TripAdvisor is a US-based travel and restaurant website that hosts hotel, restaurant, and other travel accommodation and travel-related listings. Users of TripAdvisor can leave reviews on all listings, and the owners of those listings can respond and interact with customers. From time to time, you may find yourself wanting to contact TripAdvisor related to a customer service issue or other inquiry, in which case it’s important to choose the right contact method to ensure your question gets through to the right department. Owners of listings on TripAdvisor will also need to report issues occasionally to ensure that their listings stay reliable and uncompromised by things like fraud.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Contacting Different Departments of TripAdvisor

  1. 1
    Fill out the general support form for general inquiries. Log in to your account and ask a general question at Choose whether your inquiry is related to your account, your business, another business, or a general site question, then choose the appropriate options from the dropdowns and fill out the required info.[1]
    • If your inquiry is related to a listing you own, then selecting the “My Business” option will redirect you to the management center where you can send your inquiry.

    Tip: Find lots of general TripAdvisor information and answers to customer service questions in the help center here:

  2. 2
    Fill out the contact form or call to reach customer service about vacation rentals. Fill out the contact form at with all your information to contact customer service regarding your account, a listing, or a booking. Call customer service toll-free as an alternative to filling out the form at +1-855-785-9714.[2]
  3. 3
    Call the general company phone line to reach the company headquarters. Call +1-781-800-5000 to reach the main TripAdvisor offices in Boston, MA, USA. Keep in mind that this is not the number to call for customer service issues.[3]
    • The address of the TripAdvisor offices is: 400 1st Avenue, Needham, MA, USA 02494.[4]
  4. 4
    Use the media kit form to contact TripAdvisor about advertising or display sales. Fill out the form at if you are interested in advertising on TripAdvisor. You will be able to provide more specific info about your advertising interests including your estimated budget.[5]
    • This applies mostly to travel professionals. For example, if you work for a travel agency or hospitality business of some kind and would like to pay for things like banner ads on TripAdvisor.
  5. 5
    Email the correct press contact email if you are a member of the media. Check the list of press contact emails at the bottom of the page here: Select the correct email based on your region or country to send and requests regarding TripAdvisor press info or to try and schedule an interview with management.[6]
    • For North America, the email is: For the UK, Ireland, and the EMEA region it is: For Singapore and Asia Pacific it is:
    • EMEA stands for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
    • You can find recent press releases about TripAdvisor here:
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Reporting Issues as a Listing Owner

  1. 1
    Report reviews that violate guidelines, are suspicious, or are misposted. Go to the “Reviews” tab in the management center, click on “Report a Review”, and fill out the form on the next page. Wait 2 business days to see if the review was removed.[7]

    Tip: If you simply received a bad review on your business, but it does not meet any of the above standards to be removed, then the best thing you can do is respond to it. A response from management to a bad review shows that you care about the customer’s experience and want to improve it.

  2. 2
    Report optimization fraud to help TripAdvisor keep reviews legitimate. Select “Report Fraud” from the “Reviews” menu in the management center, then select “Report Organized Boosting”. Fill out the questionnaire with as much detail as possible to help prevent fraudulent activity on TripAdvisor.[8]
    • Optimization fraud, also known as organized boosting, is when companies contact TripAdvisor listings owners and fraudulently offer to help manipulate their listings’ positions in exchange for pay.
    • Organized boosting is against TripAdvisor’s policies, unethical, and can even be illegal. If you are contacted by a company claiming they can help optimize your listing, then report them immediately to TripAdvisor.
    • Keep in mind that no company claiming to have an official relationship with TripAdvisor that allows them to manipulate listings is telling the truth.
    • You can find more info on optimization fraud here:
  3. 3
    Prevent blackmail reviews by reporting threats immediately. Select “Report a Review” from the “Reviews” menu on the management center page, then choose “Report Fraud” and “Report Blackmail Threat”. Fill out all the requested information with as much detail as you can so that TripAdvisor can identify and remove future or already-posted blackmail reviews.[9]
    • A blackmail review threat is when someone contacts the owner of a business and threatens to leave a bad review if they are not provided with something like a refund or upgrade, or some other request is not met.
    • Although these are often just empty threats, it’s important to report them immediately to put them on the official record. TripAdvisor takes blackmail very seriously and will do everything possible to stop these types of reviews from appearing on the site.
    • If a blackmail review has already been posted on your listing, then follow the process for reporting suspicious reviews and provide all the proof you have that a specific review is the result of a blackmail threat.
    • You can read more about reporting blackmail threats and blackmail reviews here:
  4. Advertisement

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wikiHow Staff
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47 votes - 9%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: October 31, 2022
Views: 47,131
Categories: Contacting Companies