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On Wii Sports, one of the bowling trainings is Power Throws. It is made up of ten stages. As you progress, more and more pins are added. In the final stage there are 91 pins. At first, a strike seems impossible, but with a little practice, it will become easy.
1On the main menu, select Training (the blue weights, next to the Wii Fitness button).
2Under bowling, choose Power Throws (the second one down).Advertisement
3Bowl for the first 9 stages.
4At the beginning of the tenth stage, press the A button. Instead of moving your Mii left or right, you can adjust the angle of the throw.
5Adjust your angle two clicks to the right.
6Press the A button and move as far right as you can against the barrier.
7Throw the ball up (or loft it), trying not to have any spin on the ball.
8If done correctly, the ball should travel down the barrier. When it reaches the end, a "sonic boom" will be heard, and every pin will soon fall over.
9If you are left handed, you must do it on the left side. If you try to do it on the opposite side, this will not work.
Community Q&A
QuestionCan these techniques apply to real bowling as well?Community AnswerNo. The Easter egg mechanics in the game are only meant for entertainment purposes, not real life.
- When using the Wii, always remember to wear and tighten the wrist strap to avoid injury/property damage.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Things You'll Need
- Wii console
- Wii Sports (included with Wii)
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