
See also: pärs




  1. plural of par



  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of par




pars n

  1. genitive singular definite of par
  2. genitive plural definite of par



  • IPA(key): /paʁ/
  • Rhymes: -aʁ



  1. first-person singular present indicative of partir
  2. second-person singular present indicative of partir
  3. second-person singular imperative of partir



From Proto-Italic *partis > parts > pars.

Probably from the same root as pār and portiō. This could be the Proto-Indo-European root *perH- or *per- (sell, exchange), which also gave the Ancient Greek πόρνη (pórnē, prostitute), and πέρνημι (pérnēmi, sell).

Others refer to (the perhaps identical) Proto-Indo-European *per- (to pass through), whence Latin porta, portus, parō, pariō, perīculum, experior, Ancient Greek πέρα (péra), πείρω (peírō), πόρος (póros), Proto-Germanic *faraną (to go, to travel) and *fērō (danger), whence English fare and fear, German fahren and Gefahr.

While keeping the separate root Proto-Indo-European *sperH-, that could also explain Latin parcus, parcō, Ancient Greek σπαρνός (sparnós), English spare.



pars f (genitive partis); third declension

  1. part, piece, share
  2. some
  3. faction
  4. part (theatre)
  5. function, duty
  6. fate, lot
  7. direction
  8. (usually in the plural) party (politics)


Third declension, alternative accusative singular in -im, alternative ablative singular in and accusative plural in -īs.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative pars partēs
Genitive partis partium
Dative partī partibus
Accusative partem
Ablative parte
Vocative pars partēs

Derived terms



  • pars in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • pars in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • pars in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • pars in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • a zone: orbis, pars (terrae), cingulus
    • eastern, western Germany: Germania quae or Germaniae ea pars quae, ad orientem, occidentem vergit
    • the most distant countries, the world's end: extremae terrae partes
    • in an opposite direction: in contrarium; in contrarias partes
    • in all directions: quoquo versus; in omnes partes
    • they disperse in different directions: in diversas partes or simply diversi abeunt, discedunt
    • to gaze intently all around: in omnes partes aciem (oculorum) intendere
    • the species is subordinate the genus: partes generibus subiectae sunt
    • to discuss both sides of a question: in utramque partem, in contrarias partes disputare (De Or. 1. 34)
    • to say nothing either for or against an argument: in nullam partem disputare
    • to play the part of some one: partes agere alicuius
    • the actor who plays the leading part: actor primarum (secundarum, tertiarum) partium
    • to take a thing in good (bad) part: in bonam (malam) partem accipere aliquid
    • to possess not the least spark of feeling: nullam partem sensus habere
    • to fulfil one's duty in every detail: omnes officii partes exsequi
    • to fulfil one's duty in every detail: nullam officii partem deserere
    • a party; faction: partes (usually of plebeians)
    • party-spirit: partium studium, also simply studia
    • to be a strong partisan: partium studiosum esse
    • party-strife: certamen partium
    • party-strife: contentio partium (Phil. 5. 12. 32)
    • to be torn by faction: partium studiis divisum esse
    • to embrace the cause of..., be a partisan of..: alicuius partes (causam) or simply aliquem sequi
    • to embrace the cause of..., be a partisan of..: alicuius partibus studere
    • to be neutral: in neutris partibus esse
    • to be neutral: neutram partem sequi
    • an independent spirit: a partibus rei publicae animus liber (Sall. Cat. 4. 2)
    • to divide into two factions: in duas partes discedere (Sall. Iug. 13. 1)
    • the majority: maior pars
    • (ambiguous) as well as I can; to the best of my ability: pro viribus or pro mea parte
    • (ambiguous) as well as I can; to the best of my ability: pro virili parte (cf. sect. V. 22.)
    • (ambiguous) from every point of view; looked at in every light: omni ex parte; in omni genere; omnibus rebus
    • (ambiguous) to a certain extent: aliqua ex parte
    • (ambiguous) to be neutral: nullius or neutrius (of two) partis esse




  1. indefinite genitive singular of par
  2. indefinite genitive plural of par



From Old Turkic [Term?].


pars (definite accusative parsı, plural parslar)

  1. leopard, panther
    Synonyms: leopar, panter, pelenk


Nominative pars
Definite accusative parsı
Singular Plural
Nominative pars parslar
Definite accusative parsı parsları
Dative parsa parslara
Locative parsta parslarda
Ablative parstan parslardan
Genitive parsın parsların
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