Inventory of Innovative Indoor Smoke
Alleviating Technologies in Nepal
number of non government organisations including
Practical Action are working directly with poor
communities to find better solutions and scale up their
efforts to get sufficient support and funding with high
level international political backing.
1.3 Scope of the study
This study mainly focuses on the preparation of an
inventory of innovative IAP reducing technologies that
could be useful to organisations or individuals to get
informed and make appropriate decisions. It is also
expected that this documentation of inventory will help
plan for new innovations for the future referring to these
earlier inventions.
1.4 Objectives
The main objective of this study is to compile the
information available on various innovative technologies
to help support reduce IAP in Nepal.
The specific objectives of this study are to:
· Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each
innovative technology
· Analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of each
technology with respect to acceptability, pollution
reduction, fuel saving and time saving
· Identify and recommend appropriate technologies
for different socio-cultural settings, climatic conditions,
geography, fuel types and cooking behavior
1.5 Methodology
The study was carried out using primary as well as
secondary information. For primary information, various
organisations and people involved in development,
promotion and dissemination of HH energy technologies
were interviewed using formatted questionnaire.
Similarly, various published and unpublished reports,
technical manuals, bulletins and brochures were
reviewed. The following methods were adopted to derive
majority of information in this study:
Relevant literatures mainly technical manuals/
publications related with traditional as well as
innovative IAP reduction technologies were collected
and reviewed. Some materials were also collected
from websites. Likewise, description of the technology
with detailed sketches, figures and photographs were
collected and analysed
Various stakeholders (I/NGOs, private sector,
promoters of technologies, projects and programmes,
government, academic/research institutions,
manufacturers, etc) involved in promotion of smoke
alleviating products were identified and interviewed
Direct observation of technologies and users at the
field conducted
Analysed the prospects, constraints, effectiveness
and efficiency (with respect to acceptability, pollution
reduction, socio-cultural settings, weather, geography,
cooking behavior and fuel and time saving) of each
1.6 Limitation of the study
This study is limited only to those HHs that use solid
fuels such as firewood, cattle dung and agricultural
residues as a source of energy for cooking and space
heating. Due to a limited time, questionnaires were sent
to organisations located outside Kathmandu valley
because interactions with the respondents in some
cases were not enough. Some problems identified at
the field level could not be collected from organisations
outside the valley as those organisations only supported
local NGOs and did not possess adequate user level
information. However, interviews, survey questionnaires
and informal discussions were used to derive information
as much as possible on various technologies as
described in this report.