GIMP is a free editing program which can be downloaded at Among the many tools included, the clone tool is quite useful for removing blemishes in certain situations.


  1. 1
    Get the image that you want to fix. This one is a rose with grass in it.
  2. 2
    Click on the clone tool. It looks like a stamp.
  3. 3
    Look down at the toolbar for the clone stamp. You will probably want to adjust the opacity. If it is less than 100, it will look more natural. Also, depending on what you are covering, adjust the scale. One last thing you can do is change the brush and the brush size.
  4. 4
    Hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while using your mouse to click on the area you would like to duplicate. You can change the size of the clone brush by moving the scale button.
  5. 5
    After selecting the area you'd like to clone, let go of CTRL and click on the area you'd like to cover. You can click on as many areas as you like and the same cloned image will appear there.
  6. 6
    Repeat process as necessary.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Have a 'barred' symbol blocking the use of the clone stamp. Why, and how do I remove it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You probably haven't used Ctrl + click to choose the portion of the original image that you want to clone.
  • Question
    How do I reduce brush size?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    On the far left panel, under 'tool options' there should be a box that says "Size." Use the arrows or put in a size yourself to change the size.
  • Question
    Having used the clone tool, how do I deactivate it, or any tool?
    Isa Wren
    Isa Wren
    Community Answer
    In Gimp, you can't actually "deactivate" tools. Instead, as you first go into Gimp you will notice it is already automatically on the zoom tool (represented by a magnifying glass). That is the default tool on Gimp. To return to the zoom tool, simply click on it, or hold Ctrl and scroll up and down to view your image closer or further away. You can do this while you are using any tool and it will automatically return to the zoom tool.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 242,750 times.
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Co-authors: 8
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 242,750
Categories: GIMP