Do you want to share your Facebook information on your personal website or blog? Want to let people access to your profile page from your website? Read on!


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    There are four kinds of badges for sharing different kinds of information. There is a Profile badge for sharing profile information, a Like badge for showcasing all the pages you like, a Photo badge for sharing all your Facebook photos and a Page badge for advertising your page on Facebook.
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    Use the Profile badge to share all your profile information like your name, place, school, movies and songs you like etc.
    • Click on the Profile badge tab.
    • Facebook provides a basic layout for the Badge. You can further edit it by clicking on the Edit this Badge link and set your preferences.
    • Copy the HTML code and paste it on you web page, blog or anywhere else you like.
  5. 5
    Use the Like badge for showcasing all the pages you like on Facebook on your website, blog or userpage.
    • Click on the Like badge tab.
    • Select the Facebook page you want shown on the badge and copy the HTML code and paste it anywhere you want to place your badge.
  6. 6
    Use the Photo badge for sharing all your Facebook photos on your blog or website.
    • Click on the Photo badge tab.
    • Select the layout you want as well as the number of photos you want seen in the badge.
    • Copy the HTML code and paste it to your web page, blog or user page.
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  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What is a rookie badge and how did I get it?
    Community Answer
    The Rookie Badge on Facebook means that the profile, individual, or organization is verified, which means your page or profile is authentic and genuine. More people will trust it thanks to this badge.
  • Question
    How do I get an author badge on Facebook?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    When you post something, you will automatically have a author badge. Try that on something that you post and you will see an author badge there.


  • Whatever you put on your badge can be viewed by anyone who visits your site, blog or user page and by doing so, you may compromise your privacy and security.

Things You'll Need


  1. Facebook - Research source

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 276,614
Categories: Facebook