Learn to spot the warning signs that you're falling out of love

Do you feel like you’ve lost the spark in your relationship? How can you tell whether you and your partner are simply going through a rough patch, or whether you don’t love them anymore? It’s normal for romantic relationships to have their ups and downs, but there are tell-tale clues that your fading feelings are more than just a passing phase. We’ve put together a list of 20 red flags that you’ve fallen out of love with your partner–if you can relate, it’s a good sign that your heart is no longer in it. Whether you want to reignite your relationship or you’re ready to let it go, this article will give you the clarity you’re seeking.

Things You Should Know

  • If you don’t want to connect with your partner on an emotional level, you may not be fully invested in your relationship.
  • When feelings of pride and admiration are replaced by feelings of disdain and irritation, it might be a sign that you don’t love your partner anymore.
  • If you don’t want to make plans with your partner, it’s a red flag that you may not see a future with them.
  • A change in physical intimacy and PDA may indicate that your feelings toward your partner are more platonic than romantic.

You’re bored.

  1. If you feel indifferent towards your partner, the magic might be gone. Maybe your interactions have become predictable and you pay less attention to each other. Butterflies have been replaced by boredom. While it’s normal for the fireworks to mellow over time, feeling apathetic towards your partner is a big clue that you may not be in love.[1]
    • If you want to rekindle the magic, be proactive about creating interesting experiences and exciting adventures with your partner. Travel somewhere new, discuss thought-provoking podcasts, or get involved with a cause you’re both passionate about.[2]
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You’re not as interested in them sexually.

  1. You might be better off as friends if intimacy has waned. Sex habits vary from couple to couple; the issue isn’t how much sex you have, but whether the frequency has changed and whether both partners’ needs are still being met. Your feelings may be more platonic than romantic if you don’t want to be close to your partner.[4]
    • If you’re looking to spice things up in the bedroom, a professional sex therapist may be able to help.[5]
    • Some ebb and flow of sexual intimacy is normal. There are also some medical conditions and prescription drugs that impact libido, so keep that in mind.
    • Intimacy doesn’t have to be sexual; some couples mutually choose to have asexual partnerships. In this case, question whether you’re still displaying intimacy in ways that are meaningful to you and your partner. If your habits have changed, it’s an indicator that your feelings have too.[6]
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You end up in power struggles instead of compromising.


You don’t share common interests.

  1. Without common ground, your relationship's foundation may crumble. Perhaps you were so infatuated in the “honeymoon phase” that you didn’t notice that your interests don’t overlap. Now that things have settled down, you two may be going your separate ways because you aren’t a good match.[9]
    • While cultivating separate interests is important for a balanced relationship, it’s also essential to enjoy shared interests with your partner.
    • If you want to save your relationship, consider developing a hobby you both enjoy. Try taking a class together, joining a club, or volunteering in your community.
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You feel stuck.

  1. If you’re staying due to complex circumstances, may not be in love. You might not feel like you can break free because you “owe” your partner in some way. It could be that you’re afraid of being on your own, or you don’t have the financial resources to be independent.[12] If you’re with them because of duty, convenience, or habit, your relationship might not have a solid foundation.
    • Ask yourself what the glue is that’s holding your relationship together. If your primary reason for staying is anything other than, “Because I want to be with them,” you may not really be in love.[13]
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You aren’t communicating.

  1. If you don’t bother to talk things over, it’s a clue that you’ve checked out. Maybe most of your communication is over text: “Did you feed the cat?” “We’re out of bread.” “Have you seen my phone charger?” If you don’t feel like chatting with your partner about your day, your weekend plans, or what’s been bugging you, you may be letting go.[14]
    • Are you hoping to revive your relationship? Leave your phones at home and visit a coffee shop or take a stroll around the neighborhood together. Create opportunities to chat and connect without distractions.[15]

You blame your partner.

  1. It’s a red flag if you usually feel like things are your partner’s fault. For example, you might get upset if they didn’t pick up milk (even though you didn’t ask them to). Shouldn’t they have realized you were out? When you consistently blame your partner, resentment hangs over the relationship like a thundercloud. It hints that your relationship may be stormy and faltering.[17]
    • If you’d like to change this habit, practice active listening during conflicts. Instead of playing the blame game, listen without judgment, clarify with open-ended questions, and validate your partner’s feelings.[18]

You shut them out.

  1. If you put up emotional walls, it may signal that you’re not fully invested. You might put up a facade and keep your interactions at a superficial level. You don’t want to be vulnerable or let your partner get too close. The longer you do this, the greater the emotional distance grows, leaving both of you feeling empty and unfulfilled. If this is happening, it’s a sign that you’re growing apart.[20]
    • Sometimes people have difficulty opening up to others because of painful past experiences. Or, they may not have been raised in an environment that encourages vulnerability. If this applies to your situation, therapy can help.

You often complain about your partner.

  1. If you constantly vent about your relationship, it may not be working. Everybody needs to let off steam now and again, and seeking support from a friend isn’t a bad thing. But research shows that complaining about your partner correlates with how invested and satisfied you are in your relationship. If you find yourself complaining to others a lot, it’s a clue that you might not really in love.[22]
    • Happy couples don’t complain about each other often, but when they do, it's typically about specific events rather than their partner’s character. For example, a happy partner might say, “I’m annoyed they're working late,” while an unhappy one might say, “They’re selfish for working late.”
    • If you’d like to stop complaining and repair your relationship, try approaching the issue with a solutions-oriented mindset. Be willing to listen, ask for advice, and problem solve together.

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Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 23, 2023
Views: 2,538
Categories: Love | Falling Out of Love