Inventory of Innovative Indoor Smoke
Alleviating Technologies in Nepal
3.2.1 One pothole ICS
Figure 3.3 : One pothole ICS
Source : AEPC
Year of dissemination
Quantity disseminated
Technological description
Disseminated regions
Major organisations involved
in promotion/dissemination
Early 1990s onwards
NRs. 150 to 200 (but varies with size and base construction)
Around 20,000
Simple design
Disseminated in mid hills as well as in Terai. Though accepted
in Terai, model adaptation is needed because majority of HHs
have thin wall and thatched roof. It is also common to cook
outside in some districts of Terai, in those places; model is
suitable without any modification.
Flexibility in design (stove and pothole size), low cost, easy
construction and smoke removal from kitchen. Can be used
extensively for cooking including kundo (animal feed). Bigger
stove can be used to cook food for large number of people by
constructing pothole with larger diameter.
Constructed only by trained promoters and not available in the
market. Time consuming because of one pothole. Not suitable
for space heating.
NICSP of AEPC/ESAP with support from GOs, I/NGOs and CBOs.