Fabric frames can be a simple project that crafters of all ages and skill levels can enjoy. They don’t require any sewing skills, just beautiful fabric, and an existing picture frame or a few pieces of cardboard. The addition of quilter’s batting can add a soft, padded texture to a frame. Alternatively, you can use your favorite length of fabric as the artwork itself by mounting it on a panel and displaying it in a picture frame. However you choose to use your fabric, a handmade fabric frame will add a thoughtful touch to any space.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Creating a Padded Wooden Frame

  1. 1
    Lay your photo frame onto a piece of quilters batting. Start with a wooden frame from a craft store or an upcycled frame from an old picture or a thrift store. Remove the back panel and glass from the frame so you’re left with the front piece that has an opening in the middle. Center the frame front face-down on a piece of quilter’s batting that’s larger than the frame on all 4 sides.[1]
    • You can also use a cardboard cutout as a frame, but choose corrugated cardboard as it will be sturdy enough to accommodate the batting and staples.
  2. 2
    Cut the batting into a rectangle approximately 1.5 in (3.8 cm) larger than the frame. Use a pencil or marker and a ruler to draw a rectangle that extends 1.5 in (3.8 cm) past the edge of the frame on all 4 sides. Cut out the batting with scissors.[2]
    • The batting will eventually give your frame a padded front which will wrap around the sides to soften them out. It’s sort of like you’re upholstering the frame.
    • It not only adds a cozy texture but also lifts your fabric up off of the frame. This is especially useful for dark frames (since the color might show through light fabrics) and intricate frame profiles (i.e. frames with deep curves and grooves).
    • If you’re covering a deep frame, add some additional length to this measurement. The batting should be at least 1 in (2.5 cm) longer on each side than the depth of your frame. For example, if you have a 3.5 in (8.9 cm) deep frame, make the batting rectangle 4.5 in (11 cm) larger on each side.
  3. 3
    Cut the fabric in a rectangle 1.5 in (3.8 cm) larger than the batting. Center the cut piece of batting onto your fabric and follow the same process as you did with the frame. Use a pencil and ruler to mark out a rectangle on the fabric that measures 1.5 in (3.8 cm) larger than the batting on all 4 sides, then cut it out with scissors.[3]
    • Plain-weave cotton fabric, which is easily found in the quilter’s fabric section of a craft store, works well for this project.
    • 14 to 12 yd (0.23 to 0.46 m) of fabric should suffice for most frame sizes.
    • Pick a non-stretch woven fabric, which won’t get distorted as you wrap it around the frame. Avoid using a knit fabric like jersey since it will either stretch out and compress the batting or sag around the frame.
  4. 4
    Center the frame face-down on top of the batting and fabric. First place the fabric face-down on your work surface. Then center the batting on top of it. Place the frame face-down onto the center of the batting.[4]
  5. 5
    Draw an “X” in the center of the batting and fabric, inside the frame opening. With a marker or pencil, draw a line from the top-left corner of the frame opening to the bottom-right. Then draw a line from the top-right corner to the bottom-left. You should have an “X.”[5]
    • These are your cut lines which will allow you to wrap the fabric around the inside edge of the frame opening.
    • There’s no need to use a ruler for this step, but you can if you have an especially big frame and it’s hard to eyeball where the lines should connect.
  6. 6
    Cut the batting and fabric along the “X” so you’re left with 4 flaps. Lift off the frame. Use a rotary cutter, blade, or a pair of scissors to cut along the lines of your “X.” Stop cutting 14 in (0.64 cm) before you get right to the end of the line (i.e. where the inside corner of the frame will be). Now you’ll have 4 triangular flaps in the middle of the fabric and batting.[6]
    • If you cut too far, you’ll see frayed edges at the corners when the project is finished.
    • If you’re working with large rectangles of fabric and batting, place pins along the sides of your “X” to hold the pieces together.
  7. 7
    Fold each flap around the frame opening and staple them onto the frame. Place the frame back down in the center of the fabric and batting. Pick up one of the flaps and wrap it up and around the inside edge of the frame opening. Secure it to the frame with a stapler or staple gun. Then move onto the other 3 flaps, adding enough staples to keep the fabric and batting smoothly in place.[7]
    • If you’re left with excess fabric past the staple line, trim this off to reduce the bulk on the inside of the frame.
    • If you’re using a plastic or metal frame, use craft glue instead of staples.
  8. 8
    Wrap and staple the fabric and batting around the 4 outside edges of the frame. Now that the inside edge of the frame is wrapped in fabric, you can move onto the outside. Pull 1 side of the fabric and batting taut around the outside edge of the frame, and secure it in place by adding a staple in the center. Work your way around the frame, adding 1 staple in each of the 4 sides.[8]
    • If you’re covering a large or medium-sized frame, add a few more staples along each side. But stop before you get to the corners.
  9. 9
    Arrange the fabric neatly around the corners before stapling it in place. At the corners, pull the fabric and batting over the corner of the frame so that the corner of the fabric points toward the center of the frame. Place a staple into the fabric and frame. Do this at all 4 corners, before stapling down the edges along all 4 sides of the frame.[9]
    • If you follow this technique, you’ll have crisp mitered corners.
    • Alternatively, you may arrange the fabric using your hands to create neat little tucks or pleats.
    • Cut away any excess once you’ve finished stapling all the fabric down.
  10. 10
    Insert the picture and replace the back panel of the frame. If your frame came with glass, you can put this back in the frame opening. You may need to push it in firmly to compress the batting around the opening. Then place the picture in the frame opening and replace the back panel to hold everything in position.[10]
    • If your frame didn’t come with a back panel, you can staple a rectangle of fabric around the back of the frame. Fold the edges in to cover up the raw edges and get a clean finish.
    • If you do this, make sure you’ve either taped or stapled your picture in place. Or insert a piece of cardboard to prevent it from shifting around.
  11. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making a Fabric-Covered Cardboard Frame

  1. 1
    Place your picture onto a piece of cardboard and trace its outline. Center your picture on a piece of cardboard that will serve as your frame. Hold the picture in place and use a pencil to trace around all 4 edges.[11]
    • If you prefer, you can measure out the length and width of your picture and then draw this onto the cardboard.
    • Stiff, corrugated cardboard will work the best, although you can use a thinner cardboard for a lightweight frame. Styrofoam is another option.
  2. 2
    Use a ruler to measure and draw the outside edge of the frame. Based on the size and shape of your picture, you can create a thin or wide frame. You’ll mark the outline of the frame by drawing a pencil line parallel to each of the 4 sides of your picture-shaped rectangle.[12]
    • Use a ruler to draw a few dots along each side to indicate the distance from the picture-shaped rectangle. Then line the ruler up with these dots and connect them with a straight line.
    • If you want a 1 in (2.5 cm) wide frame, draw your border 1 in (2.5 cm) out from each of the 4 sides of your photo-shaped rectangle.
  3. 3
    Draw a slightly smaller rectangle inside the picture-sized rectangle. Measure 14 in (0.64 cm) in from all 4 sides of the lines you traced in the first step. Draw lines that are parallel to your original rectangle to create a new inner rectangle. It should be centered on the original rectangle and slightly smaller than your picture.
    • If you cut the frame opening to the exact size of your picture, the picture will fall out! By adding a lip to your frame, you’ll keep the picture in place.
  4. 4
    Cut along the innermost and outermost lines. If it helps, you can erase the lines you drew when tracing your photo. Then use a pair of scissors or a blade to cut along the inside rectangle (which you drew in the previous step) and the outside border of your frame. Now you have the foundation for the front of your picture frame![13]
    • It can be tricky to cut the inside corners, but it’s ok if they don’t look flawless. You’ll be covering them up with fabric anyway!
  5. 5
    Cut a second piece of cardboard the same size as the open frame. This will serve as the back panel for your frame. Trace the frame, or mark out its dimensions onto another piece of cardboard, and cut it out with scissors.
    • You can use the same cardboard, but a lighter-weight version would also be fine if you’ve used corrugated cardboard for the front.
    • Or, if you’ve used lightweight cardboard for the front, you can use corrugated cardboard for the back to provide some support.
  6. 6
    Place the open frame onto your piece of fabric. With the wrong side of the fabric facing up, place the front frame piece down onto the fabric. Center it as best you can.[14]
  7. 7
    Draw an “X” in the center of the fabric and cut along these lines. Use a pencil to draw an “X” inside the frame opening, extending from one corner of the frame opening to the other. Stop cutting approximately 14 in (0.64 cm) before you reach the end of each line, to avoid seeing frayed edges on your finished frame.[15]
    • One line of your “X” should connect the top-left corner of the opening to the bottom-right corner, while the other connects the top-right corner to the bottom-left.
    • Once you cut along the lines, you’ll have 4 triangular flaps of fabric.[16]
  8. 8
    Wrap each of the flaps around the frame opening and glue them in place. Place the frame front back onto the fabric, centering it on the “X” you just cut. Apply a line of craft glue or hot glue to the cardboard, around the frame opening. Then draw each of the flaps of fabric up and around the inside of the frame opening, pressing them into the glue.[17]
    • Allow the glue to set for a few minutes before continuing.
  9. 9
    Glue the fabric down around the corners of the frame. To get mitered corners, start by applying a dot of glue at each of the corners of the frame. Then fold the corner of the fabric over the corner of the frame, with the fabric corners pointing towards the center of the frame.
    • Trim away any excess fabric at the corners once the glue has set.
  10. 10
    Fold and glue the fabric around the outside edges of the frame. Once the corners are covered, add a line of glue around the perimeter of the frame, just in from the outside edge of the cardboard. Wrap the outside edges of the fabric around the cardboard and press them into the glue.[18]
    • Allow the glue to dry and trim away extra fabric.
  11. 11
    Insert the picture and use the large piece of cardboard as the frame backing. With your frame front complete, you can place your picture into the opening. Apply a line of glue around the edge of the frame backing and press it onto the back side of the frame, sandwiching the photo in place.[19]
    • If you want, trim the cardboard down to be slightly smaller than the frame. Otherwise the edges will line up.
  12. 12
    Glue a folded piece of cardboard to the back panel as a frame stand. If you want your frame to stand up, use a leftover piece of stiff cardboard as the frame stand. Cut a rectangle the same height as your frame, and fold down the top by 14 to 12 in (0.64 to 1.27 cm). Then apply glue to this folded piece and stick it onto the back of the frame.
    • Allow the glue to dry completely before standing up your frame.
  13. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Framing a Fabric Panel

  1. 1
    Get a frame and a piece of fabric that you want to display. You can use an old or thrifted frame, or a brand new one. Choose a non-stretch woven fabric in the print of your choice. The fabric should be slightly larger than the frame itself.[20]
    • Pick a frame that comes with turn buttons or tabs on the back. Turn buttons are those little swiveling pieces that hold the backing in place.
  2. 2
    Take the glass panel out of the frame carefully. Remove the frame backing as well as any other contents. Then remove the glass panel.[21]
    • You won’t be using the glass for this project.
    • Store the glass panel in a safe place or carefully discard it in the recycling bin.
  3. 3
    Paint the frame, if desired. If you’re using a thrifted frame, or a plain wood frame, this is a great way to add a splash of color. Then use acrylic paint and a paintbrush or roller to apply a base coat of your chosen color. Let this layer dry before adding 1 or 2 additional coats.[22]
    • Clean off the frame and sand it down to remove any varnish, if needed, before applying the paint.
    • Allow the paint to dry completely before you insert the fabric.
  4. 4
    Cut a panel of stiff cardboard or plywood to fit within the frame’s opening. Measure the dimensions of the frame opening with a ruler. With a pencil, draw out a rectangle with matching dimensions onto a piece of cardboard or plywood. If you’re using cardboard, cut it out with scissors or a blade. For plywood, you’ll need to use a jigsaw or table saw.[23]
    • It might be a little quicker to carefully trace the glass panel or the frame backing onto the cardboard or plywood, rather than marking out the measurements with a ruler.
  5. 5
    Staple the fabric around the outside edges of the panel. With the fabric face-down on your work surface, place the cardboard or plywood panel down on to the center of the fabric. Wrap each edge of fabric around the edge of the panel, and staple or glue it in place.[24]
    • Make sure your fabric is arranged smoothly around the front of the panel since this is what you’ll see.
    • Pull the fabric taut and smooth out any bubbles as you go. You can also check the front to make sure it’s staying smooth.
  6. 6
    Insert the fabric panel into the frame opening and secure it. Place the fabric-covered panel into the frame opening, with the raw edges facing the back of the frame. Press down the existing tabs or swivel the turnbuttons to hold the panel in place.[25]
  7. Advertisement

Things You'll Need

Creating a Padded Wooden Frame

  • Picture frame
  • Quilter’s batting
  • Non-stretch woven fabric
  • Picture
  • Staple gun
  • Scissors or blade
  • Pencil or marker

Making a Fabric-Covered Cardboard Frame

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors or blade
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Picture
  • Non-stretch woven fabric
  • Glue

Framing a Fabric Panel

  • Picture frame with tabs or turnbuttons
  • Non-stretch woven fabric
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard or plywood
  • Jigsaw or table saw (optional)
  • Staple gun or glue
  • Sanding blocks (optional)
  • Acrylic paint (optional)
  • Paint brush or roller (optional)

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5 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 62,789
Categories: Wooden Craft Projects