Audio speakers are used in a number of different applications in the home. Stereo sound equipment makes use of at least 2 speakers, while home theater setups may utilize 7 or more speakers placed throughout a room. Computers, radios, and other small devices may also be plugged into speakers. One of the chief concerns when placing speakers anywhere in your home is how to hide the necessary but unsightly wires connecting them to their respective devices and components. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to hide speaker wires and keep them from detracting from your home's aesthetics.


  1. 1
    Hide your speaker wire by installing cable raceways. Raceways are long PVC conduits that are just wide enough to accommodate a few cables or wires. They can be opened and closed along their lengths, so it is easy to place the speaker wire into the raceway and then snap it closed. Because of their lightweight PVC construction, the raceways can be cut to the required length with a hacksaw or utility knife.
    • Cable raceways are available at most hardware stores and several specialty stores that sell home theater equipment.
    • Raceways can be mounted to walls, floors, and ceilings using double-sided tape. The raceways are usually sold with this tape already mounted to the back and ready for application.
    • Raceways can be painted to blend well with your wall, ceiling, or floor color. Latex-based paints work best with PVC.
  2. 2
    Tuck the speaker wire under your baseboards. If you have a carpeted room, it is easy to hide your speaker wires between the carpet and your baseboards. Gently tuck the wires into the gap, using a flat-head screwdriver to push them completely under the baseboard and out of sight. This solution works well for hiding the wire from surround sound speakers in the rear of a home theater setup.
  3. 3
    Run the speaker wires above your ceiling. This option is particularly easy to utilize if you have a suspended ceiling or have not installed a drywall ceiling yet. Speaker wire can be easily run through ceiling joists, or it can be suspended in a cable tray, which can be purchased from a hardware store. When running the wires down from the ceiling to your speakers, you can paint them to match the walls.
  4. 4
    Hide your speaker wires in a flexible cord cover. If you have re-arranged your stereo system temporarily for an event, cord covers can tidy the appearance of speaker wires trailing across the floor. These covers are available in fabric and rubber constructions, and allow you to tuck the wire underneath them while providing a secure, unassuming surface for people to step on. Cord covers can be purchased from most hardware stores.
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  • Do not attempt to encase speaker wire in metal or another conductive material, due to the risk of electric shock.

Things You'll Need

  • Cable raceways
  • Hacksaw or utility knife
  • Latex-based paint
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Cable tray
  • Cord cover

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Co-authors: 8
Updated: March 27, 2023
Views: 97,413
Categories: Audio Speakers