Summer is in full swing, but that also means the mosquitoes are as well. Fortunately, citronella is a natural way to keep mosquitoes away. A citronella candle can not only help you enjoy evenings outdoors without becoming an insect snack, but it smells great. This article will show you several quick ways of making citronella candles that will keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Wax and Essential Oils

  1. 1
    Find a clean, glass jar with a wide opening. You will need some sort of heat-resistant container, such as a mason jar or an old candle holder, to pour your melted wax into. Make sure that the mouth of your container is wide enough for you to reach into and that the container can withstand high temperatures.
  2. 2
    Purchase some candle wax and cut it into small cubes. You can use any candle wax for your candles, such as paraffin, soy, or even old, unscented candles. Cut or break your chosen wax into cubes. Make sure that you have enough to fill your container, plus some extra. Wax shrinks a little when it hardens, and you may find that you will have to add a little extra wax into the container during the cooling process.
  3. 3
    Heat the candle wax in a double boiler. Fill your double boiler with water and place it on the stove, then fill the smaller chamber with wax. Turn on the stove and wait until the wax melts. It will look mostly clear.
    • If you do not have a double boiler, you can make your own by filling a large pot part-way with water and placing a smaller, heat-resistant container, such as a glass measuring cup, inside it. The smaller container should be at least as tall as the larger pot; it should not be submerged in the water. Place the candle wax into the smaller container, and set the large pot onto the stove.
    • If you want to add some color to your candle, you can add in some crayons or wax dye.[1] Wax dye usually comes in blocks, and you can find it online or in the candle-making section of an arts and crafts store. If you choose to add some color, be sure to stir your wax to blend it all in.
  4. 4
    Add citronella essential oil to your melted wax. Use about ½ teaspoon or 10 drops of oil per one pound of wax. You can use more essential oil if you'd like a more potent candle, or less essential oil if you'd prefer a less potent one. You can find citronella essential oil online or in the essential oil section of a health food store. Once you have added the oil, stir the wax to mix it all together.
    • Be sure to use essential oil, as a synthetic citronella oil (or citronella scent) will not be as effective at keeping the bugs away.[2]
    • You can also add other candle-making scents to help compliment the citronella. Consider using scents that other insects don't like, such as eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, peppermint, or pine.[3]
  5. 5
    Purchase a pre-waxed candle wick and cut it. Measure out a pre-waxed candle wick and cut it with a pair of scissors. The wick should be a few inches longer than your chosen container; you will be trimming the wick down later.
    • If your candle wick came without a metal tab, you will need to purchase one online or from the candle-making aisle of an arts and crafts store and attach it to one end. Simply slip the metal tab onto one end of your candle wick and pinch it shut using a pair of pliers.
  6. 6
    Insert and attach the candle wick. Take the candle wick and dip the metal tab into the hot wax, then slip the wick into the container. When the wax hardens, it will affix the metal tab to the bottom of the jar, securing the wick.
  7. 7
    Secure the candle wick. You want your candle wicks to be straight inside the candle, so you will need to secure them. You can do this by taking a wooden clothespin, closing it around your candle wick, and resting the pin on the top of your container.
    • If you do not have any clothespins, you can support the candle wick by resting chopsticks or pencils on top of the container, and placing them to either side of the wick. This will help keep the wick upright and prevent it from falling over.
  8. 8
    Pour the wax into the jars. Carefully lift the container holding the wax off of the double boiler and pour the melted wax into the container. Leave about ½ to 1 inch space from the rim of the container.
  9. 9
    Wait until your candle has cooled. You can tell if your candle has cooled if it is solid colored. Most uncolored waxes will appear white, ivory, or yellow when they have cooled.
    • If you find that your wax has shrunk a little, simply add more hot wax and wait for it to cool.
  10. 10
    Trim your wick. Once your candle has cooled, you can remove the chopsticks, and trim the wick until it is about ½ inch long.
  11. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Mason Jars, Water, and Oil

  1. 1
    Obtain a mason jar and floating candle. You want your candle to be small enough to float inside your jar. Your jar should also be large enough to hold some herbs and citrus slices.
  2. 2
    Cut some herbs and add them to your jar. Fill your jar about ¼ of the way with some fresh herbs. Consider using some herbs that repel insects, such as: eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, peppermint, or pine.
  3. 3
    Slice some lemons and limes and add them to the jar. Take some lemons and/or limes, and cut them into thin, even slices. You want the slices to be ¼ to 1 inch thick. Cut enough citrus to loosely fill your mason jar.
  4. 4
    Fill the jar with water. Pour some cool water into the jar. Leave an inch or two of the jar unfilled.
  5. 5
    Add some citronella essential oil. Add about 10 drops of citronella essential oil into the water and stir to blend it.[4] You can use more or less citronella essential oil depending on your preference.
  6. 6
    Place a floating candle into the jar. Gently place the candle on top of the water in your jar. If your accidentally gets wet, do not worry. Either wait until it dries out, or dab the water off with a tissue, que-tip or cotton ball.
  7. 7
    Light and use. To use your citronella candle, simply set it on a stable surface and light the floating candle.
    • The citrus and herb water will keep for a few days, but eventually you will have to discard it. Consider placing a lid on the jar and storing it in the fridge when you are not using it to help keep it last longer.[5]
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I add citronella essential oil to an already made candle in a mason jar? I was thinking of adding it after it had burned a while and there was some melted wax to add it to.
    T. Chinsen
    T. Chinsen
    Top Answerer
    It is not advisable to add citronella oil to a candle that has already been burning. The oil needs to be mixed with wax for it to work as a slow burn. The oil would float on top of the wax, as it is lighter. It normally requires a decent wick to pull it up to burn it. Without a wick the entire surface of the oil would burn.

Things You’ll Need

  • Mason jars
  • Citronella essential oil
  • Water
  • Candle wax and candle wicks (method 1)
  • Clothespins (method 1)
  • Double boiler (method 1)
  • Floating candles (method 2)
  • Fresh lemons and limes (method 2)
  • Fresh herbs (method 2)


  • Use caution when using candle wax dye, as some dyes can stain certain surfaces.
  • Be careful when handling essential oils. They are not considered dangerous, but some may cause allergic reactions when they come in contact with skin.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended, and never place a candle on an unstable surface.
  • Do not consume the citrus slices or herbs after you have used them in your mason jar candle.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 24,404 times.
9 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: November 24, 2022
Views: 24,404
Categories: Candle Making
Article SummaryX

To make citronella candles, begin by melting cubed candle wax in a double boiler. Once it’s melted, mix in 1/2 a teaspoon of citronella essential oil per pound of wax. You can also add in any other essential oils, such as lemon or lavender, for scent. Next, cut a pre-waxed candle wick so it’s a few inches longer than the container and affix it to the bottom of your container. Secure the wick so it stands straight up in the container, and then pour in the wax. For tips on how to make a citronella candle using herbs and water, keep reading!

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