7.2 Bijuli Dekchi (electric cooker)
Year of dissemination
Quantity disseminated
Technological description
Disseminated regions
Major organisations involved in
Inventory of Innovative Indoor Smoke
Alleviating Technologies in Nepal
83 in Ghandruk as of 1994 (average 2 per HH, one for cooking
purpose and another for heating water).
It is a low wattage cooker with a combination of provision for
storing heat in the form of water. Heated water is used for
cooking and washing purpose.
Bijuli stove consists of two locally available aluminum pots which
are fitted into each other with an air gap in between which acts
as an insulation reducing heat losses through the side and the
base. A low wattage heating element is attached to the bottom
of the inner pan. A thermo switch which turns the Dekchi into an
automatic rice cooker is installed to protect the pan from over
boiling. As per the user demand, the size of the cooker varies
from 3 to 40 liters. Low-high switch in the cooker regulates the
night time heating of water at half the original watt of the cooker.
Ghandruk and Chomrong (at 1750 to 2050 m altitude)
Low cost, locally manufactured, repairable' and smokeless.
Not feasible due to socio-economic factors, dietary habits.
Requirement of electricity. Availability of fuel wood in abundance,
non reliable electric supply, limited power and high cost of
subscription are some of the major constraints in wider
dissemination of this technology.
Practical Action Nepal Office, Development and Consulting
Services, Butwal.