Stroke order | |||
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Alternative forms
Note that in Chinese scripts (simplified/traditional), the left component is written ㇐ followed by ㇙ (with an upward hook). In Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese scripts the left component ends with ㇟ as in 七.
Han character
切 (radical 18, 刀+2, 4 strokes, cangjie input 心尸竹 (PSH), four-corner 47720, composition ⿰七刀)
- KangXi: page 136, character 9
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 1858
- Dae Jaweon: page 307, character 5
- Hanyu Da Zidian: volume 1, page 320, character 5
- Unihan data for U+5207
simp. and trad. |
切 |
Glyph origin
Characters in the same phonetic series (七) (Zhengzhang, 2003) | |
Old Chinese | |
切 | *sn̥ʰiːds, *sn̥ʰiːd |
砌 | *sʰiːds |
沏 | *sʰiːd |
七 | *sn̥ʰid |
柒 | *sn̥ʰid |
叱 | *n̥ʰjid |
Phono-semantic compound (形聲, OC *sn̥ʰiːds, *sn̥ʰiːd) : phonetic 七 (OC *sn̥ʰid) + semantic 刀 (“knife”).
Pronunciation 1
- to cut; to slice; to carve; to mince with a knife
- to cut off; to disconnect
- (mathematics) tangent
Derived terms from 切
Pronunciation 2
- to be close to
- to bite tightly; to clench
- to correspond to; to match
- (traditional Chinese medicine) to feel the pulse
- eager; ardent
- urgent; pressing
- all; entire
- must; by all means
- main point
- (phonetics) Short for 反切 (fǎnqiè, “fanqie”).
- (chiefly women's speech, colloquial) An interjection conveying a slight sense of disdain or dissatisfaction.
Derived terms from 切
compounds containing "切"
- 切る (kiru, “cut, sever, turn off”)
- 切り (kiri, “limits, end”)
- 切り口 (kirikuchi, “cut end, section”)
- 切り札 (kirifuda, “trump card”)
- 切り紙 (kirigami, “wallpaper”)
- 切り下げ (kirisage, “devaluation, markdown”)
- 切り替え (kirikae, “exchange, conversion”)
- 切り替える (kirikaeru, “change, exchange”)
- 切り捨て (kirisute, “omission, rounding down”)
- 切り捨てる (kirisuteru, “cut down, truncate”)
- 切り上げ (kiriage, “end, conclusion”)
- 切り抜き (kirinuki, “scraps, cuts”)
- 切り崩す (kirikuzusu, “level, cut through”)
- 切り離す (kirihanasu, “detach, decapitate”)
- 切り上げ (kiriage, “end, conclusion”)
- 切り倒す (kiritaosu, “fell a tree”)
- 切りがない (kiri ga nai), 切りが無い (kiri ga nai, “endless, innumerable”)
- 切れる (kireru, “be cut off, be injured”)
- 切れ (kire, “piece, slice”)
- 切れ味 (kireaji, “the feel of a cutting edge”)
- 切れ目 (kireme, “break, pause”)
- 切れ端 (kirehashi, “scraps, cut end”)
- 切れ切れの (kiregire no, “scrap, disconnected”)
- 切れた縄 (kireta nawa, “broken rope”)
- 切れの帽子 (kire no bōshi, “cloth hat”)
- 切らす (kirasu, “be out of, run out of”)
- 切ない (setsunai, “painful, oppressive”)
- 切っ掛け (kikkake), 切掛 (kikkake, “chance, start”)
- 切実 (setsujitsu, “compelling, serious”)
- 切手 (kitte, “postage stamp”)
- 切断 (setsudan, “cutting, severance”)
- 切迫 (seppaku, “pressure, urgency”)
- 切符 (kippu, “ticket”)
- 切腹 (seppuku, “ritual suicide”)
- 切開 (sekkai, “incision, operation”)
- 切除 (setsujo, “cut off, cut out”)
- 切支丹 (kirishitan), 切死丹 (kirishitan, “early Japanese Christianity”)
- 切符を切る (kippu o kiru, “rip off a coupon”)
- みじん切り (mijingiri, “finely chopped”)
- ブチ切れ (buchikire, “livid”)
- やり切れない (yarikirenai, “unbearable, intolerable”)
- ケーキ一切れ (kēki hitokire, “a piece of cake”)
- 一切 (issai, “all, everything”)
- 懇切 (konsetsu, “kindness, cordiality”)
- 大切 (taisetsu, “important, valuable”)
- 適切 (tekisetsu, “pertinent, appropriate”)
- 親切 (shinsetsu, “kindness, gentleness”)
- 半切 (hansetsu, “half size”)
- 痛切 (tsūsetsu, “keen, acute”)
- 踏切 (fumikiri), 踏切り (fumikiri, “railway crossing”)
- 締切 (shimekiri), 締切り (shimekiri), 締め切り (shimekiri, “closing, cut off”)
- 不親切 (fushinsetsu, “unkindness, unfriendliness”)
- 小切手 (kogitte, “check”)
- 裏切る (uragiru, “betray, turn traitor”)
- 区切る (kugiru, “punctuate, cut off”)
- 千切る (chigiru, “cut up fine”)
- 値切る (negiru, “drive a bargain”)
- 横切る (yokogiru, “cross, traverse”)
- 仕切る (shikiru, “partition, divide”)
- 言い切る (iikiru, “declare, assert”)
- 打ち切る (uchikiru, “stop, abort”)
- 締め切る (shimekiru, “close up, shut up”)
- 澄み切る (sumikiru, “to be serene”)
- 逃げ切る (nigekiru, “manage to hold on”)
- 張り切る (harikiru, “be in high spirits”)
- 踏み切る (fumikiru, “make a bold start”)
- 振り切る (furikiru, “shake free from”)
- 割り切る (warikiru, “give a clear explanation”)
- 押し切る (oshikiru, “face down the opposition”)
- 思い切る (omoikiru, “give up all thoughts of”)
- 打ち切る (uchikiru, “stop, abort”)
- 読み切る (yomikiru, “finish reading”)
- 疲れ切る (tsukarekiru, “be exhausted”)
- 爪切り (tsumekiri, “nail clippers”)
- 裏切り (uragiri, “treachery, betrayal”)
- 皮切り (kawakiri, “beginning, start”)
- 仕切り (shikiri, “partition, division”)
- 見切り (mikiri, “abandon, forsake”)
- 指切り (yubikiri, “pinky promise”)
- 輪切り (wagiri, “round slices”)
- 区切り (kugiri, “punctuation, end”)
- 腹切り (harakiri, “ritual suicide”)
- 縁切り (enkiri, “separation, divorce”)
- 缶切り (kankiri, “can opener”)
- 紋切り型 (monkirigata, “fixed formula”)
- 裏切り者 (uragirimono, “betrayer, traitor”)
- 見切り発車 (mikiri hassha, “making a snap decision”)
- 打ち切り (uchikiri, “end, close”)
- 思い切り (omoikiri, “with all one's strength”)
- 貸し切り (kashikiri), 貸切り (kashikiri, “reserved, reservation”)
- 飛び切り (yubikiri, “extraordinary, superior”)
- 試し切り (tameshigiri, “trying out a new sword or blade”)
- 四つ切り (yotsugiri, “cutting into four”)
- 千切れる (chigireru, “be torn to pieces”)
- 途切れる (togireru, “pause, be interrupted”)
- 売り切れる (urikireru, “be sold out”)
- 息切れ (ikigire, “shortness of breath”)
- 品切れ (shinagire, “out of stock”)
- 歯切れ (hagire, “the feel when biting”)
- 幕切れ (makugire, “fall of the curtain”)
- 手切れ (tegire, “severing of connections”)
- 二切れのパン (futakire no pan, “two slices of bread”)
- 売り切れ (urikire, “sold out”)
- 時間切れ (jikangire, “out of time”)
- 電池切れ (denchigire, “flat battery”)
- 思い切って (omoikitte, “resolutely, boldly”)
- 電話を切る (denwa o kiru, “hang up the phone”)
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