An introverted girl may be more quiet and maybe even shy, but she’s caught your eye. She’d rather spend the weekend at home curled up in her pjs, watching a good movie, and eating pizza—what’s not to like about her? But how do you know she likes you back? Here are some ways you can tell if an introverted girl likes you.


She watches you when she thinks you’re not looking.


She giggles with her friends when you’re around.

  1. Chances are her small inner circle knows she’s crushing hard. She may be nervous to tell you right away, but that doesn’t mean her friends don’t know every single detail. Her small friend group means the world to her as they are the people she’s closest with.[1] They may act differently when they’re around you, giggling when you walk back or whispering behind you. They’re not being mean, they’re trying to work out how they can help their friend.
    • Let her friends be your friends. They’ll be able to help you get to know her a bit more, and make her more comfortable around you.
    • One way to know if she likes you is if her friends directly tell you.
    • Ask her friends to bring her over so you can hang out together.

She plays with her hair when you’re near.

  1. A girl touching her hair is a universal sign of nerves. Maybe whenever you walk by she looks down and tucks her hair behind her ear, or she twists a strand around her finger when you talk to her. She’s nervous around you because she likes you, and playing with her hair helps her shush those inner anxieties.
    • Gently brush her hand away from her hair if you know she won’t mind you touching her. This sweet gesture can help her relax and spark a little romance.
    • Compliment her hair the next time you see her. She’s beautiful inside and out, so don’t be afraid to tell her so!
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She tells you something personal.

  1. There’s a good chance she likes you if she opens up to you. An introverted girl wants more than a give-and-take relationship. She’s looking for someone that gets her, so she’ll test out the waters and open up to you emotionally.[8] Maybe she tells you something she’s never told anyone before, or expresses her feelings and asks if you’ve ever felt that way before. If she reveals something secretive, she’s for sure into you.[9]
    • Listen attentively while she speaks. Introverts don’t open up to just anyone, so cherish the trust she’s giving you.
    • Tell her a little bit about yourself in turn. She wants to peek into your world just as much as you want to peek into hers!
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She answers your calls.

  1. Phone calls are an introverted girl’s enemy, but she’ll face her fear if she likes you. She will answer any and all of your phone calls—soaring way past her comfort zone just to say “hey.” Don’t let this go unnoticed because it’s her way of telling you she likes you.[10]
    • Now, if she calls you, that’s an even bigger step for her!
    • If she’s spending hours on the phone with you over texting, she’s probably head-over-heels for you!
    • Schedule times with her to call to help her feel more comfortable. This way she’ll have time to prepare and not feel completely derailed by a random call.

She steps out of her comfort zone for you.

  1. An introverted girl will leave the solace of her home if she likes you. She would much rather spend the day at home watching her favorite show than going to a local hangout. But she will do just that if it means getting to be near you. If she pretends to be an extrovert for one night just to try and impress you, she most certainly likes you.[11]
    • Make an effort to thank her for hanging out with you. Don’t let her go unnoticed!
    • Large crowds and too much stimulation can make her feel distracted and unfocused, so bring her to a quiet spot if you notice she’s overwhelmed or more quiet than usual.[12]
    • Ask her what she would like to do next, or what her ideal night looks like. Use this information to surprise her with her ultimate night the next time you hangout.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I have an introverted friend who is a girl. I like her because she is the first girl who actually listened and understood me but, I'm not sure if she likes me or not.
    Amelia Kelly
    Amelia Kelly
    Community Answer
    You may find ways that she likes you in so many different ways, pay attention to her body language, and the way she talks to you, and try group perspectives because so many small details about her that you pay attention could secretly be her love language. Introverted girls have a tendency to shy away when they get caught/exposed to their love language. if you notice that she randomly stops the way she acts, assume that something is up and there's a possibility that she likes you. If you come in close contact with her and she touches your hand but she quickly shy's away and pulls her hand back, assume something is up. You never know how a girl feels until you investigate.

About This Article

Aly Rusciano
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Aly Rusciano is a Creative Writer based outside of Nashville, Tennessee. She has over ten years of experience in creative, academic, and professional writing. Aly’s writing has been nationally recognized in the Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle and featured in Blue Marble Review, The Sunshine Review, PopMatters, and Cathartic Literary Magazine. She graduated from The University of Tennessee at Martin with a BA in English, focusing in Creative Writing and minoring in Theatre. This article has been viewed 27,550 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: April 6, 2022
Views: 27,550