January 1960

The following events occurred in January 1960:

<< January 1960 >>
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
January 1, 1960: Cameroon granted independence
January 4, 1960: Albert Camus killed in auto accident
January 23, 1960: The bathyscaphe Trieste descends seven miles to the ocean floor
January 24, 1960: French Algerians erect barricades

January 1, 1960 (Friday)

  • The Republic of Cameroun became independent at midnight local time (2300 12/31/59 GMT) with the lowering of the French tricolor, and the raising of a new tricolor (red, yellow and green) flag at Yaoundé. The former French Cameroons colony had been under a U.N. Trusteeship during a transition period, and Prime Minister Ahmadou Ahidjo headed the government pending the adoption of a constitution. United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, along with Henry Cabot Lodge, the American Ambassador to the U.N., were present, along with the Soviet First Deputy Premier, Frol Kozlov, who announced that the Soviets would recognize the new government. Marxist Félix-Roland Moumié, who had previously been supported by the Soviet Union, continued to wage a campaign of terrorism against the Ahidjo government, and thirty people were killed on the Republic's first day.[1][2]
  • Midnight, January 1, 1960, is the point from which dates are measured under SAS System, Stata and R computer programming software.
  • The symbolic "Doomsday Clock" on the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was moved back five minutes, from "two minutes to midnight" (where it had been since 1953) to "seven minutes to midnight".[3]
  • Cities created through merger in Norway-- Smøla (from Edøy, Brattvær, and Hopen); Evje og Hornnes (from Evje and Hornnes); and Sirdal (from Tonstad and Øvre Sirdal).
  • The peaceful New Year's Day March, a civil rights march at the airport of Greenville, South Carolina, took place with 250 African-American people protesting racial segregation. On October 25, a delegation of NAACP members had been waiting for the arrival of baseball great Jackie Robinson when they were told to move to a colored waiting room at the airport. Led by the chairman of the local Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the Reverend J.S. Hall, the march concluded with the reading of a resolution by Rev. Matthew D. McCullough while a crowd of 200 White people listened.[4]
  • Died: Margaret Sullavan, 50, American film actress, died of an accidental overdose of barbiturates

January 2, 1960 (Saturday)

  • The temperature in Oodnadatta, South Australia, reached 50.7 °C (123.3 °F) in the shade, for what remains the highest temperature ever recorded in Australia.[5]
  • At the Senate Caucus room in Washington, U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts formally announced that he would seek the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. Addressing a question about whether being a Roman Catholic would affect his chances of winning, Senator Kennedy told them "I would think that there is really only one issue involved in the whole question of a candidate's religion, that is, does a candidate believe in the separation of church and state?"[6]
  • Born: Naoki Urasawa, Japanese manga author, in Tokyo
  • Died: Friedrich Adler, 80, Austrian assassin who had killed Austrian Prime Minister Karl von Stürgkh in 1916.

January 3, 1960 (Sunday)

January 4, 1960 (Monday)

10 Nouveaux Francs
  • The Bank of France issued the first bills for the nouveau franc worth one hundred ancients francs, and brought back the centime coin, replacing the old franc. The new franc, at roughly five to U.S. dollar, had become legal tender on January 1. To prepare the French for the changeover, the old-style bills had been overstamped with new value and the initials "N.F."[10]
  • Born: Michael Stipe, American rock singer (R.E.M.), in Decatur, Georgia
  • Died: Author Albert Camus was killed at 1:54 a.m. while riding as a passenger in a Facel-Vega sports car near the town being driven by his publisher, Michel Gallimard. The car left the road near Villeneuve-la-Guyard, striking a tree. An unfinished, 144-page manuscript of Camus' latest novel was found near the wreckage. The First Man would finally be published 35 years later.[11]

January 5, 1960 (Tuesday)

  • British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan began a six-week, 20,000-mile (32,000 km) tour of Britain's current and former African colonies, not returning to London until February 15.[12]
  • Le Monde broke the news of a confidential report, made to the French government by the International Red Cross, documenting the French Army's torture in Algeria.[13][14]
  • The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that a trust fund, set up by Benjamin Franklin's will in 1791 to assist "young married artificers", could not be divided before its 1991 maturity date, despite the fact that there were no more artificers who would benefit. Started by Franklin with the deposit of 1,000 pounds sterling, the fund had grown to $1,578,098 by 1960.[15] By the time the monies were split between Massachusetts and Pennsylvania in 1991, the Fund was worth more than $6.5 million.[16]

January 6, 1960 (Wednesday)

January 7, 1960 (Thursday)

  • The Soviet Union announced that it would be testing a long-range rocket over an area in the North Pacific Ocean, and warned other nations not to send ships through a designated 280-mile (450 km) by 160-mile (260 km) area between January 15 and February 15.[23]
  • For the first time, a Polaris missile reached its target using its own inertial guidance system, rather than being directed from a ground station. The shot from Cape Canaveral came a few hours after President Eisenhower's final State of the Union speech, describing the new era of nuclear submarines armed with the Polaris missiles. "Impossible to destroy by surprise attack," said Ike, "they will become one of our most effective sentinels for peace."[24][25]
  • Representatives of Engineering and Contracts Division and Flight Systems Division (FSD) met to discuss future wind tunnel test needs for advanced Mercury projects. After Alan B. Kehlet remarked on available test facilities, Caldwell C. Johnson and H. Kurt Strass presented their ideas on advanced configurations. Johnson had been working on modifications to the existing Mercury configuration rather than on advanced configuration concepts. Strass suggested that advanced work be classed as either modifications refining the design of the present Mercury or new concepts in configuration design. Johnson consented to design models for both program categories.[26]
  • Died: Prince Ferdinand Pius, Duke of Calabria, 90, pretender to throne of Kingdom of Two Sicilies

January 8, 1960 (Friday)

  • Lee Harvey Oswald, an American defector to the Soviet Union, was personally welcomed by the Mayor of Minsk, given a free apartment, and then set up in a new job as a metal worker in the Byelorussian Radio and Television factory.[27]
  • David Cooper Nelson became the first convict to be executed in New Mexico's gas chamber, and the last. The legislature had replaced the electric chair with gas, and would later adopt lethal injection as its mode of capital punishment.[28]
  • The Los Angeles Rams sued the new American Football League and the Houston Oilers over the rights to Heisman Trophy winner Billy Cannon, who had signed with both teams.[29]

January 9, 1960 (Saturday)

January 10, 1960 (Sunday)

  • The United States would defend the Nationalist Chinese islands of Quemoy and Matsu from aggression by Communist China, U.S. Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker said at a news conference in Taipei, marking a change in American policy. The U.S. treaty to defend the island of Taiwan from attack did not include the two islands in the Taiwan Strait.[33] The issue of whether the United States should go to war with China over the two islands would become an issue in the 1960 presidential campaign.
  • Born: Brian Cowen, Prime Minister of Ireland 2008-2011; in Clara, County Offaly

January 11, 1960 (Monday)

  • Henry Lee Lucas, who would confess to more than 600 murders in 1985, then recant, took his first life, stabbing his 74-year-old mother, Viola, at her home in Tecumseh, Michigan. Sentenced to 40 years in prison, but released in 1970, Lucas then resumed killing, and was ultimately convicted of 11 homicides.[34][35]
  • U.S. Senator Theodore F. Green of Rhode Island, at 92, the oldest person to ever serve in either house of Congress up to that time, announced that he would not run in 1960 for a fifth term.[36] Green served from 1935 to 1961 and would die at age 98 in 1966. U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond would surpass Green's record in 1995, serving until his death in 2003 at 100 years old.
  • NASA and the Western Electric Company signed a contract in the amount of $33,058,690 for construction and engineering of the Mercury tracking network.[22]

January 12, 1960 (Tuesday)

January 13, 1960 (Wednesday)

  • The first discussions were held in the White House to discuss covert action to overthrow Cuba's new revolutionary socialist government led by prime minister Fidel Castro. A special group, created by the National Security Council's order #5412, approved "Operation Zapata".[39]
  • The Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) was abolished, and replaced by separate agencies in the 15 republics.[40]

January 14, 1960 (Thursday)

January 15, 1960 (Friday)

  • The day after Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev asked the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to formally approve his proposal to reduce the Soviet armed forces by nearly one-third, the 1,300 members in both houses gave their unanimous assent. The reduction, from 3,623,000 men to 2,423,000 men, had been announced by Khrushchev the day before in a speech to the joint session, with a plan to shift defense expenditures to nuclear weapons and missiles. "Should any madman launch an attack on our state or on other socialist states," Khrushchev said,"we would literally be able to wipe the country or countries that attack us off the face of the Earth."[43][44]
  • Eight Chicago policemen were arrested in early morning raids on their homes, and charged with burglary, and several carloads of stolen merchandise were seized from the homes. By the end of the month, 15 city cops had been indicted for what Mayor Daley called "the most disgraceful and shocking scandal in the police department's history." The arrests followed a revelation, by a 23-year-old burglar, that several members of the Chicago PD had assisted him in burglarizing businesses in areas they had been assigned to patrol.[45]
  • The U.S. Navy issued an operation plan for the Project Mercury recovery force, providing for procedures according to specified areas and for space recovery methods. Procedures for Mercury-Redstone and Mercury-Atlas missions were covered.[22]

January 16, 1960 (Saturday)

  • Nobusuke Kishi, the Prime Minister of Japan, departed from Tokyo's Haneda Airport at 8:09 a.m., in order to sign an unpopular treaty with the United States on American soil, but not before avoiding a rioting crowd of at least 500 Zengakuren, leftist students who had occupied the airport in protest. Several thousand police were required to disperse the gathering.[46]
  • The village of Willowbrook, Illinois, was incorporated.

January 17, 1960 (Sunday)

January 18, 1960 (Monday)

  • Major General Jacques Massu, the commander of the French Army in Algeria, criticized his boss in an interview with Hans Ulrich Kempski of the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. President Charles De Gaulle, who came into power with the Army's support in 1958, was outraged by Massu's statement that "Perhaps the Army made a mistake."[48]
  • Capital Airlines Flight 20 crashed near Holdcroft, Virginia, while en route from Washington to Norfolk, apparently killing all forty-six passengers and four crew members on impact. The first persons on the scene heard no cries, and the Vickers Viscount was soon consumed by a fire that burned for five hours.[49][50]
  • Walter C. Williams, Associate Director of Project Mercury Operations, proposed the establishment of a Mercury-Redstone Coordination Committee to monitor and coordinate activities related to Mercury-Redstone flight tests.[22] Williams also proposed that the Mercury-Atlas flight test working group become an official and standing coordination body. This group brought together representation from the Space Task Group, Air Force Ballistic Missile Division, Convair Astronautics, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, and the Atlantic Missile Range. Personnel from these organizations had met informally in the past on several occasions.[22]

January 19, 1960 (Tuesday)

January 20, 1960 (Wednesday)

January 21, 1960 (Thursday)

  • In the third worst mine disaster in history, 437 coal miners were killed at the Coalbrook North Colliery at Coalbrook, South Africa, when a 3-square-kilometre (1.2 sq mi) section collapsed, filling the mine shaft with methane.[54][55][56]
  • Avianca Flight 671 from New York to Montego Bay, Jamaica, crashed and burned when its landing gear collapsed on touchdown, killing 37 of the 46 persons on board.[57]
  • At a meeting to draft fiscal year 1962 funding estimates for Project Mercury, the total purchase of Atlas launch vehicles was listed as 15, and the total purchase of Mercury spacecraft was listed as 26.[22]
"Miss Sam" being placed in flight container in December 1959

January 22, 1960 (Friday)

  • France's President de Gaulle fired Major General Massu from his post as commander of the troops in French Algeria, following Massu's critical interview. European Algerians were outraged by the firing, precipitating the "week of the barricades".[60]
  • At the Boston Garden, Sugar Ray Robinson lost his world middleweight boxing title in an upset to Paul Pender, a 29-year-old firefighter from Brookline, Massachusetts. Pender outpointed Robinson in fifteen rounds.[61]
  • Born: Michael Hutchence, Australian rock musician (INXS), in Sydney (d. 1997)

January 23, 1960 (Saturday)

January 24, 1960 (Sunday)

  • As many as 5,000 European residents of French Algeria, including members of the French home guard, sealed off parts of Algiers and then withdrew behind the barricades. In the crisis that followed, leaders of the French Army told Prime Minister Michel Debre that they would disregard orders to attack the insurgents. When the local police clashed with the demonstrators, 24 people were killed and 136 injured.[64]
  • The Democratic Socialist Party (Japan) was formed by Suehiro Nishio and 52 other members of Parliament who had formerly been in the Japan Socialist Party. The DSP lasted until 1994.[65]
  • Born: Rick Leventhal, FOX TV newsman, in Silver Spring, Maryland
  • Died:

January 25, 1960 (Monday)

  • Belgium agreed to grant its African colony, in the Belgian Congo, independence, setting a date of June 30, 1960, and elections to be held in May.[66]
  • McDonnell delivered the first production-type Mercury spacecraft to the Space Task Group at Langley Research Center in less than 1 year from the signing of the formal contract. This spacecraft was a structural shell and did not contain most of the internal systems that would be required for human spaceflight. After receipt, the Space Task Group instrumented the spacecraft and designated it for the Mercury-Atlas 1 (MA-1) flight.[22]
  • Wilt Chamberlain set an NBA record that still stands, for "Most points, rookie, game", with 58 points for the Philadelphia Warriors against the Detroit Pistons, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The record was tied, by Chamberlain, on February 21 of his rookie year.[67]

January 26, 1960 (Tuesday)

January 27, 1960 (Wednesday)

  • Following Japan's signing of the new security treaty with the United States, the Soviet Union announced that it was cancelling plans to return the islands of Habomai and Shikotan, captured during World War II, to Japan.[71]
  • Construction began on the Baitul Mukarram mosque in Dhaka, East Pakistan. The structure, designed by Abdul Hussain Thariani, is now the National Mosque of Bangladesh.
  • A river of lava from the Kilauea Volcano spilled over the last earthen dike that had protected the village of Kapoho, Hawai'i, and began the destruction of the town, whose 300 residents had been evacuated. By Saturday, Kapoho was gone.[72]
  • Thirty-one people were trampled to death in Seoul, South Korea, when a crowd surged forward to catch a train.[32]

January 28, 1960 (Thursday)

  • The 12-team NFL expanded for the first time since 1949, awarding the franchise for the Dallas Cowboys for 1960, and for the Minnesota Vikings for 1961.[73]
  • China and Burma (now Myanmar) signed an agreement specifying the boundary between the two nations.[74]
  • Died: Zora Neale Hurston, 69, African-American author who would attain posthumous fame in the 1970s

January 29, 1960 (Friday)

  • Facing a challenge from rebelling European settlers in French Algeria, France's President Charles de Gaulle went on television in his Army uniform, in order, he said, "to stress that I am speaking as General de Gaulle as well as chief of state". Having announced before that the future of French territory in Algeria would be left to the Algerian Arab majority, de Gaulle emphasized that he would not yield to Europeans "who dream of being usurpers". Following the speech, the French Army ended speculation about whether they would side with the Algerian Europeans against the Paris government, and ordered all home guardsmen, inside the barricades, to report to their headquarters. When the order was disobeyed, the Army moved in to end the rebellion.[75]
  • Born:

January 30, 1960 (Saturday)

January 31, 1960 (Sunday)

  • At Tawfiq, a skirmish between soldiers from Israel and Syria (at that time, part of the United Arab Republic with Egypt) left 12 Syrians and 7 Israelis dead. UAR President Gamal Abdel Nasser sent Egyptian troops back into the Sinai in response.[77] (→ Rotem Crisis, Reprisal operations)
  • Joseph McNeill, a 17-year-old college freshman, was turned away by a waitress with the words, "We don't serve Negroes," when he tried to get something to eat at the bus terminal in Greensboro, North Carolina. When he talked about it with three friends at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, the four African-American students decided that they would take a stand against segregation. The next day, the four would sit down at the Woolworth's Department Store lunch counter and refuse to get up until they were served, and the "sit-in" was created as a form of civil disobedience.[78]
  • Six chimpanzees were rated as being trained and ready to support Mercury-Redstone or Mercury-Atlas missions. Other chimpanzees were being shipped from Africa to enter the animal training program.[22]


  1. "Terrorists Kill 30 at Birth Of New Nation". Oakland Tribune. January 1, 1960. p. 1.
  2. "CAMEROON: Another New Flag". TIME. January 11, 1960. Archived from the original on 31 October 2010.
  3. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
  4. Shelton, Ted; Rowland, Gil (January 2, 1960). "Negroes Conduct Orderly Segregation Protest Here". Greenville News. Greenville, South Carolina. p. 1.
  5. 2006 Year Book Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2005), p53
  6. The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1961, p155; "Hat Thrown Into Ring By Kennedy", Oakland Tribune, January 2, 1960, p1
  7. "Dramatic Specials Top TV Fare For The Week", The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH), January 3, 1960, pB-7
  8. J.A.S. Grenville and Bernard Wasserstein, The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century: A History and Guide with Texts (Taylor and Francis, 2001) p524
  9. "Steel Dispute Settled; 39-Cent Hike Reported – Nixon Given Praise for Major Coup", Oakland Tribune, January 4, 1960, p1
  10. "France Starts Year With A New Franc", Winnipeg Free Press, January 2, 1960, p14
  11. Campbell, James (2003). Exiled in Paris: Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Samuel Beckett, and others on the Left Bank. University of California Press. p. 239.
  12. World Almanac 1961, p154
  13. "Sadly Conclusive". TIME. January 18, 1960. Archived from the original on 31 October 2010.
  14. Merom, Gil (2003). How Democracies Lose Small Wars: State, Society, and the Failures of France in Algeria, Israel in Lebanon, and the United States in Vietnam. Cambridge University Press. p. 148.
  15. "Ben Franklin Trust Fund Must Be Held". Amarillo Globe-Times. January 7, 1960. p. 21.
  16. "Benjamin Franklin's pennies saved now worth $6.5 million". The Intelligencer-Record. Doylestown, Pennsylvania. April 18, 1990. p. A-11.
  17. Middle East Record 1960. London: Published for the Israel Oriental Society, the Reuven Shiloah Research Center. p. 237 via Google Books.
  18. Ismael, Tareq Y. (2008). The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of Iraq. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 101 via Google Books.
  19. Eisenberg, Mickey S. (1997). Life in the Balance: Emergency Medicine and the Quest to Reverse Sudden Death. Oxford University Press. pp. 125–126.
  20. "34 Dead in Airliner Explosion, Crash; Adm. McDonnell, Congressional Medal of Honor Holder, Is Victim; Debris Found in Carolina Swamp". Oakland Tribune. January 6, 1960. p. 1.
  21. "AVIATION: Disintegration & Disaster". TIME. January 18, 1960. Archived from the original on 8 October 2010.
  22. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Grimwood, James M. "PART II (B) Research and Development Phase of Project Mercury January 1960 through May 5, 1961". Project Mercury - A Chronology. NASA Special Publication-4001. NASA. Retrieved 6 February 2023.
  23. "Soviet 'Invades' Target Area For U.S. Missiles in Pacific". Oakland Tribune. January 8, 1960. p. 5.
  24. "IKE: 1960 MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR". Lowell Sun. Lowell, Massachusetts. January 7, 1960. p. 1.
  25. "Polaris Flies On Its Own Over 900-Mile Course". Oakland Tribune. January 8, 1960. p. 5.
  26. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Grimwood, James M.; Hacker, Barton C.; Vorzimmer, Peter J. "PART I (A) Concept and Design April 1959 through December 1961". Project Gemini Technology and Operations - A Chronology. NASA Special Publication-4002. NASA. Retrieved 17 February 2023.
  27. Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003), p117
  28. Robert J. Tórrez, Myth of the Hanging Tree: Stories of Crime and Punishment in Territorial New Mexico (University of New Mexico Press, 2008), p52; "State Gas Chamber Works-- Nelson's Life Snuffed Out", Clovis (NM) News-Journal, January 8, 1960, p1
  29. "Rams File Suit to Keep Cannon From AFL", San Antonio Express, January 12, 1960, p12-A
  30. (New York Times)
  31. Collins, Robert O. (2002). The Nile. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. p. 181. ISBN 9780300097641.
  32. World Almanac 1961, p157
  33. "Will Defend China Isles", Pacific Stars and Stripes, January 11, 1960, p1
  34. "Man Is Sought In Fatal Stabbing Of His Mother". The Progress Index. Petersburg, Virginia. AP. January 13, 1960. p. 14.
  35. "Henry Lee Lucas". trutv.com.
  36. "Sen. Theodore Green, Oldest Member of Congress, to Quit". Oakland Tribune. January 12, 1960. p. 7.
  37. "Emergency Is Lifted In Kenya", Winnipeg Rree Press, January 12, 1960, p4
  38. Avery N. Gilbert, What the Nose Knows: The Science of Scent in Everyday Life (Crown Publishers, ©2008), pp162–163
  39. William J. Daugherty, Executive Secrets: Covert Action and the Presidency (University Press of Kentucky, 2004)
  40. Vasiliy Mitrokhin, KGB Lexicon: The Soviet Intelligence Officer's Handbook (Routledge, 2002), p265
  41. Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No. 47-1961, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (1961)
  42. Melvyn Dubofsky and Warren R. Van Tine, John L. Lewis: A Biography (University of Illinois Press, 1986), p369
  43. "Soviet OKs Khrushchev Arms Cut". Oakland Tribune. January 15, 1960. p. 1.
  44. Lockwood, Jonathan S. (1983). The Soviet View of U.S. Strategic Doctrine: Implications for Decision Making. Transaction Books. p. 31.
  45. "Indignant Burglar Touches Off Political Ruckus". The Register-Guard. Eugene, Oregon. January 31, 1960. p. 3.
  46. "Japan Reds, Cops Battle At Airport", Oakland Tribune, January 16, 1960; James A. A. Stockwin, Governing Japan: Divided Politics in a Major Economy (Blackwell, 1999), pp51–52
  47. "Ike's Russian Visit Set for June 10–19", The Bridgeport Telegram, January 18, 1960, p1
  48. Berstein, Serge (1993). The Republic of De Gaulle, 1958-1969. Cambridge University Press. p. 41.
  49. "Plane Crashes, Burns – 50 Die; Dead Cremated In Their Seats". Kingsport Times. Kingsport, Tennessee. January 19, 1960. p. 1.
  50. aviation-safety.net report
  51. AirDisaster.Com Database[Usurped!]
  52. Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements. Vol. 4. Taylor and Francis. 2003. pp. 2550–2551.
  53. "RUSSIAN ROCKET ZIPS 7,760 MILES". El Paso Herald-Post. January 21, 1960. p. 1.
  54. "Hope Fading for Trapped Miners". Oakland Tribune. January 22, 1960. p. 1.
  55. "Tragedy At No. 10". TIME. February 1, 1960. Archived from the original on 8 March 2010.
  56. Brady, B.H.G.; Brown, E.T. (2006). Rock Mechanics For Underground Mining. Springer. p. 484.
  57. "37 Killed in Week's Fourth Plane Disaster". Oakland Tribune. January 21, 1960. p. 1.
  58. "Monkey Rides U.S. Rocket". Pacific Stars and Stripes. January 22, 1960. p. 1.
  59. Burgess, Colin; Dubbs, Chris (2007). Animals in space: from research rockets to the space shuttle. Springer. pp. 177–178.
  60. "Gen. De Gaulle Fires French Algeria Chief", Oakland Tribune, January 22, 1960, p1; "The Test for De Gaulle", TIME Magazine, February 1, 1960
  61. "Sugar Ray Loses!", The Independent (Long Beach, CA), January 23, 1960, p9
  62. "Seven-Mile Ocean Dive Sets Record". Oakland Tribune. January 23, 1960. p. 1.
  63. Weir, Gary E. (2001). An Ocean in Common: American Naval Officers, Scientists, and the Ocean Environment. Texas A & M University Press. pp. 324–325.
  64. The World Almanac, 1961, p157
  65. Gerald L. Curtis, The Japanese Way of Politics (Columbia University Press, 1988), pp22–23
  66. Crowder, Michael (1984). The Cambridge History of Africa. Vol. 8. Cambridge University Press. p. 712.
  67. "Regular Season Records: Points". NBA.com. Archived from the original on 27 May 2012.
  68. "At 33 and 50 G's, Rozelle New NFL Czar in Shocker", Press-Telegram (Long Beach, CA), pD-1
  69. "Burnsville Boy Gets 135 Points In 173–43 Win", Charleston (WV) Gazette, January 27, 1960, p18; Floyd Conner, Basketball's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Hoops' Outrageous Dunkers, Incredible Buzzer-beaters, and Other Oddities (Brassey's, 2001), p52
  70. "Law Enforcement Investigations of Ross". United States Department of Justice Archive. Archived from the original on May 31, 2009. Retrieved July 2, 2013.
  71. Kimie Hara, Japanese-Soviet/Russian Relations Since 1945 (Routledge, 1998), pp 97–98
  72. "Lava Spews Over Dikes-- Ruins Town", Oakland Tribune, January 28, 1960, p1; "Lava Flowing on City's Last 8 Buildings", Tribune, January 30, 1960, p1
  73. "NFL Admits Dallas and Minneapolis-St. Paul, The Post-Standard (Syracuse), January 29, 1960, p14
  74. Pobzeb Vang, Five Principles of Chinese Foreign Policies (AuthorHouse, 2008), p386
  75. World Almanac 1961, p156
  76. "Oakland Wins Pro Football Franchise", Oakland Tribune, January 31, 1960, p1; Ed Gruver, The American Football League: A Year-by-year History, 1960–1969 (McFarland, 1997), pp101–102
  77. Maoz, Zeev (2006). Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security & Foreign Policy. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. p. 240.
  78. Sitkoff, Harvard (1995). The Struggle For Black Equality, 1954–1992. Hill and Wang. pp. 61–62.
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