From Proto-Italic *sowos, from Proto-Indo-European *sewos, from *swé (“self”). See also Ancient Greek ἑός (heós), Russian свой (svoj), Old Irish fein (“self, himself”), German sein, Old Norse sik (“oneself”), Gothic swes (swes, “one's own”), Old Church Slavonic свои (svoi, “his, her, its”) and своꙗкъ (svojakŭ, “kinsman, relative”), Latin suescere (“to accustom, get accustomed”) and sodalis (“companion”), Sanskrit स्व (sva, “one's own”).
- (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈ, [ˈsʊ.ʊs]
Usage notes
The choice of gender is determined by the noun possessed, and not by the gender of the person who possesses the object.
First/second declension.
Number | Singular | Plural | |||||
Case / Gender | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | |
Nominative | suus | sua | suum | suī | suae | sua | |
Genitive | suī | suae | suī | suōrum | suārum | suōrum | |
Dative | suō | suae | suō | suīs | suīs | suīs | |
Accusative | suum | suam | suum | suōs | suās | sua | |
Ablative | suō | suā | suō | suīs | suīs | suīs | |
Vocative | sue | sua | suum | suī | suae | sua |
- sapsa (very rare)
Derived terms
- suātim
- suus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- suus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- suus in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
- suus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
- Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
- (ambiguous) to outlive, survive all one's kin: omnium suorum or omnibus suis superstitem esse
- to take measures for one's safety; to look after one's own interests: saluti suae consulere, prospicere
- to consider a thing beneath one's dignity: aliquid alienum (a) dignitate sua or merely a se ducere
- to give up one's opinion: a sententia sua discedere
- to give up one's opinion: de sententia sua decedere
- to enter a thing in one's note-book: aliquid in commentarios suos referre (Tusc. 3. 22. 54)
- (ambiguous) to be contented: rebus suis, sorte sua contentum esse
- to vent one's anger, spite on some one: virus acerbitatis suae effundere in aliquem (De Amic. 23. 87)
- to squander all one's property: lacerare bona sua (Verr. 3. 70. 164)
- to be careful of one's dignity: dignitati suae servire, consulere
- to reduce a country to subjection to oneself: terram suae dicionis facere
- (ambiguous) to make oneself master of a people, country: populum, terram suo imperio, suae potestati subicere (not sibi by itself)
- that is self-evident, goes without saying: hoc sua sponte appāret
- (ambiguous) to outlive, survive all one's kin: omnium suorum or omnibus suis superstitem esse
- (ambiguous) to shed one's blood for one's fatherland: sanguinem suum pro patria effundere or profundere
- (ambiguous) to be interred (at the expense of the state, at one's own cost): funere efferri or simply efferri (publice; publico, suo sumptu)
- (ambiguous) to risk one's life: salutem, vitam suam in discrimen offerre (not exponere)
- (ambiguous) to take measures for one's safety; to look after one's own interests: suis rebus or sibi consulere
- (ambiguous) to employ in the furtherance of one's interests: aliquid in usum suum conferre
- (ambiguous) to consider one's own advantage in everything: omnia ad suam utilitatem referre
- (ambiguous) to use up, make full use of one's spare time: otio abūti or otium ad suum usum transferre
- (ambiguous) to win a man over to one's own way of thinking: aliquem ad suam sententiam perducere or in suam sententiam adducere
- (ambiguous) to freely express one's opinions: sententiam suam aperire
- (ambiguous) to act in accordance with one's convictions: suo iudicio uti
- (ambiguous) to go one's own way, proceed independently: suo consilio uti
- (ambiguous) to win renown amongst posterity by some act: nomen suum posteritati aliqua re commendare, propagare, prodere
- (ambiguous) to take a thing to heart: demittere aliquid in pectus or in pectus animumque suum
- (ambiguous) Cicero says in his 'Laelius.: Cicero dicit in Laelio (suo) or in eo (not suo) libro, qui inscribitur Laelius
- (ambiguous) to bury oneself in one's library: se abdere in bibliothecam suam
- (ambiguous) to be contented: rebus suis, sorte sua contentum esse
- (ambiguous) to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted: de statu suo or mentis deici (Att. 16. 15)
- (ambiguous) to despair of one's position: desperare suis rebus
- (ambiguous) to set one's hope on some one: spem suam ponere, collocare in aliquo
- (ambiguous) to do one's duty: officium suum facere, servare, colere, tueri, exsequi, praestare
- (ambiguous) to do one's duty: officio suo satisfacere (Div. in Caec. 14. 47)
- (ambiguous) to do one's duty: officio suo fungi
- (ambiguous) to neglect one's duty: officium suum deserere, neglegere
- (ambiguous) to neglect one's duty: officio suo deesse (Fam. 7. 3)
- (ambiguous) to be courteous, obliging to some one: aliquem officiis suis complecti, prosequi
- (ambiguous) to follow one's inclinations: studiis suis obsequi (De Or. 1. 1. 3)
- (ambiguous) to indulge one's caprice: sibi or ingenio suo indulgere (Nep. Chabr. 3)
- (ambiguous) to welcome to one's house (opp. to shut one's door against some one): tecto, (in) domum suam aliquem recipere (opp. prohibere aliquem tecto, domo)
- (ambiguous) to be a strict disciplinarian in one's household: severum imperium in suis exercere, tenere (De Sen. 11. 37)
- (ambiguous) to take up one's abode in a place, settle down somewhere: sedem ac domicilium (fortunas suas) constituere alicubi
- (ambiguous) to go into mourning: vestem mutare (opp. ad vestitum suum redire) (Planc. 12. 29)
- (ambiguous) to live on one's means: de suo (opp. alieno) vivere
- (ambiguous) to squander all one's property: dissipare rem familiarem (suam)
- (ambiguous) to invite some one to one's house: invitare aliquem tecto ac domo or domum suam (Liv. 3. 14. 5)
- (ambiguous) to separate from, divorce (of the man): aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)
- (ambiguous) to keep up a usage: consuetudinem suam tenere, retinere,[TR1] servare
- (ambiguous) to have no debts: in suis nummis versari (Verr. 4. 6. 11)
- (ambiguous) (a state) has its own laws, is autonomous: suis legibus utitur (B. G. 1. 45. 3)
- (ambiguous) to guard, maintain one's dignity: dignitatem suam tueri, defendere, retinere, obtinere
- (ambiguous) to be elected at the age required by law (lex Villia annalis): suo (legitimo) anno creari (opp. ante annum)
- (ambiguous) to assert one's right: ius suum persequi
- (ambiguous) to obtain justice: ius suum adipisci (Liv. 1. 32. 10)
- (ambiguous) to maintain one's right: ius suum tenere, obtinere
- (ambiguous) to waive one's right: de iure suo decedere or cedere
- (ambiguous) in a favourable position: idoneo, aequo, suo (opp. iniquo) loco
- (ambiguous) to reduce a country to subjection to oneself: populum in potestatem suam redigere (B. G. 2. 34)
- (ambiguous) to make oneself master of a people, country: populum, terram suo imperio, suae potestati subicere (not sibi by itself)
- (ambiguous) with perfect right: meo (tuo, suo) iure
- (ambiguous) to outlive, survive all one's kin: omnium suorum or omnibus suis superstitem esse
- suus in Ramminger, Johann (accessed 16 July 2016) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700, pre-publication website, 2005-2016
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