"All hands ahoy!"

Although not a strong hero in the Meta, Bane is a hero that can summon his sharks to attack enemies during team fights! Along with his trusty Ale and his Crab Claw Cannon, he can push lanes and defend himself with ease. If you want to use Bane in your games, read this wikiHow article for more.


  1. 1
    Select alternatives to Bane. Bane is not a popular hero in the Meta, but you can rely on these alternatives when needed. Pick Julian, Kaja, Silvanna, or Guinevere to deal magic damage with physical damage per skill/basic attacks.
  2. 2
    Note his passive (Shark Bite). When Bane uses a skill, he will earn a stack of an enhanced basic attack (up to two). Once he uses his enhanced basic attack, he will deal physical damage to enemies around. [1] You can use this passive to quickly clear lanes or enhance the ability to kill an enemy!
  3. 3
    Use his first skill (Crab Claw Cannon). Bane fires his cannon in a designated direction, dealing up to 350 physical damage. If there is an enemy nearby, it will bounce to that enemy and will deal up to 150% physical damage to the first skill. This will increase to 200% if the first enemy impacted is killed. [2] Use this skill to quickly damage enemy heroes behind minions or to improve his damage to enemies!
    • He can also enhance this skill by buying equipment with physical attack. It subsequently reduces the cooldown of the skill by 0.05%.
  4. 4
    Manage his second skill (Ale). Bane takes a sip of Ale, immediately healing 285 HP, plus 2.5% of his magic power (with the base number being 6), and enhancing his movement speed by 50%. If he decides to use his skill again, he will spit out his drink in a fan-shaped area, dealing up to 380 magic power. [3] This skill can quickly help with his durability - allowing him to heal HP and fight back instantly!
  5. 5
    Utilize his ultimate (Deadly Catch). Bane summons a set of sharks in one direction. When enemies are hit, they give the enemy up to 1000 physical/magic damage and knock them airborne temporarily. Additionally, they are slowed down for 3 seconds. [4] This ultimate can change the tides of battle, allowing those partaking in a team fight to kill enemies with ease.
    • You can also use his ultimate in a turret, dealing 40% of the damage. Use this to push your lane subsequently!
  6. 6
    Choose his equipment. To start, purchase Warrior/Tough Boots to either increase his defense or lower his effect on enemy crowd control skills, and buy War Axe to stay afloat in team fights to deal extra damage. Then, get Blade of Despair to give him the highest physical damage with skills, Endless Battle to gain physical lifesteal, and Malefic Roar to penetrate physical damage. For his final item, you can decide on Immortality, Athena's Shield, Queen Wings, or Brute Force Breastplate to increase his defensive stats. [5]
    • You can go for a magic burst equipment style for Bane, but many top players for Bane go for physical-style equipment. This is because (except for his second skill, Ale) most of his skills deal with physical damage, and enhancing physical attack will help with the secondary damage in Crab Claw Cannon.
    • As for his battle spell, select Flicker to quickly get out of a situation (since Bane doesn't have a blink/dash skill), Execute (to kill enemies easily in the early game), or Arrival (to enter team fights with ease).
  7. 7
    Select his emblem. For Bane players, they can either choose the Fighter or the Assassin emblem. In the Fighter emblem, upgrade Bravery (to enhance his physical attack) and Persistence (to increase his durability), and select Festival of Blood to enhance his physical lifesteal and spell vamp. In the Assassin emblem, choose Agility (to move quickly) and Invasion (to increase Physical Penetration), and select Killing Spree to heal HP quickly after killing an enemy. [6] [7]
  8. 8
    Know a combo of Bane. The main combo of Bane is to use your skills in an opposite direction (Deadly Catch - Ale - Crab Claw Cannon). Use Deadly Catch to surprise the enemy, then use Ale to quickly damage an enemy hero after healing HP, and use Crab Claw Cannon to finish them off (works if there is a minion, and you use the minion to your advantage). This combo can be used when soloing against a Mage/Marksman, as they can be damage dealers in the backlines!
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Updated: March 17, 2023
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Categories: Online Games