Acer laptop BIOS can be started in Advanced/Debug mode which makes few additional options available which are otherwise hidden by default.
Tested on Acer Nitro 5 AN515-53.


  1. 1
    Boot into the BIOS. To do this, tap F2 on your keyboard when the laptop is first restarted or powered on.
    • There is usually only a short window of time when you can enter the BIOS. If you miss it and the system starts as normal, just restart and try again.
  2. 2
    Force shutdown using the power button. Hold the power button on BIOS screen till force shutdown occurs (takes around 5 seconds).
  3. 3
    Type the advanced mode keycode. While the laptop is off, press the following keys on the laptop keyboard in order: F4, 4, R, F, V, F5, 5, T, G, B, F6, 6, Y, H, N
  4. 4
    Boot into the BIOS again. Press the power button to start the laptop and tap F2 to boot into the BIOS again.
  5. 5
    View the BIOS. The BIOS will start in Advanced/Debug mode. You should now be able to see the following additional tabs which are otherwise hidden:
  6. 6
    Make changes and Save. You can now make the changes as required, then save. On restart the BIOS will revert back to default mode.
  7. Advertisement


  • Don't change settings or values you don't understand, as it may cause cause changes not intended by the manufacturer.

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Updated: November 14, 2022
Views: 26,017
Categories: Laptops