


s- + jebati


  • IPA(key): /sjěbati/
  • Hyphenation: sje‧ba‧ti


sjèbati pf (Cyrillic spelling сјѐбати)

  1. (transitive, vulgar) to screw up, ruin, fuck up
    majmune, sve si sjebao!idiot, you ruined everything!
    sjebao sam gaI screwed him up
    sad ću je sjebati/da je sjebem!I'll fuck her up now!
    nam(j)estio sam ti dobru ribu, a ti moraš sve sjebati/da sjebešI set you up a nice chick, and you had to screw it all up
    taj alkohol će ti sjebati mozak, čov(j)ečethat alcohol will fuck your brain up, dude
    Ivana je glupa kuja koja ti voli sjebati mozakIvana is a dumb bitch who likes fucking with your brain
  2. (reflexive, vulgar) to hurt or inflict damage upon oneself
    baš sam se sjebao!I really fucked myself up!
    mislim da sam se sjebao gore nego viI think I screwed myself up more than you did



  • sjebati” in Hrvatski jezični portal
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