Embracing your femininity to get what you want from him

Feminine energy is a powerful tool that can help you manifest anything (or any person) into your life. While feminine energy is all about receiving, masculine energy focuses on giving. So, men are naturally drawn to a woman who embraces her feminine side. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to create an inviting, feminine aura to attract any man you desire.

Things You Should Know

  • To embrace your feminine side, be true to yourself. Feminine energy is all about being authentic and vulnerable, so allow yourself to feel all of your emotions.
  • Maintain a mysterious aura to make a man pursue you. To ignite his curiosity, listen more than you speak and reveal minimal information about yourself.
  • Maintain your boundaries to radiate a powerful feminine energy. This makes you appear more confident, allowing you to get what you want in a relationship.

Be true to yourself.

  1. Embrace who you are to radiate divine feminine energy. Ultimately, being true to yourself is one of the best ways to magnify your feminine power. Recognize your emotions, be confident, and follow the advice that resonates within your heart. If you blindly follow advice, you might actually distance yourself from your feminine energy (and in the process, start feeling unfulfilled)!
    • Stand firm in your values and beliefs, and write down what you prioritize in life—never compromise who you are to fit an idea of what you think men want.
    • To be your most authentic self, follow your intuition and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Remember that you know yourself better than anyone else.
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Be open to receiving help.

  1. Accept help graciously to tap into your feminine side. While there’s nothing wrong with being self-sufficient, feminine energy focuses on receiving, while masculine energy is characterized by giving. When both energies are balanced, you feel a deeper sense of alignment and purpose, so be more receptive to compliments and ask for help to fully embrace your feminine side.[1]
    • Even if you don’t agree with a compliment, avoid disconfirming it. Instead, embrace your femininity and reply with a sincere, “Thank you.”
    • If you’re naturally a giving person, think of receiving help as giving someone else the ability to do something for you (versus you submitting to them).

Be mysterious.

  1. Maintain a little mystery to leave him wanting more. While feminine energy is naturally mysterious, you can make small adjustments to your behavior to enhance your innate allure. To be mysterious, listen more than you speak, and reveal minimal information about yourself. When you keep your personal life private, it ignites a man’s curiosity, making you appear more attractive and aligned.[2]
    • Remember to choose your words wisely and speak with intent.
    • To minimize the amount of information you share about yourself, respond vaguely. For example, if he asks you what you did the night before, you could say, “I had a fun time with friends” (instead of indulging him with every detail).
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Stand up for yourself.

  1. Set healthy boundaries to establish a powerful feminine aura. Instead of trying to please others, be sure to speak up if something isn’t okay with you. Setting boundaries allows you to be more aligned with your feminine side because you’re taking control of your life. And this shows men that you value yourself, boosting your confidence and attractiveness.[3]
    • While upholding a boundary may be difficult sometimes, express your limits in a clear and direct manner. While a boy may not listen to them, a real man will respect your decisions, no matter what.
    • Make sure to clearly state what you expect out of the relationship in the beginning stages—how you deal with him on day one sets the tone for the rest of your time together.

Show him your appreciation.

  1. Reveal your feminine side by expressing appreciation often. Everyone wants to feel validated, so let a man know how much you appreciate him, especially if he does something for you. When you express gratitude, it allows you to tap into your nurturing side, increasing your femininity and attractiveness. And since appreciation boosts his self-esteem, he’ll want to do more things for you (giving you what you want).[4]
    • Depending on your relationship, express gratitude with a sincere compliment or give him a hug or kiss.
    • If you want to catch a man off guard, compliment him out of the blue. Rather than saying he has nice eyes or a good smile, focus on complimenting his personality instead.
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Exhibit feminine body language.

  1. Use friendly body language to encourage him to approach you. Men are equally as afraid of rejection as women, so use your femininity to establish a warm, inviting aura.[5] Changing your posture can instantly make you seem more approachable, attracting a man’s attention from across the room. So the next time you're out in public, be mindful of your stance so you can appear more feminine and graceful.[6]
    • Instead of standing with your arms folded over your chest, keep your arms by your side to project a softer stance, and avoid fidgeting so you don’t give off a nervous, uncomfortable vibe.
    • If you “talk with your hands,” try to limit your behavior or tone down your gestures. To speak with your hands in a fluid, feminine way, slow down your movements and keep them close to your body.

Embrace your sensuality.

  1. Indulge in your senses to engage with your feminine side. Since feminine energy encompasses feeling and being, you can embrace your femininity by slowing down and being more aware of your surroundings. Being sensual means getting out of your head and seeking pleasure from the outside world. So focus on the present moment and fully embrace it—allow yourself to feel all of your emotions and then your feminine energy will radiate from the inside-out.[7]
    • To become more sensual, you have to feel good about your body, so wear clothes that make you feel sexy and confident. Take the time to enjoy the sensation of a soft, silky fabric, and run your hands down your sides to appreciate the way your clothes conform to your body.
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Bring out your playful side.

  1. Engage in flirty banter to show him your feminine side. When you’re having fun, it not only makes you feel better—it makes you look more confident and attractive. Being playful boosts your vibrational energy, allowing you to attract the things (or people) you want, so have a witty conversation to show let him know you don't take yourself too seriously.[8]
    • To be more playful, send him a saucy, unexpected text or casually touch him in public—brush against him when you walk by or gently place your hand on his thigh under the table.
    • You can also be more flirty by laughing at his jokes and complimenting him regularly.

Prioritize self-care.


Be vulnerable.

  1. Open up to others to reclaim your feminine side. In order to fully embrace your femininity, you have to keep your heart open. Share your dreams, fears, and goals with a man to increase your attractiveness (and encourage him to do the same). Being vulnerable allows you to process your feelings and work through them, which is a huge component of the feminine divine.[10]
    • Instead of putting on a mask of perfection, let a man see the real you. Since men are conditioned to view vulnerability as a weakness, being honest stirs up feelings of safety. If you open up to him, it shows that you trust him (and increases his attraction to you).

Express your sensuality through dance.

  1. Dance with cyclical movements to amplify your feminine energy. While masculine energy is linear and logical, feminine energy is more fluid and dynamic.[11] Learn some sexy moves to reveal your sensual side and get a man’s attention, focusing on circular motions to mimic the curves of the female form. When you dance, you’re embracing the essence of feminine energy, increasing your natural mystery and allure.[12]
    • If you really want to attract someone’s attention, try belly dancing—it incorporates empowering movements to make you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.
    • For a sexy and playful vibe, try the salsa. Since it’s a partner dance, ask your partner (or soon-to-be partner) to join you and watch as they become entranced by your seductive steps.
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About This Article

Jan & Jillian Yuhas
Co-authored by:
Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists
This article was co-authored by Jan & Jillian Yuhas. Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas are Relationship Coaches & Boundary Specialists and the Founders of Entwined Lifestyle. They specialize in helping individuals and couples work on effective communication, healthy boundaries, and lifestyle wellness. They have also been featured on media outlets such as Yahoo Lifestyle and Bustle. Jan and Jillian both hold a BA in Psychology from The University of Illinois at Chicago and an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from The Adler School of Professional Psychology. This article has been viewed 2,749 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 3, 2023
Views: 2,749
Categories: Personality Traits