
See also: nek, nec, neck, and -nek



-né (conditional suffix) + -k (personal suffix)


  • IPA(key): [neːk]



  1. (personal suffix) Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation).
    olvas (to read)Ma csak könyveket olvasnék. - Today I would read only books.
  2. (personal suffix) Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation).
    kér (to ask)Ők azt kérnék, hogy hívd fel őket. - They would ask you to call them.

Usage notes

  • (personal suffix) Harmonic variants:
    -nék is added to most verbs (there is no back vowel variant)
    vár (to wait)várnék (I would wait)
    -anék is added to back vowel verbs ending in two consonants or in a long vowel + t (exceptions áll, száll, varr, forr, lát)
    mond (to say something)mondanék (I would say something)
    tanít (to teach)tanítanék (I would teach)
    -enék is added to front vowel verbs ending in two consonants or in a long vowel + t
    fest (to paint)festenék (I would paint)
    segít (to help)segítenék (I would help)
  • (personal suffix) Harmonic variants:
    -nák is added to most back vowel verbs
    vár (to wait)A szülők azt várnák, hogy a gyerekek tanuljanak.- The parents would expect the children to study.
    -nék is added to most front vowel verbs
    kér (to ask)A szüleim azt kérnék, hogy hívd fel őket. - My parents would like to ask you to call them.
    -anák is added to back vowel verbs ending in two consonants or in a long vowel + t (exceptions áll, száll, varr, forr, lát)
    mond (to say)Nem mondanák, ha nem lenne igaz. - They would not say it if it weren't true.
    tanít (to teach)Ők tanítanák a gyerekeket. - They would teach the children.
    -enék is added to front vowel verbs ending in two consonants or in a long vowel + t
    fest (to paint)Ők festenék a házat. - They would paint the house.
    segít (to help)Ők segítenék a családot. - They would help the family.

See also

  • Category:Hungarian verb forms
  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes
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