Getting your period can be a hassle, especially when you have to worry about accidents during physical activities, like cheerleading. You should monitor your own symptoms over time so that you know what to expect from your body. The determine what kind of protective items to use – pads, tampons, panty liners – depending on how heavy your flow is at the time. Treat your symptoms by taking an over the counter pain reliever and try to maintain a positive attitude.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Learning to Deal with Your Period

  1. 1
    Stay positive. Sometimes, as humans, we just need to take a break once in a while. Unfortunately, when you commit to a sports team or extracurricular activity, you are bound to stay engaged and involved. You have committed yourself to your cheerleading squad; do not let your period get the best of you.
    • Have some fun and stay positive, and, soon enough, you'll forget you even have your period.
  2. 2
    Learn what to expect from your period. Remember that a girl's blood flow during her period can range from extremely heavy to very light. You need to be able to identify what your blood flow will be like during your period every month to know what you need to wear – like a pad, tampon, panty liner, etc. Typically, periods last between two and seven days each month, and generally occur once every 21-35 days.[1]
    • Periods are often irregular for the first few years, so don’t be frustrated by the irregularity if this happens to you. It’s completely normal.
    • Your period will come when it comes and leave when it leaves. There aren't any medicines, injections, surgeries, foods, or anything else that can make your period stop. Learning what to expect from your own body and treating your usual symptoms is the best way to tackle this problem.
  3. 3
    Avoid giving in to a crabby mood or having a bad attitude. Part of being a cheerleader is going out on the field and cheering on your team. Having your period should not change the passion you have for your team and the activity you love doing.
    • If you find yourself in a swirl of mood swings and negative attitudes, do something to relax you before your competition or game. Take a nice hot bath, read your favorite book, tan in the backyard, take a nap, go for a bike ride, or do anything else that will relax your body and mind. Then, by the time your game or competition begins, you won't be nearly as stressed out.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Ready to Cheer

  1. 1
    Purchase pads and tampons designed for use during sports. There are plenty of feminine products that are intended for use during physical activities and sports. Try to pick one of these active-use products because they will prevent leaks and accidents more effectively when you are cheerleading.
    • Shop around with the various brands, sizes, and styles to figure out which ones work best for you.
  2. 2
    Change your feminine products right before and after cheerleading practice. One of the best things you can do to prevent accidents is to change your feminine products immediately before practice. Use a new tampon and/or pad as close to the beginning of practice as possible.
    • It’s also a good idea to freshen up and change your pad and/or tampon right after practice too. This will help keep you feeling fresh and prevent accidents after cheerleading practice and games.
  3. 3
    Pack extra products for away games. Cheerleaders often have to travel for away games and competitions. If you have your period during an away event, be sure to pack more feminine products than you think you’ll need. You definitely don’t want to accidentally run out of products while you’re away from home.
    • A good rule of thumb is to pack twice as many pads, tampons, and panty liners as you think you’ll need.
    • The amount will vary based on your individual body and what is normal for your particular flow each month.
    • Try to keep track of how many pads and tampons you go through each day during a normal period, and pack twice that many for each day you’ll be traveling.
  4. 4
    Wear a thick pad or tampon during heavy flow. If you have a heavy blood flow, a thick pad or tampon should be worn. If you are afraid of your tampon leaking (which can easily happen while you're jumping and tumbling in cheerleading), wear a panty liner with your tampon so it doesn't leak in your underwear.[2]
    • Pads with deodorant in them do not lessen or mask odor; they only make it worse.
  5. 5
    Wear a thin pad or tampon during medium flow. If you have a medium blood flow, a thinner pad or a tampon should be used. Girls with medium blood flows usually don't have problems with this if they change their tampons every couple of hours.[3]
    • If you are afraid of a period leak, even with a pad/tampon, you should wear a panty liner in addition.
  6. 6
    Wear a panty liner for spotting or light flow. If you have a light blood flow, you should use a panty liner. Panty liners come in different shapes, sizes, and thicknesses, so you just need to select one that makes you feel the most comfortable.
    • However, tampons are recommended for all types of blood flows when playing a sport or being active, just to be on the safe side.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Treating the Symptoms

  1. 1
    Take the right medicines to help with cramps. Most girls do not want to cheer on their football team or lead their competition team to the championships when they are sulking over painful cramps. A pain-relieving pill will do the trick and make those cramps decrease in pain. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Midol, and Advil are examples of medicines that help with cramps.[4]
    • However, while you may feel better, these medications may increase blood flow for the duration of your period. Try to avoid taking these medications if you already have a heavy blood flow.
  2. 2
    Exercise. Typically, girls that participate in physical activities regularly experience lessened blood flow during their period while they are exercising and staying active. The physical activity should minimize your blood flow and lessen your other period symptoms.[5]
    • It is better to be cheering and chanting on the football field and competition floor than sitting on the sidelines watching, as this will keep you more active and help minimize your period symptoms overall.
    • Do your best in cheerleading practice to stay active. And consider working out and exercising on your own as well.
  3. 3
    Eat a healthy diet to ease symptoms. Your diet can greatly impact the severity of your symptoms or discomfort during your cycle each month. In order to lessen your PMS pain, consider limiting your sodium and sugar intake. You should also avoid skipping meals or overindulging in alcohol and caffeine.[6]
    • Try eating foods that are rich in calcium – like cheese, yogurt, and low-fat milk.
    • You should also include fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet to reduce PMS symptoms.
    • You can also include daily supplements like a multivitamin, vitamin D, vitamin B-6, or magnesium oxide.
  4. 4
    Hydrate regularly. Keep a bottle of water close to you at all times when you are cheering. Drinking water will hydrate you and keep your body healthy so as to avoid passing out, feeling faint, or getting sick.[7]
    • Staying hydrated is always important when participating in active sports like cheerleading, but even more so when you are on your period.
  5. Advertisement


  • If you begin to look ghastly pale, feel faint or dizzy, have flimsy limbs, and/or feel as if you are going to pass out, tell your cheerleading coach or another trusted adult as quickly as possible. These are signs of lack of iron in your blood, and you may need to see a doctor or sit out for a while.
  • Pads with deodorant claim to mask odor, but often only make it more noticeable. Wearing a regular pad without deodorant and changing it every 2-4 hours should mask the odor well enough.

Things You'll Need

  • Pads (whatever shape or size you prefer; without deodorant)
  • Tampons
  • Panty liners (whatever shape or size you prefer)
  • Bottled water to keep hydrated
  • Pain relievers (for cramps)

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Co-authors: 21
Updated: May 23, 2022
Views: 65,802
Categories: Sports Health