Trans and nonbinary people are often left out of sex education and resources, and that can leave you fumbling when it comes to navigating sex. You're not alone if you experience gender dysphoria during sex, especially if you're transitioning or just had gender-affirming surgery. Fortunately, you can make sex not just manageable, but enjoyable and comfortable, both emotionally and physically. Whether you're in a relationship, curious about casual sex, or are just feeling lost about exploring sex as a trans or nonbinary person, read on to learn how to have a safer, more empowering sex life.

Note: Medical terminology is used for genitals where needed to avoid confusion.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Preparing for Sex

  1. 1
    Break down any misconceptions you have around sex. Information about sex is frequently cis-centric, transgender porn tends to be fetishistic, and general transphobia is common in dating and sex. This can hurt many people's self-esteem and their ideas of what their "role" is. It's important to deconstruct old messages you might have received about sex—they don't include trans people, and they're harmful to everyone, even cis people. Some main ideas to remember are:[1] [2] [3]
    • Your sexual role is not based on your gender or genitals. Having a penis doesn't mean you need to penetrate someone, and having a vagina doesn't mean you need to be penetrated. Nor does that mean you can't like or dislike those things.
    • Your sexual orientation is separate from your gender. Transmasculine people don't have to have sex with women, transfeminine people don't have to have sex with men, and nonbinary people aren't all asexual. You can be gay, straight, bi, pan, asexual, or any other orientation, no matter what your gender is.
    • Sex isn't just penis-in-vagina or penis-in-anus. Oral sex, manual sex, mutual masturbation, and many more activities are still sex, and can be just as satisfying (if not more so). You don't need to penetrate or be penetrated for it to "count".
    • There's no right or wrong as long as it's consensual. Sex should be a mutually enjoyable experience for anyone involved. Don't focus on "normal"; focus on consent and pleasure.
    • Being trans or nonbinary doesn't exclude you from sex. Your gender doesn't make you a fetish object or undesirable. Trans and nonbinary people can and do have happy, healthy sex lives, whether through casual sex or a committed relationship.
  2. 2
    Know if you are ready. If you're young, inexperienced, or in a new relationship, you might not be certain if you're ready for sex. Everyone is different; some people are ready earlier than others. To know whether you're ready, ask yourself:[4] [5] [6]
    • Do you genuinely want to have sex, or do you feel that you "should"? (You're not obligated to have sex. Don't do it if you're feeling pressured or you think it'll make you more mature.)
    • Are you able to access healthcare related to sex? Can you get protection, birth control (if needed), and sexual health screenings?
    • Do you like your partner? Regardless of whether you love them, you should want to have sex with them because you're attracted to them—not because they're the only person who's expressed interest in you.
    • Have you already come out to your partner?
    • Is your relationship stable and healthy? (Sex won't save a failing relationship or make your partner treat you better, even if they say otherwise.)
    • Do you trust your partner to listen to you when you say "no," ask them to stop, or change your mind? What about trusting them to not do anything you've told them you don't like?
    • Do you feel close enough to your partner? While some people are okay with casual hookups, others need a strong bond with their partner, and some people only want to have sex after marriage.
    • Do you know what you'll do if you get an STI, get an injury from sex, or accidentally get pregnant/get your partner pregnant (if applicable)?
    • Do you feel comfortable with the idea of having sex, or does something make you feel nervous or scared about it? (If you feel uncomfortable, you're probably not ready.)

    Are you a minor? You don't need to be an adult to buy condoms.[7] [8] However, some areas require that your parents know and/or consent to you getting birth control, emergency contraceptives, and/or abortions.[9] [10] You should also look up the age of consent where you live; if you and/or your partner can't legally consent, getting caught having sex could have legal consequences.

  3. 3
    Decide on your sexual boundaries. Everyone has sexual boundaries and things that they are and aren't willing to do. Take the time to consider what you're comfortable with, what you aren't, and what you might be willing to explore.
    • For example, maybe you're okay with having your genitals touched, but your chest is off-limits. Or maybe you're fine with giving oral sex and are willing to try anal sex, but aren't okay with giving and/or receiving vaginal sex.
    • Think about boundaries with gendered things, too. How do you feel about things like masculine or feminine nicknames, names or slang for body parts, or certain types of gendered roleplaying or kink (like crossdressing)?
    • It's okay to be okay with certain things, not okay with certain things, or to change your mind about your boundaries. It doesn't mean anything about your gender or make you any less trans or nonbinary.[11]
  4. 4
    Explore your own sexual preferences. If you don't know what you're comfortable with and what you like and dislike, it makes partnered sex a lot trickier. While your interests and preferences can change over time and depend on who you're with, exploring on your own can help you figure out what you like now and give you an idea of what you might like with someone else.[12] [13]
    • You might feel uncomfortable with the names of your genitals. Try gender-neutral terms like "bits," "front hole," or "strapless," feminine terms (like "clit" for a penis), and/or masculine terms (like "penis" for a clitoris and "pecs" for breasts) to see what feels right.
    • Use fantasy to explore what kind of roles, affection, positions, and nicknames interest you or feel good to you, and what turns you off.
    • Figure out what makes you feel confident and gets you in the mood. Do you feel attractive or sexy when you wear certain clothes, sit in certain positions, dance a certain way, massage yourself non-sexually, or so forth?
    • Masturbate to figure out what feels good to you and what you like. (If you're not comfortable directly touching yourself, try using physical barriers, like clothes, pillows, or sex toys.)

    Tip: Don't box yourself in to what you think you should like based on your gender, genitals, sexual orientation, height, weight, race, or anything else. What you think you should like and what you actually like can be very different![14]

  5. 5
    Communicate with your partner. Talking to your partner about sex needs to go beyond "I want to have sex with you"—it also means discussing safety, boundaries, pleasure, and what's affirming to you both. Regardless of who you're planning to have sex with, you should be able to have open and honest conversations about sex with them, so you can both lay out your needs and desires. Things you should discuss with your partner include:[15] [16]
    • Physical and sexual boundaries (for both you and your partner)
    • What you call your genitals or secondary sex characteristics, and what they prefer theirs to be called
    • Whether you or your partner have an STI
    • What protection you'll use together
    • How you both want to be addressed during sex, and how you both do not want to be addressed during sex
    • What arouses you, and what turns you off
    • What arouses them, and what turns them off
    • Remember, it's okay (and in fact, a good idea) to talk about sex more than once. You can't go over everything in a single conversation, and both of your needs and wishes can change over time. Regular communication about sex is part of a healthy sexual relationship.

    Tip: Consider filling out Scarleteen's "Yes, No, Maybe" checklist with your partner. This is a comprehensive list of things that may occur during sex, and you can mark whether you're comfortable with these things or not. It can be found at

  6. 6
    Know what to expect if you're taking estrogen. If you were assigned male at birth (AMAB) and on estrogen, you're probably expecting changes in your body shape and skin, but not everyone is aware of the effects of estrogen on sex drive and your sex life. On anti-androgens and estrogen:[17] [18]
    • Your sex drive may drop. You may find you don't get aroused as often as you used to, and/or you don't desire sex as much. (However, it's also common to desire sex more than you used to, especially if HRT has relieved dysphoria.)
    • Your sexual preferences might change; you may find that you like things you used to dislike, and vice versa. Some people even find that their sexual orientation changes.
    • Sexual arousal, touch, and orgasm may feel different; you may feel them throughout more of your body, in addition to your groin, and it may not feel as strong as it used to. You might find it easier or harder to reach orgasm.
    • You will begin growing breasts, and your nipples will change shape and form; both may be more sensitive to touch. They might be sore or even painful while they're growing.
    • Your testicles will shrink, and the skin on your testicles and penis might thin. Rough handling of your genitals might cause pain or bleeding. See your doctor if you bleed.
    • You may experience difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. If you do achieve an erection, you might not be able to penetrate someone with it. (If you still want to penetrate your partner, ask your doctor if you can safely take Viagra or a similar medication.)
    • While you'll still be capable of achieving orgasm and might still release precum, you may ejaculate very little, or not ejaculate at all.
    • Your sperm count will decrease. However, your sperm can still impregnate someone.
  7. 7
    Know what to expect if you're taking testosterone. If you were assigned female at birth (AFAB) and are taking testosterone, you'll typically expect to grow facial hair and experience a voice drop, but testosterone also has a marked effect on your sex drive and sex life. On testosterone:[19] [20]
    • Your sex drive may increase. You might become more easily aroused and want to have sex more often. (However, some people might experience an initial drop in sex drive as they adjust.)
    • Your sexual preferences might change; you may find that you like things you used to dislike, and vice versa. Some people even find that their sexual orientation changes.
    • Sexual arousal, touch, and orgasm may feel different; it might be more focused in your genital region and feel stronger than it used to. You might find it easier or harder to reach orgasm.
    • You will experience clitoral growth. (The amount varies per person, but on average, it will grow between one and two inches larger; it's often not enough to penetrate someone.)[21] [22] You might find that the area is sensitive or even painful, particularly early on.
    • Your vagina will become dryer; it won't lubricate itself as effectively and you may experience some atrophy. Vaginal play without lube may become uncomfortable or painful, and may cause some bleeding. See your doctor if you bleed.
    • Your breasts may become slightly smaller as a result of body fat redistribution. (However, you will not become flat-chested.)
    • Your periods will eventually stop. However, you can still ovulate and potentially become pregnant.
  8. 8
    Find sex guides specifically for trans people and trans bodies. While most sex guides are geared towards straight and cis couples, some do exist for trans people that detail safe sex and ways to feel more comfortable. Learning about safer sex and different sexual strategies can help improve your sex life and your sexual comfort.
    • General guides for trans and nonbinary people, regardless of gender identity, include Walker-Whitman's Safer Sex for Trans Bodies and Scarleteen's Dating While Trans.
    • Transfeminine people can read Brazen: Trans Women's Safer Sex Guide, Mira Bellweather's Fucking Trans Women, and Allison Moon's Girl Sex 101.
    • Transmasculine people can read Primed² (for trans men who have sex with men), and Terrence Higgens Trust's article on sexual enjoyment for transmasculine people.
  9. 9
    Don't make yourself uncomfortable to please your partner. It's possible your partner might be attracted to or aroused by parts of your body that you're not comfortable using—and in general, what you like and what your partner likes aren't always going to match. You might also feel uncomfortable with certain positions or activities, or simply just not like them. Work with your partner to find what you both enjoy, but don't sacrifice your comfort in order to make your partner feel good.[23] [24]
    • If your partner asks that you do something you don't want to do, it's okay to tell them no. You can simply say, "I'm not comfortable with that," "I'm not into that," or "I don't want to be touched there."
    • Your partner should never pressure you or force you into things you don't want.

    Tip: Nobody is sexually compatible with everyone. If you and your partner don't feel comfortable doing any of the same sexual activities or positions, you'll need to find another solution—whether that's not having sex in your relationship, agreeing to an open or polyamorous relationship, or ending the relationship.

  10. 10
    Talk to a therapist if you need to. It's not uncommon for trans or nonbinary people to have worries or negative feelings about sex—for example, you might feel anxious about letting your partner see your body, or regularly "freeze up" during sex. Other issues can also make sex difficult, like if you've experienced any kind of sexual or romantic trauma, or if you're struggling with mental illness. If sex presents a problem for you, it's a good idea to search for a therapist who can help you identify and work through what's causing your difficulties.[25]
    • If your concern is mainly about sex or past sexual experiences, try visiting a sex therapist who works with transgender or nonbinary clients.
    • Other things can affect sex, too. If you're struggling with mental illness, have a history of abuse, deal with chronic stress, or otherwise don't feel at your best, seek out therapy for the underlying issues.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Having Safer Sex

  1. 1
    Get a sexual health checkup. If you plan to have sex, you and your partner should be screened before you do anything together. A sexual health screening will determine if you and your partner are clear of sexually transmitted infections; depending on your age and sex, you might also get screened for certain health issues and types of cancers. Ask your doctor about getting screened and what you can expect.
    • How often you get screened for STIs depends on your sex life. If you're in a long-term monogamous or closed polyamorous relationship and everyone is clear, annual checkups usually suffice. If you have casual sex, are in an open relationship, or have a partner with an STI, you should be tested every three to six months.[26]
    • Make sure you're vaccinated against Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and HPV, as these can all be sexually transmitted. (These vaccines are usually given during childhood, but are safe to receive during adulthood. The HPV vaccine, however, is usually only given up until age 45.)[27] [28] [29] [30]
    • Don't skip sex-specific health screenings. It's not comfortable or validating to get your genitals or breasts examined, but skipping these screenings means you may not catch health issues or cancers early on.

    Tip: Sadly, it's justified to be worried about trans-exclusive sexual healthcare. If you receive HRT or mental health treatment related to your gender, ask your provider about trans-friendly places to get care. Otherwise, look for trans-inclusive clinics like Planned Parenthood, or ask trans communities in your area for recommendations.

  2. 2
    Consider the safety of your HRT method (if applicable). If you're using topical hormones for HRT, like gels, creams, patches, or sprays, be aware these can be transferred through skin-to-skin contact. If your partner comes into contact with your hormones, their estrogen or testosterone levels could be affected and cause health problems or unwanted physical changes.[31] You'll either need to keep your partner out of contact with your hormones, or switch to injections or pills, which don't carry this risk.
    • If you can't switch to a non-transmissible method, try covering up the affected area with clothing or having sex once you've washed off your hormones.
    • Injections are generally safe, but reusing or sharing needles can cause infections and transfer hepatitis and HIV. Always use new needles and don't share them.[32] (If you're out of needles, get new ones at a pharmacy or syringe distribution program, or ask your doctor for them.)[33] [34]
  3. 3
    Talk to your doctor if you've had any gender-affirming surgeries. If you've had any type of top or bottom surgery, it's important to talk to your doctor before engaging in sex to make sure it's safe. You may need to refrain from some activities for a set amount of time (ranging from several weeks to several years, or even permanently) to avoid injuring yourself, or take extra precautions with certain types of sex.[35]
    • Your doctor should also be able to tell you of any changes or problems you might experience during sex, and have advice for making sex more comfortable.
    • Most surgery does not affect your STI risk. However, if you've received a vaginoplasty and your vagina contains tissue from your colon, you're at higher risk of STIs if you have unprotected vaginal sex.[36]
    • Depending on what surgery you got, you might have different, reduced, or total loss of sensation even after the site has healed.[37] You can still explore how to make sex feel good for you, but make sure you're following safety precautions and taking it slowly so you don't injure yourself.
  4. 4
    Look into protection. If you're not having a sexual relationship with just one person, or if there's a possibility you or your partner could become pregnant, you'll need to use protection to protect yourself and your partner(s) from STIs and possibly pregnancy. There are many types of protection available, so consider your and your partner's needs and have a discussion with them about what to use.[38]
    • Condoms protect from pregnancy; latex, polyurethane, and polyisoprene condoms protect from STIs.[39] [40] [41] External condoms are usable for oral, anal, or vaginal sex, while internal condoms can be used for anal or vaginal sex.[42] Only use one condom at a time.
    • Dental dams protect from STIs. They're used for oral sex performed on the vagina or the anus.[43] (Condoms, gloves, and even plastic wrap can be used as makeshift dental dams.[44] )
    • Latex and non-latex gloves protect from STIs. They're used for sex involving the hands, like fingering or fisting the vagina or anus.[45]
    • Finger cots, also called finger condoms, protect from STIs. They're typically used for sex involving fingers rather than the full hand, since they only fit one finger per cot—however, it's also possible to slip them over a post-metoidioplasty penis as a small condom.[46] (Finger cots can also be placed on enlarged clits, but they need to be used alongside a dental dam to avoid exposing the rest of the genitals.)
    • Hormonal birth control (like the birth control pill, patch, ring, or IUD) are used to prevent pregnancy in those with a uterus and ovaries. Any AFAB person can use them, though they may cause undesired breast soreness and growth.[47]
    • PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) and PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) are daily medications used to prevent and protect against HIV. PrEP is taken for at least a week before intercourse, and is used by those who are at higher risk of HIV exposure.[48] PEP is started within 72 hours of possible HIV exposure, is taken for 28 days, and is used after sexual activity with someone who may have had HIV.[49]
    • Spermicide as birth control is not recommended. It can cause irritation and increase the risk of STIs.[50]

    Warning: Anyone with ovaries and a uterus can still get pregnant, and anyone with testicles can get someone else pregnant; HRT is not a form of birth control. If you and your partner have the equipment for pregnancy and are considering penis-in-vagina sex, you need a form of birth control, not just STI protection.[51]

  5. 5
    Adapt your protection to your needs. While protection is fairly versatile, all bodies are different, and some protection won't work for your needs or won't be enough. Because protection is so versatile, however, it can often be adapted or altered to keep you and your partner safe. For example:[52] [53]
    • Make a dental dam from a glove by cutting down the side of the little finger, and then cutting off the fingers. If desired, the thumb can be left on and placed over an enlarged clit, with the rest of the glove used to cover the vulva and vagina.
    • When using gloves or finger cots, look at the length of the user's nails. If they have long nails, place a cotton ball into the tips of the glove or cot to act as a barrier. (Nails can cause the glove or cot to break.)
    • Some people who have had metoidioplasty or phalloplasty might not fit into condoms, even small ones. If this is the case for you, try a finger cot instead. You can also wear a cock ring over a condom to keep it secure—however, only do this if you have sensation in your penis, because cock rings can cut off blood flow.[54]

    Warning: If you're using internal condoms for anal sex, be cautious if you remove the inner ring. Many people find it more comfortable, but there's research indicating that doing this can make the condom more likely to tear.[55]

  6. 6
    Know when to switch or dispose of barriers. Barrier methods like condoms, dental dams, or gloves are susceptible to breakdown, and they can carry STIs or bacteria when used. You need to use a new condom, dental dam, or glove when:[56]
    • Switching methods of sex (for example, anal to vaginal, or oral to anal)
    • Sharing sex toys
    • Sexual activity has lasted 30 minutes or more
    • Changing sexual partners, like in polyamorous sex
    • The previous protection was already used (do not reuse a barrier)
  7. 7
    Learn how to protect yourself if you've had unprotected sex. Even if you usually take precautions, unprotected sex does happen sometimes, often unintentionally. As soon as you find out you had unprotected sex, contact your doctor or a sexual health clinic and make an appointment. (Do this as soon as possible, especially if you're at risk of HIV or pregnancy—preventative treatments for these are time-sensitive.)[57]
    • Ask about getting PEP if you might have been exposed to HIV.
    • Take emergency contraception if you're AFAB, still have your ovaries, and had penis-in-vagina sex.
    • Get tested for STIs if you may have been exposed. STIs don't show up immediately after they're contracted, so you usually can't get tested right away. Ask your doctor about when you should get tested so you can set up follow-up appointments.
  8. 8
    Get a checkup if you're experiencing pain or discomfort. Pain in your genitals and/or painful sex or orgasms is a sign that something's not right, and sex isn't something to suffer through. If you're experiencing pain even when you're aroused, using plenty of lube, and are preparing beforehand (like dilating before anal sex), talk to a doctor; they can help you figure out what's causing the problem.[58] Never try and "power through it" or numb yourself through any means—you could seriously hurt yourself.
    • Many conditions can cause pain during sex. Don't assume the cause—get it checked out.
    • If you're taking medications other than HRT, check the potential side effects. Some medications can cause pain during arousal, sex, or orgasm, or reduce your sex drive (which can make it harder to get in the mood).
    • AFAB people on T can experience vaginal atrophy, which can cause pain even if you use lube. If your doctor determines this is the problem, ask about estrogen creams or suppositories for the vagina; these are designed to only affect the vagina, so it won't interfere with your T.[59]
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Enjoying Sex

  1. 1
    Dress and groom how you feel most comfortable. If you plan on having sex, take a shower or bath beforehand. Spend some time to make yourself feel sexy—for example, shave or groom your body hair, moisturize your skin, and/or do something that just gets you in the mood. Afterwards, you can pick out underwear or lingerie that you feel most comfortable and attractive in, and any kind of clothing on top of it that makes you feel comfortable and confident.[60]
    • Affirm your gender as normal—whether that's binding, stuffing your bra, tucking, or packing.[61]
    • Some binary trans people prefer to pick clothing and underwear that matches their gender identity; others don't. Either one is okay as long as you're comfortable with it.[62]

    Warning: While most gender-affirmative clothing is safe for sex, chest binding can be dangerous, particularly if you're doing something that makes you breathe heavily. If you'll be having rough sex, don't bind; you'll restrict your breathing and could pass out. (If you don't want to see your chest, but plan on having rough sex, wear a sports bra and/or shirt or turn off the lights.)[63]

  2. 2
    Consider gender-affirming sex toys. For some trans people, some parts of their body can be uncomfortable or dysphoria-inducing, and others just want to feel more like themselves during sex. If you're 18 or older and have some money to spare, you may want to look into sex toys designed for trans and nonbinary people; there are a variety of options out there that can validate your gender, make sex more comfortable, or add some variety to your activities.[64] [65]
    • AFAB people might consider clit pumps, strokers or masturbation sleeves, or strap-ons or dildos designed for trans men. (If you choose a strap-on or dildo, use a well-fitting harness so it doesn't move around too much.)
    • AMAB people might consider vibrators and anal toys. (Make sure any anal toy has a flared base, so that it doesn't get stuck inside you.[66] ) Some also might enjoy things like breast inserts or nipple pasties.
    • Regardless of your assigned sex, toys like dildos and vibrators can give you a physical barrier so that you and your partner don't have to directly touch your genitals.[67]
    • You can also look for toys that aren't explicitly or heavily gendered, and opt for more neutral colors where available. (If you do have to buy a gendered toy, don't be afraid to toss the packaging and store it somewhere else.)
  3. 3
    Use lube. Lubricant is strongly recommended regardless of your sex or sexual activity, as it decreases friction and can improve how sex feels. However, lube also makes sex safer: with less friction, there's less chance that your skin will tear, and thus less risk of infection or passing along STIs.[68] Apply the lube generously to whatever part of the body will be stimulated—you can even make it part of foreplay if you'd like.
    • Lube is necessary for anal play, regardless of gender. The anus has very thin skin and doesn't self-lubricate, and inserting anything without lube will tear the skin. This is painful and increases the risk of STIs.[69]
    • AFAB people on testosterone should use lube for vaginal play, as T can dry out the vagina and lead to painful sex.[70] AMAB people who have gotten a vaginoplasty also need lube for vaginal sex; the vagina doesn't produce enough lubrication on its own.[71]
    • AMAB people on estrogen may need lube for penis play, as the skin of the penis can thin on estrogen. If you're AFAB and have had metoidioplasty or phalloplasty, you also need to use plenty of lube for anything involving your penis. Friction can cause small tears in the penis and result in infections.[72]

    Not sure what kind of lube to pick? Stick to water-based and silicone-based lubes for internal sex.[73]
    • Water-based lubricants are safe to use with all condoms and don't wear down silicone sex toys, but can dry out quickly and aren't waterproof.
    • Silicone-based lube is waterproof and some people prefer how it feels, but it can damage silicone sex toys.
    • Don't use oil-based lube internally; while it does last longer, it can cause infections, and it will tear latex condoms.

  4. 4
    Start with foreplay. Even if you've both been in the mood all day, going straight to sex can result in some pain or discomfort, and not everyone enjoys that. Kissing and stroking each other's bodies might be the most obvious method of foreplay, but anything that arouses you and your partner can be used for foreplay, even if it doesn't involve touching.
    • For example, if you want to aim for romance, you can try lighting candles, taking a bath together, massaging each other's bodies, or feeding each other.
    • You can also try more overtly sexual forms of foreplay. Maybe you or your partner enjoys stripteasing, for instance, or you feel comfortable watching porn together. Talking dirty can also be arousing.
    • Use foreplay as an opportunity to grab any needed sex toys and get them ready, like putting on a harness and dildo. You can even integrate sex toys into foreplay if you'd like.
    • If dilation is required—for example, if you're planning on anal sex or you received a vaginoplasty—work it into your foreplay. It can build anticipation and ensures you're prepared if you do move to sex.

    Sex isn't supposed to hurt. It doesn't matter what you're doing—if sex is painful, something is wrong. Make sure that you and/or your partner are aroused or dilated enough, and you're using enough lube.

  5. 5
    Try activities other than penetrative sex. Maybe you and your partner are both in the mood, but you're not ready to have penetrative sex or are feeling uncomfortable today; that's okay. Instead of "traditional" forms of sex, you can explore other activities that still feel good and can be validating.[74]
    • Use activities that don't require removing clothes: for example, kissing, petting, and grinding.
    • Try masturbation. You and your partner might masturbate together, or one person can masturbate while the other watches or touches the other non-sexually.
    • Involve manual sex, if you're comfortable. Manual sex is when you or your partner uses hands or a sex toy on the erogenous zones, and it can be kept fully external.
    • If you and your partner are both over 18 and enjoy erotic photography or videos, try taking some alone or together.
    • Talk to your partner about trying kink, if you're okay with it. Kink doesn't need to involve sexual touching, so it can be a good option for some people. (However, always make sure to research how to do something safely before you try it.)
  6. 6
    Try different positions and activities. Some sex acts and sex positions are stereotyped for certain genders, so some positions can be affirming or euphoric, and others dysphoria-inducing.[75] Experimenting can also help you and your partner discover what you both like, what feels good, and what doesn't. Don't be afraid to try new things—it's a straightforward way to discover what works and feels validating.
    • When you're aroused, you'll probably get the urge to move your body in ways that feel good to you or affirm your gender. Listen to those urges.[76]
    • Explore different kinds of touches. Light pressure is different from heavy pressure, hands feel different than tongues, and so on. You and your partner might prefer certain types of touches over others.
    • Don't feel limited to the nipples and genitals. Kissing, touching, and massaging other parts of the body can feel good, too. Explore each other's bodies to find what you and your partner like.
    • AMAB transfeminine people may enjoy muffing, which is when they or their partner use a finger to push the testicles into the inguinal canal (much like tucking).[77] It's not for everyone, however, so don't feel bad if you don't enjoy it.
  7. 7
    Talk to your partner. Good sex is all about communication—it's hard to know if either of you are enjoying yourselves otherwise! Talking during sex can feel awkward if you're new to it, but by making it part of sex, you'll make it feel natural (and even arousing).[78]
    • Get consent before trying something new. Just ask them, "Can I give you a hickey?" or "I want to put the vibrator between your legs. Is that okay?"
    • Ask questions. It doesn't have to be anything complicated—it can be as simple as "Do you like it when I touch you like that?", "Does that feel good to you?", or "Do you want to stop?"
    • Listen to them. They might tell you clearly when they like or dislike something, but they'll also probably make noise if they're enjoying themselves.
    • Give them feedback. Tell them when something feels good or isn't the right spot, guide their hand as needed, or just make noise—sighs, moans, and groans can be informative, too!
    • Don't be afraid to ask to slow down, stop, or change positions or activities.
  8. 8
    Assess your own feelings during sex. It's easy to get swept up in the moment, but if you don't assess how you're feeling during sex, you might end up feeling weird or uncomfortable after the fact. Every now and again, check in on your own feelings. Do you feel comfortable with what you or your partner are doing? Does it feel good to you? Does it feel validating, or does something feel wrong about it? Regularly assessing how you feel can help you notice more quickly if something feels "off," and find a solution for it.[79]
    • If your partner is doing something that just doesn't arouse you, tell them. Guide them verbally or with your hands, suggest another activity, or ask them to stop.
    • It's okay to ask to stop or try something else if you're uncomfortable, or to take a quick break. Sometimes, having a brief period to recollect yourself, talk to your partner, and/or go back to other types of touching can be enough.
  9. 9
    Get to the root of things that make you dysphoric. Even if you've talked to your partner ahead of time, discomfort or dysphoria can happen—maybe you didn't realize something would make you uncomfortable, or your partner said something wrong in the heat of the moment. Finding the cause of your dysphoria can help you recognize any inaccurate perceptions about sex, and whether the kind of sex you're having is right for you. Dysphoria during sex might be a result of:[80] [81]
    • Physical dysphoria over your body, voice, or appearance
    • Dysphoria over how you're perceived, or how you were addressed
    • Discomfort with your role (e.g. being uncomfortable bottoming, because you feel like it's feminine)
    • Feeling guilty or bad about enjoying something you think you shouldn't (e.g. using your penis if you're AMAB)
    • Don't be afraid to talk about these feelings—whether that's with your partner, a trusted friend, or a therapist.

    Tip: Recognizing why something triggers dysphoria doesn't necessarily mean that you have to overcome it—there might be some things you're never comfortable doing, and that's okay. But figuring out why it makes you feel the way it does can help you recognize patterns and break down any ingrained notions or stereotypes you might be struggling with.

  10. 10
    Don't force yourself if you're uncomfortable. If you're dysphoric, feeling weird about something, or just not in the mood for sex, you're allowed to say no and not continue. Sex isn't an obligation, and it's okay to ask your partner to stop. You can always choose to try again later, or not do that activity again.
  11. 11
    Know it's normal to have mixed feelings afterwards. Even if you enjoyed sex in the moment, it's common to feel emotional after finishing, especially with a new partner. You might feel giddy, prideful, safe, validated, or comfortable—or you might feel embarrassed, regretful, dysphoric, confused, or anxious. You could also experience a mix of these things, or feel emotions you can't put a name on. Nothing's wrong with feeling the way you do, whether that's positive or negative; you're not a bad person for it.[82]
    • Try to figure out what you liked and what caused negative feelings (self-perception? Your relationship? Body dysphoria? What you did or didn't do? Why you had sex?), so that you can use it as a learning experience and figure out how to work through those feelings.[83]
    • Every sexual experience is different. It can take time to figure out what works for you and your partner, especially if one or both of you is new to sex. You can't always predict what you'll like or how you'll feel in the moment, either. Not enjoying something or becoming dysphoric doesn't mean you'll never enjoy sex.[84]
    • While negative feelings aren't unusual, they shouldn't be overpowering. If your emotions after sex feel too intense or are negatively affecting your sex life, talk to your partner about how you're feeling, and don't be afraid to seek out a therapist who can help.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Casual Sex or Hooking Up

Not every trans person is in a committed relationship. Here's how to manage sex with people you might not know well.

  1. 1
    Determine your boundaries. Some people have different boundaries about casual sex than they do with sex in a committed relationship, and that's completely fine; however, it's important to determine what those boundaries are. Before you start looking for casual sex, ask yourself what you're okay with and what you're not okay with, so that you don't get pushed into a situation you're uncomfortable with.[85]
    • Some people are okay with both giving and receiving sex. Others only want to give or receive, but not both.
    • Are you okay having sex with chasers (i.e., someone who sees trans people as a fetish)? Or do you only want to have sex with those who don't fetishize trans people?
    • Consider your sexual health. If you have an STI, you'll need to disclose that before sex. Are you okay with telling strangers that you have an STI?
    • Think about substances, too, since these are common in hookup scenes. Are you okay with sex after drinking or drug use, or do you want to be sober?
  2. 2
    Decide whether and how to disclose being trans or nonbinary. Not everyone chooses to disclose they're trans when hooking up, especially if they're not the receptive partner. However, some people have genital preferences or are transphobic, and coming out can give you the opportunity to avoid transphobia or violence.[86] You don't need to explain every aspect of being trans, but making sure they know the basics is a good idea.[87] If you want to come out, you might:[88]
    • Put it in your hookup/dating profiles, if you use them. (Be aware, though, that some people might send you creepy messages.)
    • Wear a pin, badge, bracelet, etc. with the trans flag and/or your pronouns. (Don't expect all cis people to recognize this, however.)
    • Tell the person over text or email, or give them a phone call.
    • Tell them when you meet in person, before you get intimate.

    If you decide to come out in person, always come out in a public place. While not everyone reacts angrily or violently, some people do, and they're more likely to harm you in a private setting.[89]

  3. 3
    Set up a safety plan with a trusted person. If you're meeting a stranger, hooking up can be risky, especially if alcohol or drugs get involved. Having someone you trust available can help you get out of a potentially dangerous situation. A safety plan might involve:[90] [91]
    • Telling someone where you're going and when you expect to be back.
    • Telling someone who you're meeting, if you're meeting up with a specific person.
    • Going with a friend or family member, regardless of whether you're meeting a specific person or just bar-hopping.
    • Having a check-in time where the person calls or texts you to see if you're okay.
    • Designating a code word or sentence that means "Please come pick me up," "Call me and pretend I need to get home/pick you up," and/or "I'm okay."
    • Sharing your location on your phone so that if you don't respond, the person can find you or get help.
  4. 4
    Take steps to protect yourself. Not everyone is a safe person or is clear of STIs, and if you add substances to the mix, it can get more difficult to stay safe. While there's no guaranteed way to avoid STIs, violence, or any kind of assault, some small actions can make a big difference in your safety in the long run.[92] [93] [94] [95]
    • If you've met someone on an app, screenshot their profile in case they delete it.
    • When picking your outfit, skip neck accessories like necklaces or scarves. If the person you're meeting gets violent, they may choke you with them.
    • Brush and floss your teeth at least half an hour before sex. Any earlier can put you at increased risk of STIs if you give oral sex.
    • Bring lube and protection yourself (whether that's condoms, gloves, dental dams, or all three). Don't expect the other person to have them.
    • Don't bring too much money with you, in case you get robbed.
    • Be aware of your surroundings. Know where you are, and know where you're going.
    • If you're consuming alcohol, avoid getting overly drunk. Watch your drink being made, don't leave drinks unattended, and never accept open drinks.
    • Remember that drugs can be cut with other substances and can be stronger than you expect (and that sharing needles can transmit STIs). If you're not familiar with something or just have a bad feeling, don't take it.
  5. 5
    Meet in a public place. If you're meeting up with a specific person, don't meet them at someone's house or an isolated area; go to a public place like a park, coffee shop, or café. This gives you the opportunity to determine whether you want to hook up with the person, and makes it easier to leave if you decide you don't want to.[96]
    • Go somewhere well-lit, especially if you're going out at night. You don't want to meet in the parking lot if the streetlights don't work.
    • Have your own way to get back home: bring your own car, go with a friend (or ask them to pick you up), take public transport, or get an Uber, Lyft, or taxi. Do not rely on the person to take you home.[97]
    • If you do meet in a private place, take a picture of anything identifying—for example, the door, apartment number, or street sign—and send it to yourself.[98]
  6. 6
    Pay attention to body language. In places like bars or clubs, hooking up can happen with little or no speaking—much of the communication is nonverbal. This is particularly common with men, but can happen regardless of gender. If someone is interested in hooking up with you, look for body language like:[99] [100]
    • Intimate eye contact
    • Getting close to you
    • Touching your leg
    • Gesturing to follow them, or signaling "let's get out of here"
    • Touching themselves suggestively, or touching/stroking their genitals
    • Touching you suggestively or sexually—e.g. deep kissing, stroking your body, or touching your chest, butt, or genitals
    • Some signals aren't universal—for example, in some areas, tapping your foot in the stall of a men's room means you're there for sex.[101] Try watching how other people act, as it can give you a good idea of what typical hookup body language is.[102]
  7. 7
    Recognize signs of a "chaser". A chaser, also called an admirer, is someone who fetishizes trans people. Many trans people are not comfortable with this, and chasers can be uncomfortable or even dangerous, especially if they ignore or violate your boundaries. While some people will outright state that they're chasers, someone who fetishizes trans people might:[103] [104]
    • Seem fascinated or obsessed with your gender, but not you as a person
    • Be overly curious or invasive about your transition—for example, asking your deadname or medical transition status
    • Compliment how well you "pass" for cis
    • Comment about their attraction to trans people—e.g. "Enbies are just the cutest," "I only date pre/post-op women," or "I'm into much weirder things than trans guys"
    • Use terms that are outdated or incorrect (transsexual, transvestite, crossdresser, hermaphrodite, etc.)
    • Use slurs related to gender identity, even if it's supposedly friendly
    • Be pushy or forceful about seeing your genitals or having certain types of sex, even if you say you're not comfortable with it
    • Misgender you or insult you if you say no or turn them down

    Tip: Trust your gut. If something feels "off" about the person—whether they seem like a chaser or not—listen to that feeling and leave when you can.[105]

  8. 8
    Be upfront about your boundaries and needs. It can be hard to communicate about sex with someone you don't know well, but it's a lot harder to deal with the aftermath of sex you weren't comfortable with. If you have any firm boundaries on what you don't like, communicate those before you hook up—whether that's over an app or in person.[106] [107]
    • "I don't have sex without condoms. Are you okay with that, or do you want to find another partner?"
    • "I don't want to be touched, but I'm happy to touch you in any way you want."
    • "Before we do anything, I want to say I'm not comfortable with butt stuff. Anything else is fair game."
    • "I wear a tank top underneath my shirt. Leave it on and don't touch my chest, please."
  9. 9
    Don't compromise on sexual safety. You can't always tell if someone has an STI, and some people will say they're clear when they're not. If you're going to hook up with someone, set firm boundaries on using protection and stick to them.[108] [109] Here are some things you can say if the person refuses protection:[110]
    • "Put on a glove first, please."
    • "An STI is a lot more uncomfortable than a dental dam."
    • "You're allergic to latex? I have latex-free condoms. Here."
    • "If you won't use protection, I'm not having sex with you."
  10. 10
    Don't hesitate to leave if need be. Whether you feel uncomfortable, ran into a chaser, met someone who won't respect your boundaries, or simply changed your mind, it's okay to leave and go home (or look for a different partner). You can simply tell the person you're not interested or have changed your mind, or make an excuse to leave. Don't feel you need to stay and have sex with this person, especially if you feel unsafe.[111]
    • For example, if the person keeps pushing to touch you in ways you don't like, you can say, "I've told you I'm not comfortable with that. I think we're looking for different things."
    • If the person starts following you, don't go home. You don't want to lead them to your house. Instead, go to a well-lit public place and call the police.
  11. 11
    Enjoy yourself. Hooking up and casual sex is fun and even empowering for some trans people, so if you're comfortable with it, don't be afraid to enjoy it—whatever it entails for you. Take steps to protect yourself and be safe, and do what feels best for you. It's your sex life, after all!


  • Lambskin condoms protect against pregnancy, but don't protect against STIs. Use polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms if you need a non-latex option.
  • You should only have sex if you're truly comfortable. Don't have sex just because you think only one person will ever find you attractive or in order to affirm your gender to yourself. There's other ways to affirm your gender, and other people out there will find you attractive, too.
  • If you're underage, know your rights when it comes to sex and sexual healthcare. Different areas have different laws.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 40,334 times.
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Co-authors: 15
Updated: June 4, 2022
Views: 40,334