Candy making is enjoyable, both because it's fun to work with the sweet ingredients and because the end results are so very tasty! From very simple candies to very artistic versions, there is candy making for every skill level, depending on what interests you. In this article, you'll find a variety of candy making suggestions to whet your appetite for making candy at home.

Method 1
Method 1 of 7:

Making Simple Candy

Most simple candy is based on sugar turned into a syrup, with flavoring or other simple additives.

  1. 1
    Make sugar candy. This is a very simple candy that only requires sugar and water. Not so great for the teeth, this is best left for an occasional treat.
    • Some variations on the basic sugar candy include maple sugar candy, sparkly sugar candy and Sweet and Low™ sugar candy.
  2. 2
    Make rock or crystallized candy. Rock or crystallized candy is a prettier version of sugar candy that requires a little extra effort but not much! This type of candy is a great one for parties and school fairs. Note––this form of candy is not to be confused with pulled rock candy (see below).
  3. 3
    Make toffee. Toffee is another simple sugar treat that can be eaten plain or can be changed into many different flavors through the addition of flavoring extracts, nuts or fruit, and other items. There are quite a few possibilities here, including:
    • English toffee
    • Almond toffee
    • Marshmallow toffee
    • Bacon toffee
    • Toffee apple.
  4. 4
    Make cotton candy (also known as fairy floss). This is a favorite treat for those attending fairs, showgrounds and sideshows. It's a little messy to make at home but it still tastes great!
  5. 5
    Make marshmallow. A perennial favorite for many, marshmallows are fun snack foods, at home, for camping and hiking and when stuck in the office all day!
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Method 2
Method 2 of 7:

Making Pulled Candy

Pulled candy is formed by stretching the sugar medium into a sausage shape after it cools slightly, twisting and pulling to trap the air bubbles and create a shiny candy. It's hard work though––you need to be strong and able to handle the candy at a high temperature or it'll lose its pliability when too cool. These candies are for the specialist!

  1. 1
    Make taffy. Taffy is a well-known form of pulled candy.
  2. 2
    Make boiled sweets. Many boiled sweets are made using the pulling method. This type of traditional candy formed in the days when people had more time to be fussing about with candy making and there is an infinite variety of boiled sweet types and shapes that can be made. Typical pulled candies include humbugs and rock candy.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 7:

Making caramel candies

Caramels are made by adding milky or creamy products to the sugar. These render the candies softer and creamier.

  1. 1
    Make caramel cream candies or basic caramels. The basic caramel cream candies are vanilla flavored and allow the creaminess to take center stage above the flavor.
  2. 2
    Try variations on the basic caramel theme. There are many possibilities for changing the flavor and texture of caramels. Here are just a few examples of what you can make:
    • Plain chocolate caramels
    • Chocolate nut caramels
    • Bacon caramels
    • Ribbon caramels
    • Vegan caramels.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 7:

Making Nutty Candy

Using nuts as the basis for candy has a long tradition and gives the candy substance, as well as a great flavor.

  1. 1
    Use almonds for candy. Almonds have a wonderful shape that is just perfect for turning into candies, and the flavor is liked by many. Here are some suggestions:
    • Make candied almonds
    • Make sugar or Jordan almonds – these are often used for wedding favors; they can be made plain white or can be colored to suit a theme
    • Make almond bark
    • Chocolate coated almonds.
  2. 2
    Use peanuts for candy. Peanuts are a popular inclusion in many candies. Here are just a few ideas:
    • Peanut brittle and chocolate peanut brittle
    • Homemade versions of Reese's peanut butter bars
  3. 3
    Try walnuts for candies. Walnut flavor and texture are ideal for candies. Try some of these recipes:
    • Make candied walnuts
    • Chocolate caramel walnuts.
  4. 4
    Use other nuts in candies. Brazil nuts, pecans and hazelnuts are just some of the other nuts that are used frequently to turn into candies.
    • Pecan brittle
    • Cashew brittle.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 7:

Making Fudge

Fudge is a soft ball stage candy. It's not as fussy to make as some of the other candy types, hence it's a popular homemade candy variety.

  1. 1
    Make basic fudge. Fudge can be very simple without much flavoring added and it still tastes terrific.
  2. 2
    Make fudge varieties. There are probably more fudge varieties than anyone can possibly ever name and likely even more yet to be invented! Categorized by type, here are a few fudge suggestions to get you started:
    • Chocolate fudge: Cocoa fudge, chocolate fudge, etc.
    • Nut fudge: Peanut butter and marshmallow fudge, Snickers fudge, etc.
    • Fun fudge: Cookies and cream fudge, fantasy fudge, etc.
    • Fruit fudge: Orange fudge, apricot fudge, Coconut fudge, etc.
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Method 6
Method 6 of 7:

Making Fondant and Marzipan Candy

This type of candy requires more skill and confidence but you have to begin somewhere, so don't shy away from it! There are lots of possibilities when you use fondant and marzipan mediums for making candies, as you can shape, mold and sculpt many different designs.

  1. 1
    Use marzipan to make candies. Making marzipan is something you can do at home, or you can buy it pre-packaged.
    • Typical marzipan candy shapes are fruit shapes––little apples, oranges, pears, lemons, strawberries, etc. Flowers are another ideal way to shape marzipan. Marzipan candies include using marzipan as a stuffing inside dried fruit pieces or between two nuts.
    • Some more ideas include: Marzipan bunnies, marzipan toadstools and Christmas candy.
  2. 2
    Use fondant to make candies. Again, you can make fondant at home or buy it already made. Be aware that there are different types of fondant available, with varying levels of sugar and other ingredients, which affects softness, taste and durability. Ask the retailer for advice. Some may be more suited to covering cake than shaping as candies.
    • Typical fondant candies include round balls or cookie cutter shapes. Fondant candies are often flavored and may be covered in chocolate to form chocolate creams of varying flavors.
  3. 3
    Note that both marzipan and fondant can use the same shaping techniques. Refer to the instructions of particular recipes for certainty; in some cases, the exact type of fondant (candy or cake) will impact whether it can be shaped.
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Method 7
Method 7 of 7:

Making Truffles

Truffles are half candy, half chocolate. Hence, they're mentioned here although not every candy maker will dabble with truffle making, as it's an art form in its own right.

  1. 1
    Make basic chocolate truffles. The natural flavor for a truffle is chocolate, so this is a good place to start!
    • Variations on chocolate truffles include chocolate rum truffles and white chocolate truffles.
  2. 2
    Branch out into different varieties of truffles. There are many different choices possible, here are just a few suggestions:
    • Strawberry balsamic truffles
    • Mint truffles
    • Christmas pudding truffles
    • Oreo truffles
    • Pumpkin truffles.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Are there any substitutes for fondant that actually taste good, and don’t just taste sweet?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    While some substitutes for fondant do exist, such as marzipan or gum paste, fondant can be flavored with flavoring extracts or cocoa powder. I would suggest flavoring the fondant rather than using a substitute, because fondant substitutes do not have the same properties as fondant.


  • All candy is best consumed in moderation. High levels of sugar and other non-essential nutrients can lead to health problems such as diabetes, acne, poor digestion, excessive weight gain and the like. See candies as occasional treats for special events.

Things You'll Need

  • Candy thermometer - this can be crucial for some candies, so it's a worthwhile investment
  • Suitable candy making equipment - many candy making enthusiasts reserve special bowls, spoons, etc. just for making candies with
  • Boxes, linings, bags, etc. for gifting candies
  • Airtight storage containers, usually the best for keeping candies longer

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 53,022 times.
45 votes - 57%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: March 12, 2020
Views: 53,022
Categories: Chocolate and Candy