer with A u vas? (ah oo vahs; formal) or A u tyebya? (ah oo tee-bya; informal), both of which mean "And you?"
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Introducing Yourself

  1. 1
    Use the phrase menya zavut (mee-nya zah-voot) to tell someone your name. This phrase literally means "I am called," and is used to introduce yourself in Russian. This phrase is typically followed by your full name.[6]
    • Use the phrase mózhno prósto (mozh-neh pro-steh) to let the person know what you prefer to be called. This phrase translates to "You can just call me." For example, you might say "Menya zavut Alexander Hamilton. Mózhno prósto Alex."
  2. 2
    Tell the person where you're from with the phrase ya iz (yah ihz). This phrase means "I am from." Follow it with the name of the country or city where you're from. Don't worry about trying to translate the name of your country or city into Russian – native speakers likely will recognize it.
    • To ask where the other person is from, use the question otkuda vy if speaking formally, or otkuda ty if speaking informally.
  3. 3
    Let the person know you don't speak much Russian. If the person asks if you speak Russian, you might reply da, nemnogo, or "yes, a little." You can also say ya ne govoryu po-russki khorosho (yah nee guh-vah-ryoo pah roo-skee khah-rah-shoh), which means "I don't speak Russian well."[7]
    • Vy ne mogli by govorit' pomedlennee? is the formal way to ask someone if they could please speak more slowly. You can also say povtorite, požalujsta, which means "please say that again."
    • If you're having a really hard time, you might ask "Vy govorite po-angliyski?" which means "Do you speak English?"
  4. 4
    Interact with native speakers politely. Good manners are important, especially when you're speaking in a language you don't know very well. If you pepper your conversation with polite words and phrases, native speakers will have more patience with you.[8]
    • Pozhaluysta (pah-zhah-luh-stuh) means "please."
    • Spasibo (spuh-see-buh) means "thank you." The response to "thank you" is ne za chto (nyeh-zuh-shtoh), which literally means "it's nothing."
    • Izvinite (ezz-vee-neet-yeh) means "excuse me."
    • Prostite (prah-steet-yeh) means "I'm sorry." As in English, you can also use this instead of "excuse me," when begging someone's pardon.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Ending a Conversation

  1. 1
    Use do svidaniya (duh svee-dah-nee-ye) to say "goodbye." This is the most common way to say "goodbye" in Russian. You can use it in any situation, whether formal or informal. It literally means something more like "until the next meeting" or "until we meet again."[9]
    • In an informal context, you can also say do vstretchi (duh vstrie-chi). It means virtually the same thing, but is only appropriate when taking your leave from family or friends.
  2. 2
    Say poka (pa-kah) when leaving family and friends. This word is similar to saying "bye" in English. It is too casual to use in formal contexts, or when you're speaking to people who are older than you, or in a position of authority.[10]
    • If you're on the phone, you might use dovay (da-vaj) instead. It literally translates to something like "let's," but is frequently used to as a casual, informal "bye" to end a phone conversation.
  3. 3
    Alternate with a greeting related to the time of the day. The Russian phrases for "good morning," "good afternoon," and "good evening" are used when you're taking your leave as well.[11]
    • Dobroy nochi (dob-raj noh-chee) means "good night." However, unlike the other greetings related to the time of the day, it isn't used as a greeting, only when taking your leave. This phrase doesn't necessarily mean you're going to bed. Use it later in the evening.
    • Spokojnoj nochi (spah-kohy-nuhy noh-chee) also means "good night." This phrase is appropriate if you are turning in for the evening, or going to bed. As with the other greetings related to the time of day, you can use it when speaking formally or informally.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I say good morning, afternoon, evening and night?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Good morning (good day): Doh-bray oo-trah! Доброе утро! Good afternoon: Doh-bray dehn! (eh/ee sound is soft) Добрый день! Good evening: Doh-bray veh-cher! (rolled, soft ee) Добрый вечер! Good night: Spa-koi-nui no-chi! (nuh&ee sound, soft) Спокойной ночи! (be sure to roll your "r's" gently)
  • Question
    How can I say "hello" formally?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The formal way to say "hello" in Russian is Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte). This is pronounced as Z-drav-steet-e.
  • Question
    How do I say hello in Russian?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Hello in Russian is "Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte)." This is pronounced as Z-drav-steet-e.

About This Article

Anna Guryeva
Co-authored by:
Anna Guryeva
Native Russian Speaker & Translator
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Sophia Latorre, and Anna Guryeva, a trusted member of wikiHow's volunteer community. Anna Guryeva is a Professional translator and Editor from Russia. She is certified in English to Russian Translation and has more than five years of experience in the field. She also received a degree in Financial Management in 2002 and worked in financial management for twelve years. This article has been viewed 603,219 times.
19 votes - 98%
Co-authors: 32
Updated: September 9, 2022
Views: 603,219
Categories: Featured Articles | Russian
Article SummaryX

To say "hello" in Russian, use the more formal "zdravstvujtye" to greet strangers, groups of people, and people in positions of authority. You can also shorten this greeting to "zdravstvuj." If you want to greet someone in a casual or informal situation, say "privyet," which is equivalent to the English word "hi." You can also say "privetik," which is an even less formal, almost cutesy way of saying hello. To learn how to say hello according to the time of day, read on!

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