Ferrets are fun, inquisitive little creatures that take readily to training. They are distracted easily, so you must be consistent with your training. With some patience, you can teach your ferret things like how to use a litter box or how to come when called. You can also help it unlearn bad behaviors, such as nipping at your toes or fingers.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Training a Ferret to Use a Litter Box

  1. 1
    Begin by keeping the ferret in the cage to encourage litter box use. Starting your litter box training in the cage makes it easier on you and the ferret. The ferret likes to stay clean, so it will be interested in having an area to use the bathroom that's away from its sleeping area.[1]
    • After the ferret gets the hang of the cage, you can move to a slightly larger room, such as the bathroom.
  2. 2
    Show your ferret the litter box when they wake up. Put your ferret in its litter box first thing in the morning after it wakes up. Avoid waking a ferret that is asleep, so you don't startle it. This routine encourages the ferret to go to the bathroom in the correct place.[2]
    • One of the best times to use this technique is in the morning when your ferret has been sleeping overnight. Most of the time, your ferret will want to use the bathroom when it wakes up.
    • Repeat the process several times a day for a week or so until your ferret gets the idea.
  3. 3
    Praise the ferret when it uses the litter box on its own. When you see the ferret go in the litter box on its own, immediately pet it and praise it. That lets the ferret know that you approve of this behavior and that it should continue it.[3]
  4. 4
    Put the ferret in the litter box if you witness an accident in action. Watch for bathroom-going behavior. Typically, a ferret will lift its tail and scoot back a little. If you see this behavior when the ferret isn't in the litter box, pick up the ferret and put it in the litter box to encourage it to go there instead.[4]
    • Don't scold your ferret or try to push your ferret's nose in its accident. It won't understand what you mean, and you will just make it fear you.
  5. 5
    Move accidents back into the litter box to encourage your ferret to use it. When your ferret defecates outside the litter box, use a paper towel or glove to move it into the litter box. You can also rub a little litter into a urine spill and put it in the litter box.[5]
    • When the ferret notices its own scent in the litter box, it will be more inclined to use it.
    • It's also a good idea to leave a little bit of the ferret's feces in the litter box when you clean it so the ferret still associates it with the bathroom.
  6. 6
    Put beds where the ferret has had accidents. When your ferret keeps returning to a certain corner to use the bathroom, start by cleaning the area thoroughly. Then, place towels the ferret has slept on or a hammock in that corner for the ferret to discourage it from using the bathroom there.[6]
    • To clean the area, wipe up the mess with a rag or paper towel. Use a wet paper towel to scrub it down a little. Spray it down with a cleaner meant for neutralizing pet odors, and then wipe it up.
    • Ferrets don't like to go to the bathroom in the same place they sleep, so when you add bed paraphernalia, it discourages the ferret from using the bathroom there.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Discouraging Bad Habits Like Biting

  1. 1
    Say "No!" and make a light hissing noise. When your ferret has a bad behavior like biting, discourage it each times it happens. Start with a verbal warning, such as "No!" Add in a little hissing so the ferret gets the right idea.[7]
    • For a behavior like biting, set the ferret down away from you, which discourages more biting.
    • If the ferret is digging somewhere you don't want it to, move it away from the area.
  2. 2
    Scruff the ferret if it immediately does the behavior again. Repeat the initial warning again, but this time pick the ferret up by the scruff of the neck. You can support the ferret's back end if you wish.[8]
    • The scruff is an extra flab of skin at the back of the neck. You can grab the flab to hold your ferret. However, never hold your ferret by its neck.
    • Once you scruff the ferret, set it down away from you again to discourage biting, if that's the behavior you're trying to correct. Alternatively, move the ferret away from the area where it's digging, if that's the issue.
  3. 3
    Give the ferret a short time out if it returns to the same behavior. Do the same verbal warning again, but this time, put the ferret away for a short time out. Ideally, you should set it in a crate away from you.[9]
    • Use a crate instead of the cage. You don't want to associate the cage with punishment. Make sure the crate doesn't have blankets or anything interesting in it. Let the ferret out after 5 minutes.
    • Don't use the same crate that you need to use for transportation.
  4. 4
    Use consistency to help the ferret remember. If you only discourage the behavior sometimes, the ferret will get confused. Make sure to reinforce that this behavior is not appropriate every time the ferret does it.[10]
  5. 5
    Redirect the ferret to encourage good behavior. Sometimes, just redirecting the behavior to a more appropriate behavior can solve the problem. For instance, if your ferret is nipping your ties, buy cat or ferret toys that your ferret can nip and wrestle with. That way, your ferret can still enjoy this playful biting, but it won't be nipping at your fingers and toes.[11]
    • If your ferret tends to move things around in its cage, that's a sign it's bored. Try giving it more things to do, such as providing more toys in the cage and letting it out more often to play.
  6. 6
    Spray bitter apple on yourself to discourage biting and chewing. Using bitter apple on your hands or toes can discourage your ferret when it's nipping. Your ferret won't like the smell, and it will usually stop biting you. You can also spray it on areas you don't want the ferret to chew or scratch.[12]
    • Bitter apple is completely natural, and you can find it at most pet stores.
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Clicker Training to Teach Tricks

  1. 1
    Pick a treat that's ferret-friendly and easy to consume. Choose boiled chicken breast cut up in little pieces or baby food that is solely meat. You'll use these treats as a reward to reinforce the behavior you choose.[13]
    • Ferrets are obligate carnivores, meaning meat-based treats are always the best. Avoid treats that have vegetables or grains in them.
    • You can use a small spoon or even your finger to dole out bits of baby food.
  2. 2
    Buy a clicker for training online or at pet stores. Clicking works well for training because it is a consistent response that you can use immediately when your ferret does something you want to encourage. It's a faster response then offering a treat or even praise, so your ferret will have an easier time figuring out the behavior you want.
    • You can also use a loud clicking ballpoint pen.
  3. 3
    Teach the ferret that a click is a good thing by following it with a treat. Start training your ferret by clicking and then offering the ferret a treat a few times in a row. Repeat this process several times a day until the ferret understands the "click" is positive.[14]
    • You'll know when your ferret starts to understand because it will immediately look for a treat after you click.
  4. 4
    Encourage the behavior you want. Set up a scenario to increase the likelihood that your ferret will do the behavior you want with a click and treat. Alternatively, watch the ferret for the behavior you want to encourage. Then offer a click and reward.
    • For instance, if you want to teach your ferret to come, try putting it in the crate you normally use to carry it places. Close the gate. When the ferret is looking at you, open the gate, and lure it out with a treat towards you. As it comes towards you, offer a click and give the treat to the ferret.
    • You can also use clickers for litter box training. When the ferret uses the box, give a click and a treat to encourage the behavior.[15]
  5. 5
    Add a verbal common and signal. Once the ferret starts getting the idea, say the word you want to associate with the trick. It can also help to add a hand signal or gesture to reinforce the idea.[16]
    • For instance, when you want your ferret to come, you might say, "Come, Rover," as you tap the ground to encourage it to come your direction.
    • Keep rewarding the ferret with a click and a treat when it comes your direction.
  6. 6
    Phase out the clicker, and rely on the command. Once your ferret starts to understand, reinforce the trick by making it a little more difficult. Eventually, you can stop using the clicker and just say the command.[17]
    • For example, you might have someone hold your ferret across the room and practice calling it to you. Use the clicker and treat to reward it.
    • If your ferret seems to understand, try just using just the command, rewarding it with a treat when it comes.
  7. Advertisement


  • Be patient, as different ferrets learn at different speeds.
  • Some ferrets may try to game the system by performing tricks on their own to get treats. Make sure to only reward them when you say the cue, asking them to perform the trick.
  • Never keep a ferret and a hamster in the same cage!

Things You'll Need

  • Bitter apple spray
  • Training clicker or clicking pen
  • Litter box
  • Ferret bedding
  • Training crates
  • Treats

About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 114,917 times.
4 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 35
Updated: September 30, 2022
Views: 114,917
Categories: Ferrets
Article SummaryX

To train a ferret, first keep your ferret in a cage with a litter box so it gets used to using it. Then, once it seems like it has the hang of it, you can move the litter box to a bigger room like the bathroom. When it’s there, put your ferret in its litter box right after it wakes up to encourage it to go to the bathroom in it. Whenever your ferret uses the litter box on its own, remember to pet and praise it to reinforce that correct behavior. For more advice from our Veterinary co-author, including how to discourage your ferret from bad behavior like biting, read on!

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