Making a username is required to make an account, but a lot of people like their username to be something that satisfies them. The problem is, they can't think of one. Are you one of those people? If so, then keep reading!


  1. 1
    Think about the "type" of the username you want. This means if you want a one-word username, a two-word username, one with numbers, etc.
    • One-word usernames can be hard to figure out if you want them to make sense and ability for people to pronounce them, but it is a great way if you want your username to be simple.
    • Adding more words increases the chances of getting an available username, but it makes it a bit more complex and long (if you want a short username).
    • Adding numbers is great to make it more unique, but if you're trying to "be like the rest", use numbers wisely, or not add them at all.
  2. 2
    Think about things you like. Whether it's from rabbits or popsicles, the things you like make your username more creative.
    • If you are going to do this, think about how you’re going to order it. For example, you have the words Whisperer' and Tiger. Are you going to put in WhispererTiger or TigerWhisperer?
  3. 3
    Consider adding common prefixes or suffixes. These can add more letters to a one-word username if it is taken.
    • Prefixes that are frequently used are "i" (as in iMarble), "ii" (as in iiCherry), or "x" (as in xSecretEdition).
    • Suffixes that are used frequently are "ism" (as in Solidism), "ize", (as in Lyricize), or "XD" (as in PastelCatsXD).
  4. 4
    Add certain letters and numbers to replace some characters in your username. These can add style to your username and if used properly, it won't make much of a difference.
    • The letter "x" is commonly used to replace certain letters, mostly vowels to make the person easily read the username. For example, if Legitamite is taken, you could replace the first "e" with "x", like Lxgitamite.
    • The letter "v" is mostly only used to replace "u", like Pvmpkins instead of Pumpkins. It is rarely used to replace other letters.
    • Numbers can replace letters as well. Since "3" looks like a backward "E", it is used to replace "E/e".
  5. 5
    Try finding a five-letter username. If you want your username to be rare, five-letter usernames are useful, since now ROBLOX requires a minimum of 3 characters. Adding another two letters decreases its rarity but having a five-letter username is still considered very rare.
  6. 6
    Use capital and lowercase letters wisely. If your username consists of 2 or more words, capital usernames are useful.
    • For instance, if you're thinking of the username, "MostlyAnna", capitalizing the first letters of each word organizes it rather than having a username with all lowercase letters, such as "mostly anna".
    • If you want a one-word name, capitalizing the first letter wouldn't matter, as people won't have trouble reading it.
  7. 7
    Make your username unique. Don't copy someone else's username. For instance, if someone has the username, "Simplex", don't just add a letter and remove one and say it's your own, especially if you're copying someone well-known.
    • It's okay to make new words. For example, if one wants a username that's cute, they could make it "Floofally", because it sounds like the word fluff.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I make a unique Roblox name?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Take an ordinary word and change letters with other letters, numbers, or maybe and underscore. Make it your own and try to make it something that looks like it is not referenced off of a well-known person, or people will think you got it from him/her. Things that you like will be nice, for example if you like pie it could be Pie_Lover, or PiesAreKool. Just remember to make it something you will keep for a while, because if you want to change it, it costs 1,000 robux. And nothing like Marcy13853, instead it could be Mxrcy, Marxy, or Marcxy!
  • Question
    Is "4q4g" a good name?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That's known as a "namesnipe," a very desirable name. There's a group called "Group of Name Snipes" that likes these sorts of names. Try joining it, if you haven't already.
  • Question
    Is "IiPinkaffles" a good name for roblox? I really like that name but I'm not really sure.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you like it, do it! It doesn't matter what other people think, just do it your own way, and if they say mean things about it, report them.


  • Choose your username wisely, as violating the terms and conditions of ROBLOX may lead to account termination or a ban.
  • Be careful when typing your username, as a typo can lead to more work, especially if you're changing it (changing a username costs 1000 Robux).
  • Never use personal information in your username, as bad people use Roblox, too. Crazy adults and OD-ers can (and likely will) seek personal info. Also, since passwords often use personal information, they can use any information in your username to crack into your account.

About This Article

Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Danielle Blinka is a Writer, Editor, Podcaster, Improv Performer, and Artist currently living in Houston, TX. She also has experience teaching English and writing to others. Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Master of Arts in English with a concentration in writing, and Master of Public Administration from Lamar University. This article has been viewed 243,365 times.
278 votes - 51%
Co-authors: 52
Updated: March 27, 2023
Views: 243,365
Categories: Roblox