This article was co-authored by Jeffrey Fermin and by wikiHow staff writer, Kira Jan. Jeffrey Fermin is a Performance Marketing Manager based in Miami, Florida, who currently works for AllVoices. He’s also the Founder of a full-service marketing company called New Theory. With over 10 years of experience, he specializes in digital marketing and content creation. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Bachelor of Education from Florida International University. Jeffrey has won a Microsoft Octas Innovation Award and is a TechCrunch Disrupt Runner-Up.
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Condescending coworkers can leave you feeling devalued, dismissed, and completely annoyed. Not to mention, dealing with condescending people at work can sap your energy and make you less productive! Fortunately, you have the power to change your workplace dynamics and get your colleague to stop their passive-aggressive behavior. Read on to learn the most diplomatic, effective, and professional approach to dealing with your condescending coworker.
Stay calm in the moment.
1It's easy to want to lash out, but that's not the best strategy. By ignoring your coworker’s bad behavior, you won’t give them the satisfaction of knowing they upset you. We know it’s definitely not easy to brush off critical comments, over-explanations, interruptions, or patronizing language. But keeping a cool head will help you deal with your condescending coworker in a professional, rational way.[1] X Research source Here's what you can say to dismiss condescending behavior:
- “Thanks so much. I’ll keep that in mind!”
- “Sounds like we’re on the same page. Could we move on?”
- “I get what you’re saying. Let's keep going."
Maintain neutral body language.
1Between 75-90% of communication comes through nonverbal signals.[2] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Business Review Online and print journal covering topics related to business management practices Go to source To keep your conversation civil, aim for a positive, kind tone. Make eye contact to project confidence. Sit or stand with your shoulders and arms relaxed to take the tension out of the conversation.[3] X Trustworthy Source HelpGuide Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Go to source
- Avoid hostile body language, like crossing your arms, pointing your fingers, or moving into your coworker’s personal space.
Try not to take the condescension personally.
1People tend to be condescending because they’re arrogant or insecure. Take a deep breath and recognize that what this person says or thinks doesn’t reflect your job performance or capabilities.[4] X Research source It’s actually a reflection on their character and how they feel about themselves.
- Try to set any assumptions aside. Your coworker might not have ill intentions. In fact, they might not realize they’re being condescending!
Look for elements of truth in what they say.
1Finding common ground can help you work together later on.[5] X Research source Your coworker’s condescending remark or behavior could have a tiny kernel of truth or logical rationale behind it—even if their tone and delivery was inappropriate. For instance, if they over-explained a term to you, it might be because you’re newer to a project, not because they doubt your abilities. If you’re struggling to find common ground with your coworker, try this out:[6] X Research source
- Write down what your coworker said or did.
- Write down everything you feel that was wrong about what they said.
- Write down anything that could be true about what they said.
Weigh the pros and cons of confrontation.
1You might want to address repeated behavior but let it slide if it’s a one-time deal. Ask yourself, “Is it worth my time and energy to talk to this person?” Remember, accepting critical feedback is tough, and your coworker might get upset or have feedback to give you in response. Here are a few things to consider before you talk to them:[7] X Research source
- How likely are they to change? If they’ve responded to feedback poorly in the past, it might not be worth trying to get them to change now.
- Do they treat everyone like this? If so, their condescending behavior might be part of their communication style and personality.
- Is this behavior common in your company? If the culture of your company feels patronizing, your coworker’s behavior is just a symptom of a larger issue.
- Am I willing to accept feedback and change my own behavior? This conversation will be a two-way street. If you can go into it with an open mind, that’s a great sign.
Ask to speak with your coworker in private.
1You’ll have a more productive discussion when you’re alone. That way, no one’s pride will get in the way of true conflict resolution. Pick a place to meet where you’ll both feel comfortable and where you won’t be overheard or interrupted. Show that you’re willing to work together by asking your coworker name a time that would be convenient for them.[8] X Research source
- Say something like, “I’d like to talk to you about team dynamics. When would be a good time for us to chat?”
- Consider meeting someplace “neutral,” like a local coffee shop, a bench outside your workplace, or an unoccupied conference room.
- If your coworker has crossed the line from condescension into bullying, harassment or discrimination, go to your supervisor or HR representative rather than talking 1-1.[9] X Research source
Explain what you observed.
1Open with an “I’ve noticed” statement. By starting with a particular behavior and sticking to the facts, you avoid making your coworker feel like you’re targeting their personality.[10] X Research source It might be super tempting to start naming a whole list of complaints you have with this coworker. Still, you’re more likely to get your message across if you just bring up 1 issue at a time.[11] X Research source
- “This morning, I noticed you spent a lot of time walking me through our marketing strategy.”
- “I’ve noticed you’ve been calling me ‘sweetie’ lately. I heard you use that nickname during our meeting with sponsors this afternoon.”
- “Earlier, I noticed that you talked over me during lunch with our manager.”
Share how you interpreted their behavior.
1Use “I” statements to describe how their actions impacted you. “I” statements let you communicate how you feel about the situation without placing blame or accusations on your coworker.[12] X Research source It might feel uncomfortable to talk about why you’re upset, but it’s important for your coworker to understand that their actions impact you!
- “I felt frustrated by your explanation, because I went through the same training as everyone else here, so I feel pretty familiar with the guidelines.”
- “I feel disrespected when you use juvenile nicknames for me, especially in front of customers.”
- “I feel devalued when you talk over me, because it makes me feel like this company doesn’t value my input.”
Ask your coworker to clarify what they meant.
1Give your coworker a chance to explain their point of view. In a best-case scenario, you might realize what you perceived as condescension was just a miscommunication. After all, everyone has a different communication style. Your coworker might come from a background where their tone of voice is considered perfectly acceptable.[13] X Research source
- “I understand our marketing strategy for this quarter. Could you explain why you walked me through it again? Is there something I’m missing?”
- “Could you help me understand where that nickname comes from?”
- “To make sure we’re on the same page, I’d love to hear your perspective on what happened at lunch.”
Work together to come up with a solution.
1Ask for what you need, and ask your coworker to meet you halfway. Be clear and direct about what you’d like to change. Suggest a few ways you two could team up to reach that ideal goal or scenario. Then, close out your request by asking for help or understanding. Focus on improving your working relationship, rather than “winning” the conflict.[14] X Research source
- “Moving forward, I’ll make sure to ask questions when I don’t understand something, so you don’t have to automatically explain terms. How does that sound to you?”
- “Rather than calling me by a nickname, I’d like you to call me by my real name. Can you understand where I’m coming from?”
- “I’d like to feel like I have a voice on this team. How can we work together so that you and I both get to talk during meetings?”
Remind yourself that you’re valuable.
1Condescension can really impact your self-esteem. To reconnect with yourself and your value, spend time around the coworkers who lift you up. You can even give yourself an encouraging pep talk by repeating a mantra like, “I’m smart and I deserve to be here.”[15] X Research source
- Give yourself credit for your accomplishments. Save the positive email from your boss or write down the kind comment from a happy customer.[16] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
- Try not to compare yourself and your job performance to your coworkers’.
Talk to your manager or HR representative.
1If your coworker’s behavior continues, you can take more serious action. Negativity and conflict in the workplace can take a serious toll on your ability to work and your mental health. A condescending coworker should absolutely be your manager’s concern! That person is probably undermining team morale on a larger level and creating unnecessary drama.[17] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Business Review Online and print journal covering topics related to business management practices Go to source
- Set aside a time to talk in private: “I’d really appreciate your input on something. Do you have 20 minutes to talk this week?”[18] X Research source
- Bring up your issue concisely, without putting down your coworker: “I’ve been struggling a bit while working with Mark. I’ve noticed he tends to interrupt me and roll his eyes at my ideas.”
- Ask for your supervisor’s help or advice: “How would you approach this situation?” or “Do you have any advice on how he and I can work together more effectively?”
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