Living in solitude can help you gain a broader perspective on yourself and the world. Before you head into the wild, you will need to choose the right location and make sure you have regular access to necessities like food and water. Consider living in solitude for just a short period of time, and make sure you inform friends and family about your intentions.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Choosing When and Where to Live in Solitude

  1. 1
    Pick an appropriate location. Before you begin living in solitude, you will need to choose a location that allows you to be alone. For many people, this can be your current dwelling. For others, you may need to rent or buy a secluded property like a cabin on a lake or a simple home in a foreign country.[1]
    • Australia’s Northern Territory, Greenland, the Pitcairn Islands, Svalbard, and Tristan da Cunha are all destinations where a life of solitude is possible.
  2. 2
    Consider living in solitude for a short period of time. Solitude provides an opportunity to rediscover different parts of yourself, and can give you a much needed break from the doldrums of modern living. However, humans need relationships with others to achieve mental health and wellness. Rather than resigning yourself to a life of complete solitude, consider a trial period first.[2]
    • Try living in solitude for one month during the summer.
    • You can also start small and live in solitude for a single week.
  3. 3
    Inform your friends and family. After you have secured a location to live in solitude and created a foolproof plan for accessing food and water, you will need to tell your friends and family. Explain to them that you are embarking on a journey into solitude, and will not be in contact for a period of time.[3]
    • Try saying, “I need to intentionally remove the influence of others from my life, and have decided to begin living in solitude.”
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Equipping Yourself to Successfully Live in Solitude

  1. 1
    Make sure you have access to food and water. Put together a plan to feed and hydrate yourself while living in solitude. You will need to drink 64 ounces or 1.9 liters (0.5 US gal) of fresh water each day. You will also need to consume at least 1500 calories each day.[4]
    • Make sure you can get to a place to purchase food and water on a regular basis.
    • It is also a good idea to stockpile food and water in case you cannot purchase these necessities.
  2. 2
    Take along plenty of reading materials. If you are living in solitude, you might find yourself in need of stimulating activities. Consider taking several books and magazines with you. Reading materials can help stem the quell of loneliness you may feel while living in solitude.
  3. 3
    Write in a journal. Writing can be an important part of living in solitude. Consider taking several journals or blank notebooks with you as you begin a life of solitude. Write down your thoughts and feelings each day. You can also use the time in solitude to write stories, poems, or a novel.
  4. 4
    Enjoy the benefits of living in solitude. There are several ways you can benefit from a life of solitude, depending on your personality and lifestyle. For example, living in solitude can help you develop a deeper consciousness of yourself, increase your creativity, and give you a heightened sense of freedom.[5]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Deciding if a Life of Solitude is Right for You

  1. 1
    Ask yourself if you enjoy spending time alone. People who thrive while living in solitude tend to be introverted and enjoy spending time on their own. If you find yourself feeling secure and happy when spending time alone, living in solitude might be a good choice for you.[6]
    • Keep in mind that you don’ have to be introverted to live in solitude.
  2. 2
    Be prepared for self-reflection. Being alone means you will have a lot of time to think about your life and yourself. Living in solitude will give you plenty of time to become introspective. Before deciding to live in solitude, take some time for self-reflection. You can try journaling or taking an art course. If you enjoy reflecting on your life and self, you might be well-suited to live in solitude.[7]
  3. 3
    Determine if you have the financial freedom to live in solitude. Living in solitude can be costly, especially if you intend to quit your day job. Sit down and create a budget for shelter, water, food, and other necessities. Make sure you save enough money to cover these expenses before heading into the wild.
    • If you own a house or car, you will need to make sure you can afford payments and repairs while you live in solitude.
    • If you have outstanding debts, like student loans or credit card debt, you will need to make sure you can pay them while living in solitude.
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38 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 26
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 96,103
Categories: Emotions and Feelings