This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA. Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities.
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Did you know that Discord's developers embedded hidden tricks in the app? In addition to joining servers and voice-chatting, you can also discover fun hidden tricks called easter eggs that most Discord users don't know about! Once you know how to activate Discord easter eggs, you can discover secret animations, sounds, games, and even a special hidden dark mode for Android! This wikiHow article lists the best easter eggs that you can find on Discord using your computer or the mobile app.
Things You Should Know
- Click the Discord logo in your desktop app to hear a "Discordo" sound effect whenever you open the app.
- You'll see different messages when you click to copy your username more than once.
- Most Discord Easter Eggs only work on the desktop app, but plenty are available on Android, iPhone, iPad, on the web.
Click the Discord logo 16 times. This is only available on Discord's web and desktop app, and clicking the logo 16 times will play the "Discordo" audio. Close Discord and open it again to hear the "Discordo" audio again. Once you've turned it on, you'll hear the "Discordo" audio whenever you open the desktop app.
- Disable the sound effect by clicking the logo 16 times again.
Copy Username Tag
Click to copy your username, move your mouse away, then click to copy your username again. You won't get this effect if you're using the app on your Android or iPhone, so you have to use your computer. But when you do this in the PC or Mac app, you'll see: Copied!, Double Copy!, Triple Copy!, Dominating!!, Rampage!!, Mega Copy!!, Unstoppable!!, Wicked Sick!!, Monster Copy!!!, GODLIKE!!!, BEYOND GODLIKE!!!!
- To copy your username tag, click your profile picture (it's in the lower-left corner of the desktop app) and click your username in the menu that pops up. You'll see a "Copied" message. Move your cursor away from your username (like on the banner of the pop-up is fine) to get that message to disappear, then click your username again. You'll see a "Double Copy" notification. Move away, then click it again to see "Triple Copy!"
Error 404/Snek Game
Follow a link to a 404 page, then click the snake board in the Raman shop GIF. A window will pop up with the Snek game and you will need to click again to start it. Once the game starts, use your arrow keys to move the snake to play.
- This Discord easter egg is only available when you're using Discord in a web browser.
- Alternatively, enter the Konami Cheat Code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A) to play the game when you've encountered a 404 page.
Akuma Raging Demon
In the Discord PC & Mac app, open the keyboard shortcuts window and press H+H+→ Right Arrow+N+K. There are two different ways to open the shortcuts window depending on your OS. For instance, if you're using Windows, press Ctrl + / and if you're using Mac, press Cmd + /.
- Enter the code once the shortcut window is open; it's even listed in the window as the last entry.
- When you enter the code, your Discord window will flicker and display an animation like Akuma's Raging Demon attack (from the Street Fighter video game!)
Music Notes
In the desktop app, open the keyboard shortcuts window and press any arrow key. This fun Discord easter egg, which is only available in the desktop app, will play synthesized musical notes similar to DDR music. You can open the keyboard shortcuts window in the Discord desktop app by pressing Ctrl + / (Windows) or Cmd + / (Mac), then press any arrow key on your keyboard (left, up, right, down).
Take b1nzy to Space
Go to and click the colon after some text. Look for the line, "Note that normal route rate-limiting headers will also be sent in this response. The rate-limiting response will look something like the following:" (you can press Ctrl + F (Windows) or Cmd + F (Mac) and paste in that line to find it quickly) and click the colon (it's blue, indicating that it's a link).
- Click around to change the website. For example, click toggle nyan cat mode to change the cat in a rocketship to a pop-tart cat that leaves a rainbow trail. Any clicks on the page will trigger music. If the current song isn't your jam, click Skip Song. Or click Visualize to add a visualizer to the background.
Wumpus Nitro Confetti
In the desktop app, move your cursor over the Server Boosting crystal in a rubbing motion until a Wumpus comes out. Whenever someone boosts a server, you'll see a message in chat with a Server Boosting crystal next to it. All you have to do it move your cursor over that crystal (like you're rubbing it) and confetti will come out, keep rubbing it and Wumpus will show up!
Empathy Banana/Broken Magnifying Glass
AMOLED Dark Theme on Android
Since Dark mode is more like grey, AMOLED makes your phone screen actually dark. To trigger the AMOLED theme, tap your profile picture, then go to Appearance and tap on "Dark" 10 times. The background will change from grey to black, but if you accidentally tapped too many times, you'll see a toggle for the AMOLED theme below the options for Dark and Light.
- Be aware that this is an experimental feature, so not everything may work perfectly.
- This method does not work for iPhones with the Discord mobile app.[1] X Research source
Go to It's Discord's opposite equivalent of a robot.txt that usually tells crawlers what to index and what to avoid. A humans.txt file is a more popular upload in current tech companies on company web servers, just for giggles. Because, you know, robots vs humans.
Computer Man
Go to in a web browser on any device. The link redirects to a "Computer Man" YouTube video, which is a reference to an old Canadian TV show called Vid Kids.
Thanksgiving Turkey Emoji
Every year on Thanksgiving, the emoji button turns into a turkey. This fun once-a-year Discord easter egg only appears if you're in the US, but if you're in a different country, you can use a VPN to connect to a US server to see it in action!
Aggressive Pencil Shaking
Mario Box & Green Vials
Go to to see the old version of Discord's home page. There you can click the "?" box to see items from Mario appear (like mushrooms, coins, and Super Stars). Click the vial of green liquid to see bubbles come out of it.
- Discord updated their home page, so this was only available to see live 2017-2019. Luckily, you can still see it with the WayBack Machine.
Ridiculous Username (Retired)
When you had a ridiculously long username, the desktop app would display a look of disapproval in place of the Edit button. A username tag can be between 2 and 32 characters long, but if the entered username was long and ridiculous (like a set of emojis rather than a name), the "Edit" button on your "My Account" page would become "ಠ_ಠ".
Flashlight Light Theme (Retired)
Dubstep Call Ringtone (Retired)
This Insanity (Retired)
Clicking the link in "This insanity" brought you to a YouTube video of an iPhone getting millions of notifications. This has since been retired and the link is no longer available, but, if you went to "Server Settings > Notifications," you saw a message that said, "We highly recommend setting this to @mentions for a public Discord server to avoid [this insanity]."
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