

Etymology 1

From earlier *grenz-, from Proto-Baltic *grenž-, from Proto-Indo-European *grenǵ-, from the zero grade of Proto-Indo-European *ger- (to turn; to wind; to wreathe) with an extra ǵ and an infix -n-. A minority opinion considers griezt (to turn) to have the same origin as griezt (to cut) (see below), with the circular motion meaning coming from certain ways of cutting. Cognates include Lithuanian grę̃žti (to drill, to turn, to change, to mend), Old Prussian granstis (one who drills, who drilled), greanste ([grēnste], rope made of woven, wound branches), Old Norse kringr (ring), kringla (ring, circle), kranga (to crawl, to creep, to drag oneself), German Kringel (pretzel), Dutch krinkel (loop; twist).[1]


  • IPA(key): [ɡrīɛ̄st]


griezt tr., 1st conj., pres. griežu, griez, griež, past griezu

  1. to turn, to spin (to move, to cause something to move in circular motion, around an axis)
    griezt tecīluto turn the grindstone
    ūdens griež turbīnasthe water turns the turbine
    Ieva grieza telefona ripuIeva dialed (lit. turned the telephone dial)
    puiši griež meitenes dejāthe boys turn the girls in the dance
  2. (usually of the wind) to turn, to whirl (to cause something to move in a whirl, swirl)
    ass vējš grieza sniega mutuļusthe sharp wind gave the snow a whirl (lit. turned snow whirls)
    rudens vējš purina kokus, atrauj un griež virpulī zeltainas lapasthe autumn wind shakes the trees, tears the golden leaves apart and turns them in a whirl(wind)
  3. (when dancing) to turn, to whirl, to dance in fast circles
    griezt valsito whirl (= dance) a waltz
    pēc gadiem trauku polku griežuafter (many) years I am (now) whirling (= dancing) a crazy polka
  4. to turn (to change the position or the direction of motion of something)
    griezt automašīnu pa labito turn the car to the right
    griezt zirgu uz ceļato turn the horse (back) to the road
    griezt lopus uz māju pusito turn the animals back home
    griezt par labuto turn to good (= to fix, to make up for)
    viņi iedarbina motoru un griež laivu atpakaļ uz pilsētuhe started the motor and turned the ship back to(ward) the city
    Ceplis tiešām nesaprata, kā viņš bija visu to varējis, pilnīgi pazaudējot pašsavaldīšanos... tagad vajadzēja mēģināt visu par labu grieztCeplis really couldn't understand how he had been able to do all that, to have completely lost his self-control... now he had to try to make (lit. turn) it good (= fix it, make up for it)
  5. (usually with apkārt, otrādi, uz otru pusi) to turn (to reverse the orientation or configuration of something to its opposite)
    griezt apkārtto turn around (= upside down)
    griezt cimdu otrādito turn the glove (inside out)
    griezt mēteli uz otro pusito turn the coat (inside out)
    griezt kažokam otru pusi, griezt kažoku uz otro pusito turn the coat (= to change one's position completely)
    trīs dienas pēc kārtas griezu apkārt visus Rīgas cepuru veikalus; uzlaikoju tūkstošiem dažādu platmaļuthree days in a row I turn all hat shops in Rīga upside down (looking for something); I tried thousands of different hats on
  6. to turn, to turn around (to move (something) in all directions, from one side to another, to and fro (usually nervously)
    griezt vēstuli rokāshe turned the letter in his hands
    rakstā viņš iemeta tikai paviršu mirkli, bet zīmogu aplūkoja pamatīgi, papīru pirkstos riņķi griezdams un iestādes nosaukumu burtodamshe cast only a superficial glance on the text, but the seal he examined thoroughly, turning the paper in his hands and spelling the name of the institution
  7. to turn (to point, to direct something to, at, against something else; also metaphorically, e.g., attention, a topic of conversation)
    griezt ieročus pret ienaidniekuto turn (one's) weapon against the enemy
    griezt seju pret saulito turn (one's) face to the sun
    katrs vēja pūtiens griež viņas skatienu pāri ciemam uz jūruevery blow of the wind turns her gaze over the village to the sea
    Gusts ienācis un apsveicinājies sāka valodu griezt uz nupat nobeigto sējuGusts came in and, after greeting, began to turn the talk (= coversation) to the just abandoned sowing
    Kārlis pirmais palēnina soļus, lai nebūtu piepeši jāapstājas un tā jāgriež uz sevi uzmanībaKārlis first slowed down his steps, so that he wouldn't have to stop and turn (other people's) attention to himself
  8. to weave, to roll up (to make something by wrapping, rolling up, weaving something else)
    griezt cigāruto roll up a cigar
    griezt virvito weave a rope
    Jānis sniedzas pēc tabakas un griež rūpīgi un apdomīgi no kāda plāna papīra smēķiJānis reached for the tobacco and rolled up every thin (piece of) paper carefully and deliberately into a smoke (= cigarette)
  9. to turn, to bend, to twirl (to curve the shape of something; to produce something curved while growing)
    griezt ūsasto twirl (one's) mustache
    (sa)griezt gredzenāto turn, bend (something) into a ring
    grieztās riņķa kāpnesa circular staircase (lit. stairs turned into a cirlce)
    agrīnie lini jau sāka griezt galus sprogāsthe early flax had already started turning its ends into curls
    mums mājās dobē agrie kāposti jau grieza galviņas, bet arī nezāles bija stipri sakuplojušasin (their) beds in our home the cabbages have already turned (= grown) heads, but also the weeds have grown thick
  10. to wring, to twist (e.g., wet clothes) in order to force out the liquid
    griezt palagu pēc skalošanasto wring the sheets after washing
    griezt salijušas drēbesto wring drenched clothes
    viņš uzmeta acis zēna glābējam, kas bija novilcis virsbikses un grieza nost lieko ūdenihe turned his eyes to the rescuer of the child, who had taken off his overpants and was wringing the excess water out
  11. (colloquial) to work, to make, to do something (important)
    es jau ar mežiem griežu lielas lietas, un koku fabrika arī man labi strādāI am turning (= doing) great things with the forests, and the wood factory works well for me
    kas ir mana fotodarbnīca, salīdzinot ar tiem darba apjomiem, kādus mēs griežam kolhozā!?what is my foto lab, in comparison with the range of work that we turn (= do) in the collective farm!?
  • (of "to direct, to point"): vērst, virzīt
Derived terms
prefixed verbs:
  • aizgriezt
  • apgriezt
  • atgriezt
  • iegriezt
  • izgriezt
  • nogriezt
  • pagriezt
  • pārgriezt
  • piegriezt
  • sagriezt
  • uzgriezt
other derived terms:
  • grieze
  • griezties

Etymology 2

From Proto-Baltic *griež-, from *greiž-, from Proto-Indo-European *greyǵ, from the zero grade of a stem *ger- (to cut) with an extra (y)ǵ. With a different extra element at the end, *ger- yielded Old Prussian gīrbin (number) (< “mark(s), cut(s), incision(s)”), Old East Slavic жеребей (žerebeй), Russian жребий (žrébij, lot; fate, destiny) (< “cut, jagged, carved stick, wand”), Old English ceorfan, Old High German kerban (to cut, to jag). Cognates include Lithuanian gríežti.[1]


  • IPA(key): [ɡriɛ̂st]


griezt tr., 1st conj., pres. griežu, griez, griež, past griezu

  1. to cut (to separate a part of something with a sharp tool)
    griezt papīru, drēbito cut paper, cloth
    griezt ziedusto cut flowers
    griezt maizito cut bread
    Andrs dziedādams grieza lapainos zarus un vilka čupā, acīm redzami, būdu gribēja taisītsinging, Andrs cut softwood branches and pulled them to a pile; clearly, he wanted to make a hut
    griezta brūce izveidojas, iegriežot ar asu priekšmetu... šādas brūces malas ir gludas, un brūce stipri asiņoa cut (= cutting) wound happens when one is cutting with a sharp object... the edges of these wounds are smooth, and they bleed heavily
  2. (of a sharp tool) to cut
    šķēres labi griežthe scissors cut well
    nazis negriežthe knife doesn't cut (= is blunt)
    kokus grieza spēcīgs elektriskais zāģisa powerful electric saw was cutting the trees
  3. (colloquial) to cut (to perform surgery; to remove surgically)
    griezt aklo zarnuto cut (= remove) the appendix (= to perform an appendicectomy)
  4. (of plow blades) to cut (to plow the soil)
    dienu un nakti traktors loba tukšos laukus, un spīdīgie lemeši griež rudens arumusday and night the tractor plowed the empty fields, and the shiny blades cut the autumn plowed soil
  5. (of grass, lawns) to cut, to mow
    mēs ar vectēvu griezam līci; zāle bija diezgan jauna un mīkstagrandpa and I mowed (lit. cut) the bay; the grass was quite new and soft
  6. (figuratively) to advance against something (an obstacle, etc.); to advance, leaving a mark on something
    kuģa priekšgals griež viļņusthe front of the boat cut the waves
    prožektoru gaisma griež tumsuthe projectors' light cut the darkness
    ar slidām griezt leduto cut the ice with (one's) skis
    riteņi griež ceļu līdz rumbām!the wheels are cutting the ground (lit. road) to the hubs!
  7. to cut, to bite (to penetrate; to rub in a way that causes discomfort, pain; to cause discomfort, pain)
    aukla griež delnāthe string cuts, bites in the palm (of his hand)
    spaiņa stīpa sāpīgi griež rokāthe bucket handle cuts, bites painfully in (his) hand
    spožā gaisma griež acīsthe bright light cuts, bites in the eye (= dazzles painfully)
    Līzei sāpīgi grieza tēva nicinājumsher father's contempt cut, bit Līze painfully
  8. to cut out, to carve; to engrave (to make something using a sharp instrument)
    griezt koka rotaļlietasto cut, to carve wooden toys
    griezt nūjā robusto cut, to make an incision on a stick
    ne no katra koka var svilpes grieztnot from all (kinds of) wood can one cut, make a whistle
    Āziju atgādina... gaumīgie pasažieru ostas vārti ar kokā grieztiem austrumnieciskiem rakstiemthe stylish passenger (air)port gateway with (its) engraved Eastern patterns reminded (us) of Asia
  9. (with nost, klāt, of land) to cut off, to separate, to take away
    “bet ko tad nu iesāksim?” Irma turpinajā; “trīsdesmit hektāru mums griezīšot nost... iztiec nu ar otriem trīsdesmit!”“but what are we going to do now?” Irma continued; “they will cut off (= take away) thirty hectares from us; (we'll have) to do with (only) the other thirty (hectares)!”
  10. (of corncrakes and some other birds) to chirp (to produce its characteristic sound, reminiscent of the sound of cutting)
    rasainajā pļavā kā ar izkapti grieza griezein the dewy meadow the corncrake chirped (lit. cut) as if with a scythe
    pie debesīm atmirdzēja retas zvaigznes; kaut kur aiz upes grieza vientuļa griezeon the sky, a few rare stars were shining; somewhere beyond the river a single corncrake was chirping (lit. cutting)
Derived terms
prefixed verbs:
  • aizgriezt
  • apgriezt
  • atgriezt
  • iegriezt
  • izgriezt
  • nogriezt
  • pagriezt
  • pārgriezt
  • piegriezt
  • sagriezt
  • uzgriezt
other derived terms:
  • griezējs, griezēja
  • griezīgs

, griezīgums

  • graizīt


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), griezt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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