This article talks about checking the compatibility of your AC power adapter with your computer. When you purchase a computer, an AC power adapter will be provided. In case it is not included in your package, is incompatible, or damaged, you can follow the below mentioned steps to efficiently match up your AC adapter and computer. These steps can be followed for both desktops and laptops.


  1. 1
    Check the user manual. Refer to the user manual accompanying your computer to find out the voltage, wattage, and current capacities of your computer.
  2. 2
    Check the Internet, if needed. In case you have misplaced the user manual, you can check the official website of the brand, and find out the voltage and wattage specifications.
  3. 3
    Find a compatible power adapter. Match the computer and the adapter. Below is the compatibility range:
    • Voltage Range: The voltage capacity of the adapter should be within 10% of the capacity of the computer.
    • Wattage Range: The wattages of both the adapter and the computer have to be equal.
    • Current Range: The current of the power adapter should never be lower than that of the computer. It can be equal to or higher than the current capacity of the computer.
  4. 4
    Check the fit of the adapter and your socket. The AC adapters in the market are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Matching the voltage and wattage is not enough. You will need to check if the adapter is able to fit into the socket. Make sure that it is a tight fit. Loose connections could result in damage to your adapter, socket, or computer.
  5. 5
    Connect the adapter and your computer. The acid test for the entire operation – connect the AC adapter to the power source and the computer. Check to see if the computer is able to charge properly. Let it run for an entire cycle to know if the adapter is working with maximum efficiency.
  6. Advertisement


  • If you are underage, take assistance of an adult. Don’t attempt to use these gadgets without supervision.
  • Don’t insert your fingers in the power sockets.
  • Practice extreme caution when handling power adapters and electric sockets.
  • Using incompatible gadgets and power cables could result in damage to the gadget and injury to the user. It could also cause severe problems on a larger scale in your home or housing complex.

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Co-authors: 4
Updated: September 1, 2022
Views: 26,636
Categories: Computer Hardware