مقر رسمي

مقر رسمي، هو المقر الذي يقيم فيه رسمياً رؤساء الدول ورؤساء الحكومات وكبار الشخصيات الحاكمة. فقد تكون أو لاتكون في نفس المكان المقرر لذلك حيث أن المقر يكون فقط لإجراء المهام المتصلة بعملهم.

24 Sussex Drive, Official Residence of the رئيس وزراء كندا
The southeast view of Government House in فيكتوريا
National Palace, Mexico City


 الأمم المتحدة



  • القصر الرئاسي


  • بيت الدولة.

 بوركينا فاسو

قصر كوسيام في واغادوغو.
  • قصر كوسيام.


  • قصر كيريري الرئاسي.


  • قصر الوحدة.[1]

 الرأس الأخضر

  • القصر الرئاسي.

 جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى

  • القصر الرئاسي.


  • القصر الرئاسي.

 جزر القمر

  • القصر الرئاسي.

جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية

  • Kinshasa Presidential Palace Palais de la Nation

Congo, Republic of the

  • Brazzaville Presidential Palace

 ساحل العاج


  • القصر الرئاسي.

 غينيا الاستوائية

  • Malabo Government Building



  • فيلا الأندلس (القاهرة)
  • فيلا السلام (القاهرة)
  • فيلا صيدناوي (الإسكندرية))

الكبائن والاستراحات




  • القصر الرئاسي.




  • القصر الرئاسي (غينيا) [الإنجليزية]
  • فيلا سيلي (دار الضيافة الرسمية)


  • بيل فيو (تم هدمه)

 غينيا بيساو

  • القصر الرئاسي.








  • القصر الرئاسي.


  • Presidential Palace






  • Presidential Palace


  • Aso Rock


  • Urugwiro

 ساو تومي وبرينسيب

  • القصر الرئاسي




  • State House (President)


 جنوب أفريقيا


  • Leeuwenhof (Premier of the Western Cape)

Provincial, former


  • القصر الرئاسي.


  • Lozitha Palace (King)


  • State House (President)


  • The Palace of the Governors






 أنتيغوا وباربودا

  • Government House (Governor General)


  • Government House (Governor-General)


  • Government House (Governor-General)
  • Ilaro Court (Prime Minister)
  • Presidential Palace


  • Government House (President)

 جمهورية الدومينيكان

  • Palacio Nacional, Dominican Republic (President)




  • King's House, also Government House (Governor-General)
  • Jamaica House (رئيس وزراء جامايكا )
  • Vale Royal (رئيس وزراء جامايكا )

 سانت كيتس ونيفيس

  • Government House (Governor-General)

 سانت لوسيا

 سانت فينسنت والغرينادين

  • Government House (Governor-General)

 ترينيداد وتوباغو

  • President's House
  • St. Anns Diplomatic Residence (قائمة رؤساء وزراء ترينيداد وتوباغو )
  • Whitehall (قائمة رؤساء وزراء ترينيداد وتوباغو )
  • Official residence (قائمة رؤساء وزراء ترينيداد وتوباغو )


  • Belize House (Governor-General)
  • Government House (Governor-General, formerly; kept for official government functions, visiting foreign dignitaries, and as House of Culture Museum)



*The provinces of ألبرتا، ساسكاتشوان، أونتاريو, and كيبك no longer have official residences for their lieutenant governors, but do provide them with accommodations; in the case of Ontario, only if necessary.


  • Casa Presidencial, Costa Rica (President)


  • Casa Presidencial, also called Casa Blanca (President)


  • Casa Presidencial
  • National Palace (Guatemala)



  • Los Pinos (رئيس المكسيك )

*In every state of the Mexico the القصر الحكومي, or Government Palace, was the official residence the governor, they are now maintained solely as the relevant governor's offices.



  • Casa de la Corregidora (Governor mansion)


  • Presidential Palace


 الولايات المتحدة

White House, Washington
Alabama Governor's Mansion
Colorado Governor's Mansion
Hawaiʻi: ʻIolani Palace
Kansas: Cedar Crest
Kentucky Governor's Mansion
Maryland: Government House
Minnesota Governor's Residence
New Jersey: Drumthwacket
Texas Governor's Mansion
Utah Governor's Mansion
  • بورتوريكو:
  • لا فورتاليزا (Governor's Mansion)
  • Playa El Convento (Governor's Beach Retreat)
  • Casa Jájome (Governor's Mountain Retreat)
  • Jardín Botánico (جامعة بورتوريكو  President's Residence)
  • Casa del Rector (UPR Río Piedras Campus Chancellor's Residence)
  • غوام:
    Government House (Governor)
Henry County Sheriff's Residence and Jail

Note that some mayors in cities with an official mayor's residence (notably نيويورك, and for a brief time ديترويت) choose instead to reside at their private residence, using the official residence for official functions only. In the case of دنفر (كولورادو), no mayor has ever lived in the official residence; the city instead makes it available to certain non-profit groups for special functions.


This section is reserved for official residences maintained by private, nongovernmental institutions.


Casa Rosada, بوينس آيرس


  • Palacio Quemado (President's office)
  • Palace of Calacoto (Official residence of the قائمة رؤساء بوليفيا)
  • Castillo blanco (Winter residence of the President)
  • Principado de la Glorieta (Summer residence of the President)
  • Villa Albina (Summer residence of the President)
  • Mercado street (Office prime minister)
  • Casa verde (Official residence of the prime minister)


Palácio da Alvorada, برازيليا






  • State House (President)




  • Gouvernementsgebouw, better known as Presidential Palace







  • Presidential Palace


  • Türkmenbaşy Palace (سياسة تركمانستان )



Zhongnanhai, بكين
  • زونكنانهاي 
 هونغ كونغ
Government House
Former British Colony of Hong Kong
  • Flagstaff House (commander of British forces in Hong Kong, formerly until 1978)
  • Island House (formerly, District Officers (North), and later District Commissioners for the New Territories)
  • Gate Lodge (محافظ هونغ كونغ's summer residence 1900-1934)


Kantei, طوكيو
  • Kyōto Gosho, also known as Kyōto Imperial Palace (Emperor, until 1869; kept as museum)
  • قلعة إيدو, also known as Edo Castle (شوغون, 1603–1867; demolished, now part of Imperial Palace Gardens)
  • Gaishō Kōtei, also known as Prince Asaka Residence (Prime Minister, 1947 and 48–50, now open to the public as museum)

كوريا الشمالية

  • DPRK Leadership Residence (39°0'56"N 125°44'43"E)
  • Ryongsong Residence (رئيس لجنة الدفاع الوطنية )
  • Kangdong Residence
  • Sinuiju North Korean Leader's Residence

Korea, South

Cheong Wa Dae, سول
- Cheong Wa Dae is the official presidential office and residence complex for the President of South Korea.
- Its address is "1 Cheongwadae-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea". It is located next to Gyeongbokgung, the main palace during the Joseon Dynasty.
- Cheong Nam Dae used to be one of the two vacation residences for the President of Republic of Korea. It was returned to public in 2003.
- It is located in Cheongwon-gun, North Chungcheong Province.
- Cheong Hae Dae used to be one of the two vacation residences for the President of Republic of Korea. Although the president no longer uses this facility this compound is still under the administration of the Republic of Korea Navy, and thus is not open to public access.
- It is located on one of the islands of Geoje-shi, South Gyeongsang Province.
- This is the official residence for the Prime Minister of Republic of Korea. The Prime Minister, however, does not work here.
- Its address is "111-2 Samcheongdong-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea". It is located close to Cheong Wa Dae.
  • Gukhoeuijang Gonggwan ("Official Residence of the Speaker of National Assembly") (Speaker of National Assembly)
- This is the official residence for the Speaker of the National Assembly of Republic of Korea. The Speaker, also, does not work here.
- It is located in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, where many foreign missions to Korea are located.
  • Daebeobwonjang Gonggwan ("Official Residence of the Chief Justice") (Chief Justice)
- This is the official residence for the Chief Justice of Republic of Korea. The Chief Justice, also, does not work here.
- It is also located in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul.
  • Most ministers of state and heads of administrative regions also have official residences, although they are not listed here.


  • Government House (Chief Executive)


  • Presidential Palace


Presidential Building, تايبيه
  • Presidential Building (formerly office of Governor-General of Taiwan)
  • Zhongxing Official Residence
Guest House
  • Taipei Guest House
Office and Residence
  • Presidential Palace in نانجينغ (1927–1937, 1946–1949; kept as museum from 1998)
  • Shilin Official Residence



  • Bangabhaban (رئيس بنغلاديش )
  • Uttara Gano Bhaban (رئيس بنغلاديش  residence in north)
  • Gonobhaban (رئيس وزراء بنغلاديش )



Rashtrapati Bhavan, نيودلهي
Arched Gate of the Raj Bhavan، كلكتا
Union Territories

 جزر المالديف





  • President's House (Official Residence in كولمبو of the رئيس سريلانكا )
  • President's Pavilion (Official Residence in كاندي of the President)
  • Queen's Cottage (Country Retreat of the President)
  • Temple Trees (Official Residence of the رئيس وزراء سريلانكا , currently used by the President)
  • Speaker's Residence (Speaker of the Parliament)
  • Visumpaya (Residence of a Cabinet Minister nominated by the President)
  • General's House (Country Residence of a Cabinet Minister)


Istana Nurul Iman courtyard


  • Khemarindra Palace (King)

 تيمور الشرقية


Istana Merdeka, جاكرتا


  • Haw Kham Palace (President)


The Istana Negara is the official residence of the يانغ دي-برتوان أغونغ of Malaysia
  • Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur, (King, former official residence)
  • Istana Iskandariah, official residence of the (سلطان بيراك )
  • Istana Arau, official residence of the (جمل الليل)
  • Istana Anak Bukit, official residence of the (سلطنة قدح)
  • Istana Bukit Serene, official residence of the (سلطان جوهر)
  • Istana Maziah, official residence of the (Sultan of Terengganu)
  • سري منانتي , official residence of the Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan
  • The Astana, official residence of the (Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak/Governor of Sarawak)
  • Istana Negeri (State Palace), official residence of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sabah
  • Istana Negeri (كلنتن), official residence of the سلطان كلنتن




Istana Singapore


Grand Palace, Bangkok
  • Sanam Chan Palace (monarch, now a museum)
  • Bang Pa-In Royal Palace (Monarch, summer retreat, now a museum)
  • Dusit Palace (Monarch)
    • Vimanmek Palace (Monarch, now a museum)
  • Front Palace (Vice-King, now the National Museum)
  • Rear Palace (Krom Phra Rachawanglang now Siriraj Hospital)


Presidential Palace, Hanoi
  • Presidential Palace


  • Presidential Palace, also "President House"
  • #1 Government House (رئيس وزراء أرمينيا )
  • President's Vacation House, by بحيرة سيفان (President, retreat)[13]



  • Rifa'a Palace (King)


  • Presidential Palace


  • Presidential Palace
  • Beit Rahbari Presidential Palace(Supreme Leader of Iran)

عالي قابو (الدولة الصفوية, formerly; kept as museum)


  • Radwaniyah Palace: (President)
  • Republican Palace: (Prime Minister)


Beit Aghion, القدس.



  • Dasman Palace (Emir, formerly)


Beiteddine Palace

 سلطنة عمان

  • Al Alam Royal Palace
  • Bait Barka
  • Hisn Al Shomoukh
  • بلاط ملكي
  • Hisn Salalah
  • Sohar Palace
  • Qasr Mamoora
  • Razat Farm




  • Presidential Palace, also called Tesheen Palace

 الإمارات العربية المتحدة


  • Presidential Palace




Ballhausplatz Nr. 2


  • Drazdy (رئيس)[بحاجة لمصدر]


 البوسنة والهرسك


Euxinograd palace, Bulgaria



  • قلعة براغ (رئيس جمهورية التشيك )
  • The Lány Chateau (President, summer residence)
  • Kramářova Vila (رئيس وزراء جمهورية التشيك )


Amalienborg Palace
  • Gråsten Palace (قائمة ملوك الدنمارك, summer residence)
  • أمالينبورغ (monarch, winter residence)
  • قصر فردنسبورغ  (monarch, spring and autumn residence)
  • Marselisborg Palace (monarch, summer retreat)
  • The Hermitage Palace (monarch)
  • Sorgenfri Palace (monarch, currently being occupied by Count Christian of Rosenborg and family)
  • Chancellory House (crown prince and family)
  • Schackenborg Castle (younger son of the monarch and his family)
  • Marienborg (رئيس وزراء الدنمارك , summer residence)



Presidential Palace, Tallinn




Palais de l'Elysée
Hôtel Matignon

Former royal residences



Schloss Bellevue
Karlsruhe Palace

Former royal residences






Buda Castle, Budapest
  • Sándor Palace (President)



  • Bessastaðir (رئيس أيسلندا )

 جمهورية أيرلندا


Palazzo del Quirinale


  • Rīgas pils (President)



Presidential Palace, Vilinus
  • Presidential Palace



Grand Ducal Palace

 جمهورية مقدونيا

  • Villa Vodno


  • San Anton Palace (Official Residence of the President)
  • Verdala Palace (Summer Residence of the President)


  • Presidential Palace


 الجبل الأسود

  • Presidential Palace


Royal Palace, Amsterdam


Royal Palace, Oslo


Presidential Palace, Warsaw
  • Presidential Palace in وارسو (رئيس بولندا)
  • Belweder in وارسو (President's residence until 1994; since then kept for official government functions and visiting foreign dignitaries)
  • Presidential Castle in Wisła
  • Presidential Manor House in Ciechocinek
  • Presidential Residence in Hel
  • Presidential Residence in Lucień
  • Presidential Residence in Ruda Tarnowska
  • Presidential Villa in Klarysew part of Konstancin-Jeziorna



Ajuda National Palace، لشبونة.
Queluz National Palace، Queluz.


  • Ajuda Royal Palace (official royal residence)
  • Alcáçova Palace at São Jorge Castle (official royal residence)
  • جامعة قلمرية (official royal residence)
  • Necessidades Royal Palace (official royal residence)
  • قصر ريبيرا  (official royal residence)
  • قصر كويلوز (summer residence turned official royal residence)


  • قصر كوتروسيني  (رئيس رومانيا )
  • Vila Lac 3 (رئيس رومانيا )
  • Elisabeta Palace (official residence of the former King ميخائيل ملك رومانيا)


Grand Kremlin Palace


  • Alexander Palace (تسار, formerly; kept as museum)
  • Anichkov Palace (Tsar, formerly; kept as Pioneers Palace)
  • قصر كاثرين (Tsar, summer retreat, formerly; kept as museum)
  • Nicholas Palace (Tsar, formerly; kept as commercial offices)
  • Oraniembaum (Tsar, formerly; kept as museum)
  • Pavlovsk (Tsar, formerly; kept as museum)
  • بيترهوف (Tsar, formerly; kept as museum)
  • Pella Palace (Tsar, summer retreat, formerly; demolished)
  • Summer Palace (Tsar, summer retreat, formerly; demolished)
  • Tauride Palace (Tsar, formerly; kept as offices for Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States)
  • Vladimir Palace (Tsar, formerly; kept as Academics' House)
  • قصر الشتاء (Tsar, winter retreat, formerly; kept as museum)
  • Yelagin Palace (Tsar, summer retreat, formerly; kept as museum)


Novi dvor (New Court)
  • Novi dvor (رئيس صربيا  office)
  • Užičkoj 23 (Presidents residence)
  • Beli dvor (Crown Prince)


  • Stari dvor (King, formerly; current City Assembly of بلغراد)


Grassalkovich Palace
  • Grassalkovich Palace (رئيس سلوفاكيا )


  • Government and Presidential Palace, Ljubljana


Palacio Real (Royal Palace), Madrid

Autonomous communities


The Royal Palace in ستوكهولم
Drottningholm Palace
Sager Palace
Former royal residences
  • Arvfurstens palats
  • Kalmar Castle
  • Karlberg Palace
  • Nyköping Castle
  • Vadstena Castle
  • Wrangel Palace (Official residence 1697-1754)

Prime Ministerial



Federal Palace




Mariyinsky Palace, Kiev

 المملكة المتحدة

Buckingham Palace, London
10 Downing Street




Apostolic Palace, Vatican





Government House, Melbourne
State, former
  • نيوساوث ويلز:
    Old Government House (Governor country residence at Parramatta (1790–1855) formerly)
    Hillview, (Governor summer residence at Sutton Forest (1882–1958), formerly)
  • كوينزلاند:
    Adelaide House, (Governor residence (1859–1862) formerly; now The Deanery of St. John's Anglican Cathedral
    Old Government House (Governor residence (1862–1909) formerly; kept as headquarters of the National Trust of Australia)
  • جنوب أستراليا:
    Old Government House (حاكم جنوب أستراليا  summer residence (1860–1880), formerly)[15]
    Marble Hill (حاكم جنوب أستراليا  summer residence (1880–1955), formerly; destroyed in the Black Sunday Bushfire of 1955)
  • فيكتوريا (أستراليا)
    La Trobe's Cottage (Lieutenant Governor, residence (1840–1854) formerly; kept as museum)[16]
    Toorak House (Governor residence (1854–1874), formerly; currently being used as a church)[17]
    Bishopscourt (Governor residence (1874–1876), formerly.)
    Stonnington Mansion (Governor residence (1901–1931) formerly; currently being restored as private home)[18]


 جزر كوك

  • Government House (Queen's Representative)





  • Old Government House, Auckland


 بابوا غينيا الجديدة

  • Government House (Governor-General)


 جزر سليمان

  • Government House (Governor-General)


Royal Palace, Tonga


  • Government House (Governor General)



  1. Cameroon, Unity Palace، "The Presidential Residence"، All About the PRC، مؤرشف من الأصل في 25 مايو 2013.
  2. Governor General of Canada: Rideau Hall نسخة محفوظة 30 سبتمبر 2009 على موقع واي باك مشين.. Galbraith, William; Canadian Parliamentary Review: Fiftieth Anniversary of the 1939 Royal Visit; Vol. 12, No. 3, 1989. Lanctot, Gustave; Royal Tour of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in Canada and the United States of America 1939; E.P. Taylor Foundation; 1964. Aimers, John; Monarchy Canada: The Palace on the Rideau; April 1996
  3. Governor General of Canada: La Citadelle نسخة محفوظة 24 فبراير 2009 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  4. Prime Minister of Canada: 24 Sussex Drive [وصلة مكسورة] نسخة محفوظة 31 مارس 2010 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  5. National Capital Commission: Harrington Lake نسخة محفوظة 11 يونيو 2011 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  6. National Capital Commission: Stornoway نسخة محفوظة 07 أغسطس 2011 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  7. National Capital Commission: The Farm نسخة محفوظة 11 يونيو 2011 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  8. National Capital Commission: 7 Rideau Gate نسخة محفوظة 20 يوليو 2011 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  9. chicagoflame.com نسخة محفوظة 12 يونيو 2013 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  10. نسخة محفوظة 20 يناير 2013 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  11. "Campus Guide: Maxwell Place"، جامعة كنتاكي، 22 يوليو 2012، مؤرشف من الأصل في 23 مارس 2019.
  12. "Historic Campus: The President's House"، The College of William & Mary، مؤرشف من الأصل في 12 مايو 2019، اطلع عليه بتاريخ 9 فبراير 2013.
  13. Beth Potter، Lonely Planet Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan، Lonely Planet Publications، ص. 218.
  14. Governor return to Government House نسخة محفوظة 21 مارس 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  15. Belair National Park - Visiting the Park نسخة محفوظة 01 سبتمبر 2007 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  16. National Trust of Australia: La Trobe's Cottage نسخة محفوظة 13 ديسمبر 2009 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  17. Toorak House [وصلة مكسورة] نسخة محفوظة 09 مارس 2015 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  18. Melbourne Buildings: Stonnington نسخة محفوظة 01 أكتوبر 2011 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  • بوابة عمارة
  • بوابة السياسة
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