Star Stable is a 3D online horse game for girls and boys of all ages. Players are able to chat with friends and build solid relationships. You start at Moorland Stables, where the player is cheerfully greeted by Justin Moorland, son of the owner of the stable, Thomas Moorland. Here is a guide to learn about Star Stable and how to have fun with it.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Learning About the Game

  1. 1
    Sign up for the game. Once you register to the game, it requests you to login with your password and email address (at this part, it doesn't matter if you don't give a valid email). You start by creating your character and horse. There will stand on the screen a base model of your character. You can change the hair, hair colour, eyes, make-up, and you start with an orange top and mauve jodhpurs. Then, you choose your first and second name from an alphabetical list. A message will come up if you pick an already chosen name. Then you customize your horse. It is the same basic features as the character choosing, except with the horses the choices are choosing the mane, body, and then you choose the name. Then the game starts to load and you are ready to play!
    • Until the player reaches level five, the game is free. Then, to continue the story and get access to cool new features, it's time to think of buying a membership.
  2. 2
    Learn about Jorvik currencies. There are Jorvik Shillings and Star Coins. Jorvik Shillings are earned from simple things such as racing, quests, and selling things from your inventory. However, Star Coins are more precious. Star Riders receive a weekly allowance of 100 Star Coins. Star coins can also easily be bought on the online site. Star Coins can be used to buy gear, clothing and later on, horses. There are plenty of shops scattered around Jorvik, each shop varies with prices, quality, etc.
  3. 3
    Go to the cafe. There are cafes everywhere, just find some tables and chairs, and there will be an option on the bottom right of the screen to sit down. You can change the camera angle so you can even zoom in. There are two options: order and open backpack. The backpack is your inventory. When you click 'order' A waiter stands near you with a speech bubble saying "May I help you?" and there is an inventory-shaped list of food and drinks waiting for you to buy. There are milkshakes, sodas, tea, coffee, and sandwiches, as well as many desserts. When you click 'buy' the item will be added to your inventory (just like ordinary buying) and you drag that item onto the table, and your character will eat and enjoy.
  4. 4
    Train your horse. You and your noble steed have a level, and the maximum level is 15. The higher level you and your horse are, the better quality clothing you unlock to buy. Also, to level up, there is a small bar next to your horse profile. Keep doing more and more races and that bar will soon fill up with orange. When the bar fills, Your horse levels up. It is a similar process with your character, but this time the bar is much larger and longer and can only be filled up by doing plenty of quests. Remember, the better the mood and the higher level your horse is at, the better it performs!
    • You and your horse have stats. Your horse has swiftness, discipline, agility, endurance, and strength. Swiftness adds to your horse's speed, strength determines how high and far your horse can jump, discipline determines how well your horse responds to commands, endurance determines how many injuries your horse can take (added onto the green bar next to the horse profile), and agility affects how fast your horse changes directions. For your character, riding improves speed, caring determines how long your horse feels good after caring for it, command shortens how long it takes for your horse to change its gait, and jumping determines how long and far your horse jumps.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Having Fun In-Game

  1. 1
    Enjoy the surroundings. Star Stable is known for its amazing 3D quality, and just spending time relaxing and enjoying the scenery can give you a mood boost, especially if you're not too busy with quests and racing. Enjoying with a friend is even better. Try going to Fort Pinta Beach, and just let your horse and you relax near the sea. Try exploring Jorvik when sunset comes; it's utterly astounding!
  2. 2
    Race. Not only will it give your horse that little XP boost, but it's good to practice, and try to fulfill those champion racer dreams. There are lots and lots of races everywhere, even a pony race! There are championships, too. Championships are a lot harder, longer, and especially when you're surrounded by level 15 know-it-alls. But relax, don't fret, because practice makes perfect, right? Try wearing better gear and clothes. To make your horse faster, get gear and clothing that says Swiftness 3 Swiftness 1 and 2 will work but the best players use all "swiftness 3" gear and clothing.
  3. 3
    Do quests. When you are a Star Rider, there are thousands of fun quests to play, every single day. Some quests are daily and don't give XP, but they give plenty of Jorvik Shillings and improve your relationship with that place. Doing quests sometimes unlock new places, and you have to be a certain level to unlock them, such as the Golden hills Valley. But don't worry, you'll get there!
  4. 4
    Shop. There are many shops, so there's plenty of places to spend some of that extra cash!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What is the breed of your first horse in Star Stable?
    Community Answer
    The breed of your first horse ever in the game when you start is a Jorvik Warmblood.
  • Question
    At what level can I unlock Epona?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have to be level 16 to unlock Epona and you also have to have done some specific quests. To learn about those quests, check out Star Stable News.
  • Question
    I paid for 1000 star rider coins twice for $29.99, but I only got 1000. What happened to my other coins?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Usually they don't show up in your account for a little while. If it's been more than 24 hours, contact Star Stable via the "Help" area on the website.


  • Be sure to read the Star Stable Terms of Use before playing. Star Stable has some pretty strict rules about certain online behaviors (spamming, swearing, online dating) and failure to follow them could lead to your account being banned.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 41 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 66,689 times.
12 votes - 69%
Co-authors: 41
Updated: August 19, 2022
Views: 66,689
Categories: Online Games
Article SummaryX

Star Stable is a fun 3D online horse game where players compete in races, go on quests, and explore the exciting island of Jorvik on horseback. Start by registering your email address on the Star Stable website and creating a password for your account. Next, follow the game prompts to build your character, customize your character's looks, and pick out a name. Then, choose a horse and customize it by selecting a mane color, body color, and name. You and your horse begin the game at Moorland Stables, which is Level 1, and the game goes up to Level 15. Your main goals are to train your horse and become a skillful rider. As you train, groom, and race your horse, your horse’s swiftness, discipline, agility, endurance, and strength stats go up. Swiftness adds to your horse's speed, strength determines how high and far your horse can jump, discipline determines how well your horse responds to commands, endurance determines how many injuries your horse can take, and agility affects how fast your horse changes directions. Continue training, racing, and completing tasks to move up through the levels. You’ll earn Jorvik Shillings and Star Coins along the way, which you can use to buy gear, clothing, and later on, additional horses. Star Stable is a very social game, so you can also do things like join riding clubs, chat with other players, and go on quests together. As you progress, you'll eventually get to the toughest competition of all: the Championships. You’ll be racing against Level 15 riders in the Championships, so make sure you and your horse are well-trained and ready to take them on! It usually takes around 150 hours to work through all 15 levels. Star Stable also adds new quests and storylines each week, so there are always plenty of things to do.

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