Inventory of Innovative Indoor Smoke
Alleviating Technologies in Nepal
3.2.7 Lapsi stove
Photograph 3.3: Lapsi stove
Year of dissemination
Quantity disseminated
Technological description
Disseminated regions
Major organisations involved in
Source: AEPC
2001 (Initial improvement was done in 1997/98)
NRs.1000 to 1500
The overall size of the stove is 41x39.2x18 inches. The
construction materials are bricks, cement, sand, iron tripod, grate
and iron pipe. Metal grate at the fuel bed facilitate frequent
removal of ambers and ashes. Mud plaster is pasted inside the
combustion chamber to repair cracks. The half sunk pot is usually
made up of half cut kerosene drum. Fuel (Lapsi seed) is fed
through a hollow metal tube.
Sanga and Kavre districts because of abundant production of
Highly efficient and fuel saving.
Not available in the market. Especially designed to use with
Lapsi seeds, so it may not be suitable to use with other types of
fuel material.
RECAST, Practical Action and CRT/N.