Daniel Craig, the actor who portrayed James Bond in Skyfall, is known for his short, somewhat messy hair. This can be a fun style to emulate, especially if you prefer your hair on the shorter side. With the proper haircut and some simple styling techniques, your hair can look as good, if not better, than Daniel Craig’s.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting the Proper Haircut

  1. 1
    Request a short fade style. Request a "short fade" hair style at your barber's. This style will allow you to style your hair like Daniel Craig at home. The short fade style means your hair will start off longer near the top of your head and gradually get shorter as your barber works their way down the sides.[1]
    • Daniel Craig's hair frames his face by making a round curve near the top of his head that fades out slightly towards his temples.
    • This frames his face and softens his features.[2]
  2. 2
    Request specific measurements. Request your barber cut your hair between one and one point five centimeters (about .4 and .6 of an inch) on the sides. On the top of your head, request the length be around 2 centimeters (about .8 of an inch).[3]
    • It can also help to let your barber know you're going for a rounded effect.
    • You want a look that will frame your face, so your hair's length should be reduced gradually as your barber moves from the top of your head to the sides.[4]
  3. 3
    Ask for a textured cut near the top. Texturizing a cut means hairs are cut with minor variations in length. While most of the hair near the top of your head will still be the appropriate two centimeters (.8 of an inch), your barber will cut some hairs shorter or longer here and there. These subtle variations in length create a sense of depth, making thinner, shorter hair look and feel fuller.[5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Styling Your Hair Like Daniel Craig

  1. 1
    Towel dry your hair after showering.[6] A microfiber towel is your best option for towel drying. Once you get out of the shower, very gently run a towel through your hair. Go slowly and be gentle to keep your hair looking smooth. If you want, you can apply a leave-in conditioner just prior to towel drying for added smoothness.[7]
  2. 2
    Let your hair dry. It's always best to style your hair when it's completely dry. Towel drying does not usually completely dry your hair. You can use a blow dryer if you're in a hurry to dry your hair further.[8] Air drying is also an option if you're not in a rush.
    • If you do go the blow drying route, blow dry your hair to one direction and slightly back. Use a small, round brush to direct your hair as you blow dry.[9]
  3. 3
    Rub matt clay into your hair.[10] You can purchase matt clay at most hair salons or online. Start by applying the clay to the top of your head. Work the matt clay into your hair by moving from your roots to your tips. Push the clay outward from the top of your head as you go, dispersing the clay throughout your hair.[11]
    • Refer to your package's instructions for the precise amount to use. The amount of matt clay you need depends on your clay's specific formula.
  4. 4
    Give your hair a messy part. Near one side of your head, give yourself a somewhat messy part. Craig's hair is not known for being perfectly neat, so have some hairs criss-crossing to create a rough, uneven line separating your hair.[12]
    • A comb may create a very neat part, so it's easier to use your fingers to emulate the messy look of Craig's hair.
  5. 5
    Add some texture with your fingers. Craig's hair creates a rounded shape that frames his face, so your hair should move in opposing directions on either side of the part. However, your hair should not lie completely flat. Use your fingers over a brush to style your hair. As you push your hair to frame your face, tousle your hair slightly using your fingertips. This will cause some hairs to stand up slightly, preventing a flat look. You want a slight spiked effect to give off the Daniel Craig vibe.[13]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Maintaining Your Look

  1. 1
    Plan extra time to style your hair in the mornings. The Daniel Craig look takes a bit of time and effort achieve, especially considering your hair should be completely dry before you style it. Make sure to give yourself an extra few minutes in the morning if you want to wear the Daniel Craig style to work or school.[14]
    • While blow drying your hair can speed up the drying process, it still takes a little extra time. Give yourself extra time even when blow drying.
  2. 2
    Cut your hair every three weeks. You need to keep your hair fairly short to maintain your style. Every three weeks, make an appointment with your barber to get a haircut.[15] Remember to request a short fade and provide specific measurements.
  3. 3
    Shave regularly. If you want to emulate other aspects of Craig's style, remain clean shaven. Craig is known for having minimal facial hair, so keeping your face bare can help you look more like Craig.[16]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Will this work if I have curly hair?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It could work, but it may look different if your hair curls. Try a chemical straightener treatment if you really want to achieve the full look.

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Co-authors: 6
Updated: December 11, 2022
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Article SummaryX

To get the Daniel Craig ‘do, cut your hair in a textured, short fade style, removing 1 to 1.5 centimeters from the sides and leaving about 2 centimeters on top. After a shower, run a microfiber towel through your hair and let it dry. Rub matte clay into your hair, working it from the roots to the tips. Using your fingers, create a messy side part, then tousle your hair to add texture spikes. For advice on maintaining your secret agent look, read on!

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