A perfectly ripe plum is hard to beat, especially if you picked it yourself. There's not a lot to harvesting this tasty stone fruit—you can pick it while it's slightly underripe or wait until it's totally soft and sweet. Still have questions? We've got answers! Read on to get helpful harvesting tips.

Question 1 of 5:

When are plums ready to pick?

  1. 1
    Most plum varieties ripen between July and September. This is just a rough time frame, though—plums in your area may ripen in late spring, so keep your eyes on the plum trees starting in June.[1]
  2. 2
    Harvest European plums when they're soft to the touch. If you've got a European variety, they'll soften and turn blue or purple when they're ripe. To test, gently press the surface of a plum with your thumb and forefinger. If it's soft, it's ready to pick.[2]
    • You might see a powdery white substance on the surface of your plums. It's a fungus that's harmless and doesn't affect the flavor of the fruit—it just means the plums are really ripe!
    • Damson, Stanley, and Mount Royal are popular European plum varieties.
  3. 3
    Pick Japanese and American plums when they're slightly soft. You don't need to wait until these plums are completely soft to the touch. Instead, pick the yellow or red plums as soon as they're firm-ripe. They'll finish ripening within a few days if you set them on the counter.[3]
    • Popular American plum varieties include Alderman, Tecumseh, and Pipestone. Autumn Rosa, Burgundy, and Santa Rosa are all popular Japanese varieties.
    • You can also taste a plum to tell if it's sweet enough. If you get a sour bite or the fruit is still greenish-blue, wait a few days and check the plums again.[4]
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About This Article

Jessica Gibson
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wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Jessica Gibson is a Writer and Editor who's been with wikiHow since 2014. After completing a year of art studies at the Emily Carr University in Vancouver, she graduated from Columbia College with a BA in History. Jessica also completed an MA in History from The University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 9,081 times.
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Updated: August 26, 2021
Views: 9,081