May 1963

The following events occurred in May 1963:

<< May 1963 >>
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
May 15, 1963: L. Gordon Cooper becomes last Mercury astronaut to go into space
May 4, 1963: Civil rights protesters dispersed in Birmingham, Alabama
May 18, 1963: Sukarno named "President for Life" of Indonesia

May 1, 1963 (Wednesday)

May 2, 1963 (Thursday)

May 3, 1963 (Friday)

May 4, 1963 (Saturday)

  • The sinking of a motor launch on the Nile River drowned more than 185 people in Egypt, nearly all of them Muslim pilgrims who were beginning the journey to Mecca from the city of Maghagha. The boat's capacity was only 80 people, but more than 200 people crowded on board to make the trip. Among the 15 people who survived were the boat's captain, its owner and its conductor, who were all jailed while the matter was investigated.[12]
  • All 55 people on an Air Afrique airliner died when the Douglas DC-6 crashed into Mount Cameroon less than half an hour after takeoff from Douala in Cameroon, bound for Lagos in Nigeria. Blame for the accident was placed on the pilot's decision to descend from 16,500 feet (5,000 m) to 6,500 feet (2,000 m) while flying toward the 13,250-foot (4,040 m) high mountain.[13] One passenger, a U.S. diplomatic courier, initially survived the crash,[14] but would die of his injuries on May 10.[15]
  • A fire at the Le Monde Theater in Diourbel, Senegal, killed 64 people.
  • New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller secretly married his girlfriend, Margaretta "Happy" Murphy, despite being advised that his remarriage, after divorcing the year before, would hurt his chances for the Republican Party nomination for the U.S. presidency.[16] Television comedian Carol Burnett, 28, married television producer Joe Hamilton in a ceremony in Juarez, Mexico, on the same day, after Hamilton had obtained "a quickie Mexican divorce".[17]
  • Police used high-pressure water hoses and police dogs to disperse a crowd of more than 1,000 African-American protesters in Birmingham, Alabama.[18]
  • Died: Dickey Kerr, 69, American baseball pitcher for the Chicago White Sox, praised later for remaining honest during the corrupt Black Sox Scandal in 1919.

May 5, 1963 (Sunday)

  • Celebrations were held in the city of Huế in South Vietnam, to honor the ordination of Ngo Dinh Thuc, elder brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem, as the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Huế. In advance of the event, the President decreed that religious banners could not be displayed above the national flag, a rule that would lead to tragedy at a Buddhist celebration three days later.
  • After 18 years of denial, the Soviet Union confirmed that it had recovered and identified the burned remains of Adolf Hitler on April 30, 1945.[19] Marshal Vasily Sokolovsky, the Chief of Operations during the Battle of Berlin, publicly disclosed the details to American researcher Cornelius Ryan and allowed him unprecedented access to classified documents, and allowed him and English historian John Erickson to interview fifty top-ranking officials. Sokolovsky told Ryan, "You should be informed that the Soviet Union officially regards Hitler as dead." Previously, the official Soviet position had been that of the Soviet commander, Georgy Zhukov, who had said, "We have found no body definitely identified as Hitler's. For all we know, he may be in Spain or Argentina."
  • The 4th Pan American Games drew to a close in São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Graduate student Beverly Samans, 23, became the tenth murder victim of Albert DeSalvo. Unlike the first nine Boston Strangler victims, Samans was stabbed repeatedly, although he repeated his modus operandi of strangling a woman with her own stocking.[20] Her body would be discovered three days later.[21]
  • NASA awarded a $6,700,000 contract to North American Aviation for the Paraglider Landing System Program, intended to allow NASA spacecraft to come down on land rather than splashing down at sea. The final contract would be completed on September 25.[6]
  • Born: Kimiyasu Kudō, former Japanese professional baseball pitcher and manager; in Nagoya City

May 6, 1963 (Monday)

May 7, 1963 (Tuesday)

May 8, 1963 (Wednesday)

May 9, 1963 (Thursday)

  • After the first six attempts at a successful launch of the MIDAS (Missile Defense Alarm System) satellite failed, MIDAS 7 was successfully placed into a polar orbit. During the first three years of attempts, three satellites failed to reach orbit, while the other three suffered power failures. MIDAS 7 would operate for 47 days and would detect nine Soviet missile launches.[29]
  • Testing of the Gemini parachute recovery system began at El Centro, California, as a welded steel mock-up of the Gemini reentry section was dropped from a C-130 aircraft at 20,000 feet (6,100 m) to duplicate dynamic pressure and altitude at which actual spacecraft recovery would be initiated. The main problem, parachute tucking (which had appeared to be resolved earlier) recurred in two drops and the Gemini Project Office would suspend testing until the condition could be corrected. Qualification testing resumed August 8.[6]
  • The 1963 Cannes Film Festival opened.

May 10, 1963 (Friday)

  • A settlement was reached between the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the leading business owners of Birmingham, Alabama, with the SCLC agreeing to call off its boycott of local retailers, who in return "agreed to desegregate lunch counters, rest rooms, fitting rooms and drinking fountains" and to hire more African-Americans for sales and clerical jobs.[30]
  • Author Maurice Sendak, working on his first book for children, made the decision to abandon his original title, Where the Wild Horses Are, after concluding that horses were too difficult to draw, and changed the characters in the book to friendly monsters. The book, Where the Wild Things Are, would become a Caldecott Medal winning bestseller and launch Sendak's career.[31]
  • Born: Sławomir Skrzypek, Polish financier; in Katowice (killed in the plane crash, 2010)
  • Died:

May 11, 1963 (Saturday)

May 12, 1963 (Sunday)

May 13, 1963 (Monday)

  • The U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of Brady v. Maryland, setting the principle that in before trial in a criminal case, the prosecution disclose any exculpatory evidence (which might exonerate the defendant) to the defense team. Named for accused killer John Leo Brady, the "Brady disclosure" is now a requirement for prosecutors. Brady, who had been sentenced to death in the original 1958 case, would be afforded a new trial, resulting in a sentence of life imprisonment, from which he would eventually be paroled.[37]
  • The comic strip Modesty Blaise made its debut in England as part of the Evening Standard of London.[38]
  • A smallpox outbreak was first detected in Stockholm in Sweden and would not be under control until July.

May 14, 1963 (Tuesday)

  • The scheduled launch of Mercury 9 was halted after the countdown had reached T-60 minutes, because of difficulty in the fuel pump of the diesel engine that would pull the gantry away during liftoff. After a delay of more than two hours for repairs, countdown resumed but was halted again at T-13 minutes, when the Bermuda tracking station reported a failure of a computer converter important in the orbital insertion decision, forcing the launch to be scrubbed. At 6:00 p.m. local time, MSC's Walter C. Williams reported that the Bermuda equipment had been repaired, and the launch was rescheduled for the next day.[33]
  • The Rolling Stones signed their first recording contract, after talent scout Dick Rowe asked them to audition for Decca Records.[39]
  • In Denmark, the Frederick IX Bridge was officially opened, spanning the Guldborgsund strait between the islands of Falster and Lolland.
  • Kuwait became the 111th member of the United Nations, over the objections of Iraq.
  • The new office of Parliamentary Secretary was created in the Canadian government.

May 15, 1963 (Wednesday)

May 15, 1963: Gordon Cooper leaves transfer van at launchpad
  • At 8:04 a.m. at (1304 UTC), NASA launched Mercury 9 from Cape Canaveral, with astronaut L. Gordon Cooper in the capsule designated Faith 7. Cooper's 22-orbit mission was the last for the Mercury program. Cooper entered the spacecraft at 5:33 a.m. (1033 UTC) for an 8:00 launch, and took a brief nap while awaiting liftoff. At T minus 11 minutes and 30 seconds the countdown was halted for a problem in the guidance equipment, and another hold was called at T-0:19 to determine whether automatic sequencing was working. Liftoff happened four minutes after the original time, and visual tracking was possible for two minutes.[33][40]
Five minutes after liftoff at 8:09 a.m., Faith 7 was inserted into an orbit that ranged from 100.2 miles (161.3 km) to 165.9 miles (267.0 km) above the Earth and reached a maximum orbital speed of 17,546.6 miles per hour (28,238.5 km/h). Temperatures inside the capsule ranged from 92 °F (33 °C) to 109 °F (43 °C), uncomfortable but tolerable, before cooling down. During his third orbit, Cooper became the first human to launch an object (the beacon) from an orbiting spacecraft. Cooper was able to see the flashing beacon on the night side of the fourth orbit.[33][40]

May 16, 1963 (Thursday)

May 16, 1963: Gordon Cooper inside Faith 7 aboard carrier USS Kearsarge
  • Astronaut Gordon Cooper returned to Earth safely after making 22 orbits and traveling 546,167 miles (878,971 km) in the Faith 7 capsule. During reentry operation, Cooper fired the retrorockets manually and attained the proper re-entry attitude by using his observation window scribe marks to give proper reference with the horizon and to determine if he were rolling. From the command ship in the Pacific Ocean off the Japanese coast, John Glenn advised Cooper when to jettison the retropack. The main chute deployed at 11,000 feet (3,400 m). Faith 7 splashed down 7,000 yards (6,400 m) from the prime recovery ship, USS Kearsarge (CV-33), at 2323 UTC after 34 hours, 19 minutes, and 49 seconds in space flight.[33][42][43]
  • Died: Oleg Penkovsky, 44, formerly a Soviet Army colonel and spy, was executed five days after being sentenced to death by a military tribunal for passing secrets to the United States and the United Kingdom.[44]

May 17, 1963 (Friday)

  • Challenger Bruno Sammartino faced champion Buddy Rogers of the World Wide Wrestling Federation (now WWE) in a professional wrestling match at New York's Madison Square Garden. Sammartino, using his signature move, "the Italian backbreaker", defeated Rogers in only 48 seconds, and would reign as the WWWF champion for the next eight years.[45]
  • A U.S. Army OH-23 helicopter with two men on board, Captains Ben W. Stutts and Charleton W. Voltz, was shot down by North Korean ground forces after straying north of the Demilitarized Zone.[46] The two men would be freed, after 365 days of imprisonment, on May 16, 1964, following the United Nations Command agreeing to sign a statement that Stutts and Voltz had committed espionage. North Korea declined to return the helicopter.[47][48]

May 18, 1963 (Saturday)

  • Sukarno (sometimes referred to as Ahmed Sukarno) was named as President for Life of Indonesia. Sukarno, who had ruled since 1945, would serve for another four years before being deposed, and would spend the rest of his life afterward under house arrest, dying on June 21, 1970.[49]
  • An accident killed 27 people, 12 of them children, who all drowned when their bus they were on was sideswiped by a passing pickup truck, and plunged into the 16-foot (4.9 m) deep Hillsboro Canal near Belle Glade, Florida.[50] Only the driver and 14 people survived. The victims were African-American farm laborers and their families, on their way home from a day of work of harvesting beans at the Kirchman Brothers Farm.[51]
  • Rocketdyne successfully tested a 25-pound-force (110 N) thrust chamber assembly (TCA) for the Gemini reentry control system. The development of a suitable ablative thrust chamber, however, remained a major problem, and testing was incomplete. Rocketdyne was already three months late in delivering TCA hardware to McDonnell, and completion of testing took three months longer than predicted.[6]
  • Died: Ernie Davis, 23, African-American football star who won the 1961 Heisman Trophy at Syracuse University, died of leukemia. He had been diagnosed after signing with the NFL's Cleveland Browns

May 19, 1963 (Sunday)

  • British driver Bob Anderson won the 1963 Rome Grand Prix.
  • Astronaut Gordon Cooper appeared at a national televised press conference to answer questions about the Mercury 9 mission. During the flight, he had seen the haze layer previously reported by Wally Schirra of Mercury 8 and John Glenn's "fireflies" seen on Mercury 6. Cooper's most astonishing revelation was his ability visually to distinguish objects on the earth, including an African town where the flashing light experiment was conducted; several Australian cities including large oil refineries at Perth; and wisps of smoke from rural houses in Asia. At the same conference, Dr. Robert C. Seamans said that a Mercury 10 flight was "quite unlikely."[33]

May 20, 1963 (Monday)

  • Tigran Petrosian won the World Chess Championship, defeating fellow Soviet grandmaster and world champion Mikhail Botvinnik, 12+12 to 9+12, to win the match after 22 games. Play on March 23 in Moscow. Under the rules, Petrosian's five wins (worth one point each) and 15 draws (12 point each) brought him to 12+12 points first to win the series.[52]
  • African-American civil rights activist Medgar Evers went on the air on the WLBT-TV News in Jackson, Mississippi, to deliver an editorial in favor of integration and civil rights. WLBT allowed the unprecedented use of its airtime after pressure from the Federal Communications Commission to permit a response to segregationists. Evers would be murdered at his home three weeks later, on June 12.[53]
  • The Dutch Wonderland Family Amusement Park was opened by potato broker Earl Clark opened near Lancaster, Pennsylvania.[54]
  • The members of NASA Astronaut Group 2 completed a zero-gravity indoctrination program at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, in a modified KC-135 aircraft which carried the astronauts on two flights each. Each flight included 20 zero-gravity parabolas, each lasting 30 seconds.[6]

May 21, 1963 (Tuesday)

President Shazar

May 22, 1963 (Wednesday)

May 23, 1963 (Thursday)

May 24, 1963 (Friday)

  • The New York Journal-American reported in a copyrighted story that NASA had revealed in a closed session of a congressional subcommittee that there had been five fatalities in the Soviet cosmonaut program, all of which had been covered up. According to the source, Serenty Shiborin had been the first man in space, launched in February 1959 and was "never heard of again after 28 minutes when the signals went dead". Other failed launches were said to have been Piotr Dolgov on October 11, 1960; Vassilievitch Zowodovsky in April 1961; and two persons, possibly a man and a woman, launched together on May 17, 1961.[59] Alexei Adzhubei, the editor of the newspaper Izvestia and the son-in-law of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, denied the reports of four of the five deaths in the newspaper's May 27 edition, saying that the people had been "technicians working on space equipment" and that two of them were still alive, although no denial was made about the alleged 1959 death of Siborin.[60]
  • U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy invited James Baldwin and other Black leaders to discuss race relations at his apartment in Manhattan. The turbulent meeting gained wide publicity and had a significant impact on Kennedy.[61][62]
  • Project Emily ended in the UK as the last squadron of Thor nuclear missile stations, located at RAF Hemswell, was disbanded.
  • Born: Michael Chabon, American novelist (The Mysteries of Pittsburgh), in Washington, D.C.
  • Died: Elmore James, 45, American blues musician, of a heart attack

May 25, 1963 (Saturday)

May 26, 1963 (Sunday)

May 27, 1963 (Monday)

  • Columbia Records released The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, singer-songwriter Bob Dylan's second and most influential studio album, which opened with the song "Blowin' in the Wind".
  • North American began testing the half-scale two test vehicle (HSTTV) for the Paraglider Landing System Program to investigate paraglider liftoff characteristics, helicopter tow techniques, and the effects of wind-bending during high-speed tows.[6]
  • Died: Grigoris Lambrakis, 50, Greek politician, physician and Olympic athlete, died five days after being attacked.[57] More than 500,000 people attended his funeral the next day and marched in protest against Greece's right-wing government.[57]

May 28, 1963 (Tuesday)

  • A cyclone killed 22,000 people in and around the city of Comilla in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).[70][71] Winds as high as 150 miles per hour (240 km/h) ripped the countryside, and "the many offshore islands were literally swept clean of people";[72] Chittagong and Cox's Bazar lost 5,000 people each, and waves were powerful enough to send ships 0.5 miles (0.80 km) inland, including four ocean liners.
  • Born: Gavin Harrison, British drummer, in Harrow
  • Died: Klaus Clusius, 60, German physical chemist

May 29, 1963 (Wednesday)

  • On the 50th anniversary of its stormy première, The Rite of Spring was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by 88-year-old Pierre Monteux at the Royal Albert Hall. The composer, 81-year-old Igor Stravinsky, was in the audience as an honored guest.
  • The U.S. Department of Defense submitted its report on the Mercury 9 mission.[33]
  • Titan II flight N-20, the 19th in the series of Air Force research and development flights, failed 55 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral and yielded no data. The U.S. Air Force announced that no further Titan II development flights would carry the POGO fix, but the decision was reversed and POGO fix was flown again on Titan II flight N-25 and two later flights.[6]
  • The vertical test facility (VTF) at Martin-Baltimore was activated with a 165-foot (50 m) tower and an adjacent three-story blockhouse with ground equipment similar to that used at NASA's Complex 19. After systems tests concluded, the launch vehicle was presented to the U.S. Air Force for acceptance.[6]
  • Jim Reeves was welcomed to Ireland by show band singers Maisie McDaniel and Dermot O'Brien, at the start of his tour of Ireland, and conducted a week-long tour of U.S. military bases in England.
  • Born:
  • Died: Vissarion Shebalin, 61, Soviet classical composer

May 30, 1963 (Thursday)

May 31, 1963 (Friday)


  1. "Indonesia Takes Over Half Island". Miami News. May 1, 1963. p. 4A.
  2. "Yank Team On Top Of The World". Miami News. May 2, 1963. p. 1.
  3. "Conquest Of Everest Led By Sherpa Guide". Miami News. May 3, 1963. p. 1.
  4. "Churchill Quitting Politics". Miami News. May 2, 1963. p. 1.
  5. "Nixon Moving To New York". Miami News. May 2, 1963. p. 1.
  6. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Grimwood, James M.; Hacker, Barton C.; Vorzimmer, Peter J. "PART II (A) Development and Qualification January 1963 through December 1963". Project Gemini Technology and Operations - A Chronology. NASA Special Publication-4002. NASA. Retrieved 22 February 2023.
  7. "Alabama Children Jam Jails". Miami News. May 7, 1963. p. 1 via Google News.
  8. Murray, Michael D., ed. (1999). "Civil Rights Coverage". The Encyclopedia of Television News. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 45.
  9. "31 Dead In Brazil Air Crash". Detroit Free Press. May 4, 1963. p. 1.
  10. "Accident description PP-CDW." Aviation Safety Network.
  11. "New Townsite — Condingup (per 484/60)". Western Australia Government Gazette. 3 May 1963. p. 1963:1182.
  12. "185 Drown In Nile As Boat Sinks". Miami News. May 5, 1963. p. 1.
  13. Aviation Safety Network
  14. "54 Killed Die as African Plane Hits Mountain; Report U.S. Courier Survives Crash". Chicago Tribune. May 6, 1963. p. 2.
  15. "Injuries Fatal To U.S. Courier". New York Daily News. May 11, 1963. p. 10.
  16. "Rocky's Bridey Murphy!". Miami News. May 5, 1963. p. 1.
  17. "Carol Burnett Marries". Miami News. May 5, 1963. p. 1.
  18. "1,000 Negroes Defy Alabama Police In Wild Protest". Miami News. May 5, 1963. p. 1.
  19. Shapiro, Henry (May 6, 1963). "Russians Admit They Recovered Hitler's Body". Bridgeport Telegram. Bridgeport, Connecticut. UPI. p. 1.
  20. Vronsky, Peter (2004). Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters. Penguin. ISBN 0-425-19640-2.
  21. "Ninth Victim Found Slain". San Antonio Express. May 9, 1963. p. 7A.
  22. Russin, Joseph M.; Weil, Andrew T. (January 24, 1973). "The Crimson Takes Leary, Alpert to Task". The Harvard Crimson.
  23. Gray, Jeremy. "Dick Gregory among hundreds arrested; Bull Connor had jail built at state fairgrounds". The Birmingham News. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  24. Godara, Lal Chand (2001). Handbook of Antennas in Wireless Communications. CRC Press. p. 2-2.
  25. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 38. Oxford University Press. 2004. pp. 215–216. ISBN 0-19-861388-1.
  27. L. Shelton Woods, Vietnam: A Global Studies Handbook (ABC-CLIO, 2002) pp. 150-151.
  28. "History of CVS Corporation". FundingUniverse. Retrieved September 5, 2013.
  29. Boyne, Walter J., ed. (2002). "Defense Support Program (DSP) and Missile Detection". Air Warfare: An International Encyclopedia. Vol. Two. ABC-CLIO. pp. 170–171.
  30. James Waller, Prejudice Across America (University Press of Mississippi, 2000), p. 187.
  31. Claudette Hegel, Newbery and Caldecott: Trivia and More for Every Day of the Year (Libraries Unlimited, 2000), p. 45.
  32. "U.S., Canada Agree on A-Weapons", Miami News, May 12, 1963, p. 1.
  33. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Grimwood, James M. "PART III (B) Operational Phase of Project Mercury June 1962 through June 12, 1963". Project Mercury - A Chronology. NASA Special Publication-4001. NASA. Retrieved 17 February 2023.
  34. "Television Is the 'American Timid Giant'". El Paso Herald Post. May 15, 1963. p. A10.
  35. Epstein, Daniel Mark (2011). The Ballad of Bob Dylan: A Portrait. HarperCollins.
  36. Nakamura, Ken (2010-03-05). "Course record in jeopardy at Lake Biwa Marathon? - Preview". IAAF. Retrieved 2010-03-08.
  37. "E. Clinton Bamberger Jr., lawyer who won 'Brady rule' for criminal defendants, dies at 90", by Emily Langer, The Washington Post, February 18, 2017
  38. "O'Donnell, Peter", in Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers, Lee Server, ed. (Infobase Publishing, 2009) p. 201.
  39. Forget, Thomas (2002). Rock & Roll Hall of Famers: The Rolling Stones. Rosen Publishing Group. p. 13.
  40. "We Fly Coop!". Miami News. May 15, 1963. p. 1 via Google News.
  41. Hellmich, Nanci (April 29, 2015). "Late Weight Watchers founder: Food isn't 'remedy' for problems". USA TODAY.
  42. "Cooper Splashdown Perfect, Navigates Re-Entry Manually". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. May 17, 1963. p. 1.
  43. Burrows, William E. (1999). This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age. Random House Digital. p. 343.
  44. Wallace, Robert; et al. (2008). Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs from Communism to Al-Qaeda. Penguin. p. 31.
  45. Sullivan, Kevin (2010). The WWE Championship: A Look Back at the Rich History of the WWE Championship. Simon & Schuster. p. 10.
  46. "Korean Reds Shoot Down U.S. Copter". Miami News. May 17, 1963. p. 1.
  47. "Korean Reds Release Two U. S. Pilots". Tucson Daily Citizen. Tucson, Arizona. May 16, 1964. p. 1.
  48. Downs, Chuck (1999). Over the Line: North Korea's Negotiating Strategy. American Enterprise Institute. pp. 112–113.
  49. Jessup, John E., ed. (1998). "Sukarno, Achmed". An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 1945-1996. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 701–703.
  50. Miller, Gene (May 19, 1963). "27 Die as Bus Skids Into Canal". Miami Herald. p. 1.
  51. Tucker, William; MacLeese, Alan (May 19, 1963). "Bus Plunges Into Canal And 27 Die". Miami News. p. 1.
  52. "History of the World Chess Championship: Botvinnik vs Petrosian 1963".
  53. Hilmes, Michele (2010). Only Connect: A Cultural History of Broadcasting in the United States. Cengage Learning. p. 269.
  54. Futrell, Jim (2002). Amusement Parks of Pennsylvania. Stackpole Books. pp. 171–172.
  55. "Israel Elects Russ-Born Zalman Shazar President". Tucson Daily Citizen. Tucson, Arizona. May 21, 1963. p. 1.
  56. Taylor, John (2010). Into the Heart of European Poetry. Transaction Publishers. p. 161.
  57. "Grigorios Lamprakis". Olympedia. OlyMADMen. Retrieved 22 February 2023.
  58. Walker, James A.; et al. (2003). Seize the High Ground: The Army in Space and Missile Defense. Government Printing Office. p. 47.
  59. "Russian Deaths in Space". Miami News. May 24, 1963. p. 1.
  60. "Reds Deny Four Died In Space". Miami News. May 28, 1963. p. 1.
  61. "Negroes shocked by Robert Kennedy's 'naivete'". The Washington Post. May 25, 1963. ProQuest 142063136. Retrieved May 21, 2013 via ProQuest.
  62. "Robert Kennedy Fails to Sway Negroes at Secret Talks Here". The New York Times. May 26, 1963. Retrieved May 21, 2013 via ProQuest.
  63. "The United States Of Africa — A Plan". Miami News. May 26, 1963. p. 1.
  64. du Plessis, Max (2006). "The African Union". International Law: A South African Perspective. Kluwer. p. 546.
  65. "Aldo Moro Next Chief Of Italy". Miami News. May 26, 1963. p. 1.
  66. Daves, Jim; Porter, W. Thomas (2001). The Glory of Washington: The People and Events That Shaped Husky Athletic Tradition. Sports Publishing LLC. p. 189.
  67. "Kenya: 1963 House of Representatives election results" Electoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in Africa
  68. Thomas P. Grazulis, The Tornado: Nature's Ultimate Windstorm (University of Oklahoma Press, 2003) pp. 33-34.
  69. Rizwan Hussain, Pakistan And The Emergence Of Islamic Militancy In Afghanistan (Ashgate Publishing, 2005) p. 73.
  70. "22,000 Dead After Cyclone". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. June 3, 1963. p. 1.
  71. Longshore, David, ed. (2009). "Bangladesh". Encyclopedia of Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones. Infobase Publishing. p. 39.
  72. Nash, Jay Robert (1976). Darkest Hours. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 162–163.
  73. "New Low Calorie Tab Goes on Market Soon", Thomasville (NC) Times Enterprise May 30, 1963, p. 8; Advertising began in the June 6 issues of some newspapers, including the Arlington Heights (IL) Herald, where the beverage was promoted as a substitute for cola in mixed drinks.
  74. "Parnelli Jones Stunned, Dazed And Lot Richer", Miami News, May 31, 1963, p. 1C.
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