f + l — in many fonts, the ascender of the letter f reaches so far rightward that it overlaps the ascender of the following l.
See also
- (Latin script): Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Sſs Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
- (Variations of letter F): Ḟḟ Ƒƒ ᵮ ᶂ ꜰ Ff ff fi ffi fl ffl
- (Variations of letter L): Ĺĺ Ľľ Ļļ Ḷḷ Ḹḹ Ḽḽ Ḻḻ Łł Ŀŀ Ƚƚ Ⱡⱡ Ɫɫ ɬ ᶅ ɭ ȴ ʟ Ll fl ffl ℔ LJLjlj LJLjlj Ỻỻ
- (Letter combinations): Ꜳꜳ Ææ ᴁᴭ Ǽǽ Ǣǣ Ꜵꜵ Åå Ꜷꜷ Ꜹꜹ Ꜻꜻ Ꜽꜽ ct ȸ DZDzdz DŽDždž ᴂᵆ ᴔ & ff fi ffi fl ffl ℔ IJij LJLjlj Ỻỻ Ŋŋ NJNjnj Œœ ɶ Ꝏꝏ Ȣȣᴕ ȹ ẞß ſtst ᵫ Ůů Ww Ꝡꝡ
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