part-time (not comparable)
Alternative forms
Derived terms
involving less than the normal time
- (Cantonese) part-time job (Classifier: 份)
- 唔係呀,唔係噉㗎,我想請你做part-time㗎咋! [Cantonese, trad.]
- From: WORKING!!無聊西餐廳 (Wagnaria!!), episode 1
- M4 hai6 aa3, m4 hai6 gam2 gaa3, ngo5 soeng2 ceng2 nei5 zou6 paat1 taai1 gaa3 zaa3! [Jyutping]
- No, you've got me all wrong, I just want to ask if you'd like to take on a part-time job!
唔系呀,唔系噉㗎,我想请你做part-time㗎咋! [Cantonese, simp.]- 航空公司應該請乘客喺飛機上做下part-time,飛十幾個鐘冇嘢做,真係好悶。 [Cantonese, trad.]
- From: 2015, 花邊空姐 (fabincrew, pseudonym), 空姐飛常咁多事, page 102
- Hong4 hung1 gung1 si1 jing1 goi1 ceng2 sing4 haak3 hai2 fei1 gei1 soeng6 zou6 haa5 paat1 taai1, fei1 sap6 gei2 go3 zung1 mou5 je5 zou6, zan1 hai6 hou2 mun6. [Jyutping]
- The airline should hire passengers to work part-time on the plane. It's really boring to fly for more than ten hours without anything to do.
航空公司应该请乘客喺飞机上做下part-time,飞十几个钟冇嘢做,真系好闷。 [Cantonese, simp.]- 先是因為一些小事而被公司解僱,接着好不容易在便利店找到份Part-time,結果竟然因為被投訴成日找錯錢,老闆一氣之下把他辭退,最後連同居了五年的女朋友亦因為一腳踏兩船而分手! [Cantonese, trad.]
- From: 2016, 超媒體編輯組, 香港盂蘭夜話, page 75
- Sin1 si6 jan1 wai6 jat1 se1 siu2 si6 ji4 bei6 gung1 si1 gaai2 gu3, zip3 zoek6 hou2 bat1 jung4 ji6 zoi6 bin6 lei6 dim3 zaau2 dou3 fan6 paat1 taai1, git3 gwo2 ging2 jin4 jan1 wai6 bei6 tau4 sou3 seng4 jat6 zaau2 co3 cin4-2, lou5 baan2 jat1 hei3 zi1 haa6 baa2 taa1 ci4 teoi3, zeoi3 hau6 lin4 tung4 geoi1 liu5 ng5 nin4 dik1 neoi5 pang4 jau5 jik6 jan1 wai6 jat1 goek3 daap6 loeng5 syun4 ji4 fan1 sau2! [Jyutping]
- First, he was fired by his company for something trivial. Then, after finding a part-time job with much difficulty, because someone complained that he keeps giving back the wrong change, his boss fired him in a fury. In the end, he even broke up with his girlfriend who was living together with him for five years because of two-timing.
先是因为一些小事而被公司解雇,接着好不容易在便利店找到份Part-time,结果竟然因为被投诉成日找错钱,老板一气之下把他辞退,最后连同居了五年的女朋友亦因为一脚踏两船而分手! [Cantonese, simp.]
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