U+7117, 焗

CJK Unified Ideographs


Han character

(radical 86, +7, 11 strokes, cangjie input 火尸尸口 (FSSR), four-corner 97827, composition)



simp. and trad.
variant forms

Glyph origin

Phono-semantic compound (形聲) : semantic  (fire) + phonetic  (OC *ɡoɡ).


First attested as in 《廣東省土話字彙》 [1828] and as in 《粵語全書》 [1905] (Zhang and Li, 2017).

Possible origins include:

  1. From (MC kʰuok̚, “to be cooked”) (Chen Botao, 《東莞縣志》), based on an entry in Fangyan:
    [Classical Chinese, trad.][▼ expand/hide]
    [Classical Chinese, simp.]
    From: Yang Xiong, Fangyan, circa 1st century BCE
    Ér, rèn, pēng, làn, xī, qiú, , shú yě. [Pinyin]
    Er, ren, peng, lan, xi, qiu, ku: to be cooked.
  2. From (MC kʰuok̚, “dry, hot air”) (Chan, 1995).
  3. From (MC huk̚, huok̚, hɑk̚, “hot; blazing”) (Zhan and Qiu, 2003).
  4. From English cook (Zhang and Li, 2017).



  1. (Cantonese) stuffy
    風扇真係 [Cantonese, trad.]
    风扇真系 [Cantonese, simp.]
    Gaan1 fong4-2 jau6 mou5 hoi1 coeng1, jau6 mou5 hoi1 fung1 sin3, zan1 hai6 hou2 guk6 aa3. [Jyutping]
    The windows are not open and the fan is not on, so it's really stuffy in the room.
  2. (chiefly Cantonese, cooking) to wrap food in gauze, tin foil, or paper and cook in salt or sand in a sealed pot
  3. (Cantonese, cooking) to bake
    蛋糕 [Cantonese]   guk6 daan6 gou1 [Jyutping]   to bake a cake
  4. (Cantonese) to steep
    [Cantonese]   guk6 caa4 [Jyutping]   (please add an English translation of this example)


  • 焗傷風焗伤风
  • 焗嚫
  • 焗坊
  • 焗暑
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